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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 785: Time to Go
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Krune passed the next few days in the Divine Path Sect with Feifei. At some point, Feifei's parents also came to visit before leaving again. Eventually, a new Spatial Gate appeared outside the Divine Path Sect's planet, and Tixan came out.

At the very next moment, h already teleported down into the sect where Lani was staying.

"Alright, I'm back."

Lani sighed before saying.

"Can't you at least announce your presence? How can you just go entering other people's houses like that? That's not right."

Tixan shrugged his shoulders as he looked around.

"Leaving that aside, where's the wisp? I brought his Ownerless Heavenly Fragment."

Lani spread his Divine Sense around the sect and quickly found Krune cultivating with Feifei in his room.

'Krune, Tixan is calling you over.'

Krune opened his eyes and nodded. After telling Feifei what happened, he teleported beside Lani's hut.

"Grandmaster, I'm here."


As Krune entered the hut, Lani looked at Tixan.

"See? That's how you do it."

Not understanding anything, Krune looked at Tixan and Lani.

"Ahem... here are your Ownerless Heavenly Fragments."

Krune and Lani were taken aback.

"Fragments? There's more than one?"

Tixan laughed in response.

"Hahaha! I told you I have a huge debt to pay, didn't I? I decided that I might as well get more than one. Here, take these three. I hope they're enough for you. It's just that I don't know which type they are, so I can't tell if they'll fit yours."

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Krune took a deep breath and held all three fragments in his hands. Even if they weren't good for him, they might still be useful for Feifei. Even if Feifei already had them, he can also offer the fragments to Lia, the Mountain girl.

"Try it out. You just need the Destiny Fragment now."

Krune nodded and quickly sat down before trying to absorb the very first one. The process went smooth until finally, the fragment was repelled away by the Space Fragment inside Krune's Foundation.

"I already have this one. It's a Space Heavenly Fragment."

Krune then tried the next one, which turned out to be a Yang Heavenly Fragment. Krune wasn't sad, though. That's because Feifei needed both fragments. With that, she would only need the Elemental and Time Heavenly Fragments to complete her own Heavenly Core.

Krune quickly put those Heavenly Fragments away and went for the last one. Once again, the entire process went smoothly. However, it was at this moment that Tixan smiled.

"Congratulations. You now have a Heavenly Core."

Krune was taken aback. Didn't he say he didn't know which Heavenly Fragments these were? However, Krune didn't have time to ask that as the Heavenly Fragment turned out to be a Destiny Havenly Fragment, the very last one he needed.

The fragment fought back as always, trying to reject Krune's Fragments. However, it also lost the battle since it didn't have its Universe's support anymore.

The Heavenly Fragments turned into a liquid as they fused together. At the very moment that happened, Krune's Element Divine Soul shone brightly. At that moment, everyone at the Divinity Realm in Luvile Universe felt the shift in the Laws.

The Universe recognized the appearance of a new Heavenly Core as the laws flowed into the Divine Path Sect's planet. The Sacred Lands' leaders immediately understood what was happening since they had old records of previous Heavenly Fragment Owners.

"From the direction it's originating, it's the Divine Path Sect."

"Sigh... With the Wisp God's support, it's no wonder he could do that."

"I wonder just how much he paid to get the Ownerless Heavenly Fragments."

There were a few other people who also noticed the appearance of a new Heavenly Core in the Luvile Universe, the other Heavenly Fragment Owners. Lia, Feifei, and Askol. All three of them looked in the direction where Krune was located. Even without anyone telling them, they subconsciously knew what happened.

Feifei smiled as she got up and teleported away. She wanted to see that change with her own eyes. Soon, Feifei and a few other elders at the Divinity Realm arrived outside Lani's hut. However, only Lucio and Feifei entered it as the rest stayed outside.

At the moment, Krune was in a trance as his new Heavenly Core accepted the intervention of the Luvile Universe. All laws rushed into his Wisp Core, quickly entering his Divine Soul and Heavenly Core. Other than that, Krune's cultivation also began to go up.

The process took almost an hour to be over. In the end, the laws went back to normal, as if nothing had happened before. However, other than the new Heavenly Core, Krune had also advanced one stage, now in the 5th Stage of the Divinity Realm.

"Phew... It's finally over."

It was then that he noticed Feifei and Lucio were there as well. Feifei quickly came forward before giving him a kiss.


He smiled as he looked at her. After that, he looked at his Master and Grandmaster, who were also smiling at him. Finally, he looked at Tixan before he asked.

"Senior Tixan, didn't you say you didn't know which types these Heavenly Fragments were?"

Tixan laughed in response as he said.

"I lied. I wanted to see your surprise when you found out I got the exact fragment you needed."

Krune couldn't help but ask.

"In that case, wouldn't it be better if you brought the Destiny Heavenly Fragment alone?"

Tixan nodded.

"True. The problem was that I got the previous two before finding out about the third one. By the time the guy told me it was a Destiny Heavenly Fragment, I already paid for the others, so I could only bring them with me."

"I see... If senior desires, I can pay for these two other fragments. My wife still needs them."

Feifei was surprised to hear that.

"Aren't they repelled ones?"

Krune shook his head in response.

"No, they're Space and Yang Heavenly Fragments. You still need both of them, right?"

Feifei nodded happily.

Tixan, on the other hand, simply shook his head.

"It's fine. This isn't even close to paying the debt I owe you for fixing my sword."

Krune didn't insist.

"If you say so."

Lucio also asked something.

"How does it feel to have a full Heavenly Core?"

Krune pondered for a bit about that question.

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"Well, it isn't too different from having an Elemental Divine Soul. You know how it makes it easier for us to comprehend the five primary laws, right? It's basically the same thing. I can now feel the presence of all laws of the worlds really easily."

"However, there's a difference. The way I could interact with the laws before and now is totally different. Before, I manipulated the laws to work in my favor. Now, the laws move as I wish. It feels like second nature to me. It's incredibly fascinating."

Krune then extended his hand and called forth the five primary elements and laws. They immediately fused, turning into the Black Fused Element. However, Lani and Lucio could immediately tell. That wasn't the Advanced Stage of the Elements Regulation Technique anymore, but the culmination!

"This... Did the Heavenly Core allow you to finish comprehending the Elements Regulation Technique?"

Krune nodded.

"It helped me to understand the last step I needed for it. If not for the Heavenly Core formation, I would take many years to do it. Of course, there's one more reason that I'm sure you understand."

Obviously, Krune was talking about Soren's Soul Cultivation Technique. Part of the requirements to enter the Soul Source Realm was to perfectly fuse the five elements and laws. Thanks to that, it was even easier for Krune to reach this step. Now he only needed to use Mental Energy and Fused Element to create his own Mental Energy Source. Once that happened, he would be officially in the next Soul Realm.

Lucio, Lani, and Feifei nodded. In Lucio and Lani's case, they could try and create a Mental Energy Source already. Even though they followed a different path, it was true that they can also perfectly fuse the five elements. The only reason they haven't tried it yet is that it also meant giving up reincarnation. They weren't sure if they would go to the next step or not.

Seeing that Krune was fine, Lani sent a Divine Sense message to the elders outside, telling them to prepare.

"Alright, it's time."

Tixan looked at Lani and nodded.

"Indeed. With this, I don't have anything else to deal with in the Mortal Realm anymore."

Krune, Feifei, and Lucio were taken aback.

"Master, are you going to ascend now?"

Lani nodded.

"There's no need for me to stay in the Mortal Realm anymore either. I spent thousands of years here. However, the elders, Krune, and you are more than enough to take care of it."

Krune and Lucio sighed but nodded nonetheless. With the way the Divine Path Sect was growing, they could already stand on their own without Lani holding the fort.

"Have a safe trip, Master."

"Have a safe trip, Grandmaster."

Feifei wasn't part of the Divine Path Sect, so she didn't say anything and only sent Lani off.

"Have a safe trip, Senior Lani."

The elders quickly sent a Divine Sense message to the entire sect, telling that their Ancestor was now going through his Ascension Tribulation. They also disclosed the place where Lani would pass through it. Of course, only those capable of opening Spatial Gates would be able to come and see.

Somewhere else in the Divine Path Sect territory, many Spatial Gates opened one after another. Naturally, Lani's group was one of them. It was time to go.