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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 718: Dalin's Situation
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The guy tried to use his Space Laws to run, but it proved to be even more useless. Krune's Purple Tribulation Lightning ate away those laws, and it continued its pursuit. Finally, he was hit head-on!


Well, although he was unlucky to provoke Krune, he was also at the same time lucky that it was Krune. He became heavily injured, but Krune didn't kill or destroyed his cultivation. As long as he spent some time healing, he would come back to normal.

His companions who were looking with their Divine Senses were taken aback by that. Immediately, they shot forward, trying to stop Krune. Well, there wasn't really a need for that since Krune didn't pursue the guy anyway.

Still, they were nervous. Krune just defeated one of them with a single move. Not to mention that the one who attacked Krune was the strongest between them.

"Who are you? Are you with our Home Alliance or the Retaking one?"

Krune showed a puzzled expression.

"Retaking Alliance? Home Alliance? What are those?"

As soon as he asked that, another group of Divinity Realm cultivators and demon beasts appeared. They were the ones fighting on the opposite side.

"Hahaha! We finally got reinforcements! Thank you, friend. Let's get rid of them while they are at a disadvantage."

The guys from the Home Alliance grimaced as the enemies took the chance to strike. With Krune on their side, they simply stood no chance whatsoever. However, just as they were about to flee, something unexpected happened.



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This time, Krune attacked the so-called Retaking Alliance's strongest member, a 7th Stage Divinity Realm Demon Beast.


Just like the Home Alliance guy, this one did not have the ability to fight anymore. Well, Krune left him in the same state as the first one, though.

As soon as that happened, the Retaking Alliance stopped their attack as well.

"Fuck! Isn't he on our side? Why is he attacking us as well?"

Both groups then maintain their distance from Krune. No one dared to attack someone who could defeat their leaders with a single move.

Krune scratched the back of his head before saying.

"Sorry. It seemed like I affected the balance of this battle. Since I have no idea who is wrong or right, I might as well return the equilibrium. Anyway, I was planning to leave without getting involved in this thing. But now that things reached this point, why don't you tell me what is happening here?"

Everyone was taken aback by those words. How come there was a Divinity Realm Demon Beast who doesn't know about the recent events? It was then that one of the guys finally recognized that rainbow hair and face.

"Wait! I know you! You are that wisp from the last Heavenly Competition! Krune, right? I saw you in the multi-universal transmission of the event."

Everyone else felt like being hit by lightning! Almost no Divinity Realm cultivator or demon beast lost the last Heavenly Competition transmission. Obviously, they immediately remembered Krune's face once that guy mentioned it. After all, It had been only around 150 years since Krune disappeared. Still, how did he cultivate all the way to the Divinity Realm so fast? Also, how did he become so strong like that?

"Oh! You know me? Then things will be faster since I don't need to identify myself. I'm with the wisp race. I just came back a few seconds ago and got attacked by this guy for whatever reason. I can see with my Divine Sense that wars are happening everywhere. Why is that?"

They finally understood that Krune really seemed to not know anything. It was also a fact that Krune and Iem had really disappeared during that time. Well, if not because Krune was that strong, they would simply capture him. In the end, one guy of the Retaking Alliance stepped forward to explain.

"Well, it started 11 years ago. The Dalin Protection Formation core was attacked by an unknown group. At first, everyone thought that they were crazy. After all, that was the same as buying a fight against all the Universes that control Dalin. Not to mention that the Dalin Protection Formation wouldn't be able to keep the other universes outside if they joined hands to destroy the formation. The formation had always been there just to prevent illegal entrance. It wasn't omnipotent or anything like that."

"However, no one knew what they did to the Core of the Formation that it suddenly increased the power of the Dalin Protection Formation by a ridiculous degree. Even after using their full power, the Divinity Realm Experts outside couldn't even budge the formation, let alone open it to enter."

"Later on, we found out that it had always been a plan from a clan called Frunkan. We don't know how, but they gathered almost all the experts born in the Dalin Universe and even got rid of the Soul Mark. Now, a war started between the remnant forces and the home ones. As you can imagine, the Retaking Alliance and the Home Alliance."

Krune immediately found a problem with this story. He knew very well how the Protection Formation got strong enough to prevent the outside experts from entering anymore. That was definitely because the Formation Core was changed into the Godly Energy Dimensional Sphere, Little Art's God-Level Equipment.

However, according to what he knew, Little Arty would take several decades or most likely over a hundred years to move his soul out of the Godly Energy Dimensional Sphere. Yet, Krune had only been out of the Mortal Realm for 15 years. That would mean that Little Arty succeeded in the Soul Cultivation Technique in just four years. Is that really possible?

Other than his EQ, Krune had never been an idiot. He only needed to think to this point to notice the main issue, time!

'Luvile. Is there a difference in time flow between the Mortal Realm and Godly Path Realm?'

Luvile sighed before answering.

'There is, time in the Mortal Realm passes ten times faster.'

Even though he was right, Krune still got shocked by that information.

'What?! Why didn't you tell me? Doesn't that mean that more than 150 years passed here since I left?'

Luvile then replied.

'So what? Nothing would change even if I told you. In fact, because you would be in a hurry, chances are that you would do some idiotic things to try to increase your level as fast as possible. You might have even died in the process. Don't say that I'm wrong since even your wife, daughter, and friends refrained from telling you the truth.'

'This... Still...'

Krune couldn't see a flaw in Luvile's argument.

Luvile then continued.

'It's okay. Think about it this way. Feifei and the others didn't report anything wrong happening with them. If they were in danger, they would definitely have told you so. That means that Wally is still most likely keeping them safe, just as he said he would.'

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Krune wasn't the type to get angry to start with. He had always been logical, so he understood Luvile's points.

'Alright. However, you know that I'm not idiotic enough to rush things. It would have been fine even if you had told me.'

Luvile didn't mind.

'Still, I preferred to guarantee that. Just consider it as me trying to lessen the dangers that Feifei's husband and Fie's father would pass in the Godly Path Realm. That's a very honorable reason, right?'

Krune's couldn't help but ask.

'Did you really think about something that noble?'

Luvile answered almost instantly.

'Not really, but it sounds a lot nicer!'

Krune's mouth twitched.

'Fuck you!'

Luvile ignored the curse and returned to the topic at hand.

'Anyway, this is not the time for it. Shouldn't you be dealing with the guys outside first? I don't think they will keep waiting for much longer.'

Krune nodded before turning his attention to the two groups again.

"Well then, can any of you tell me what the Wisp Race's stance on this topic was? As far as I could see with my Divine Sense, almost no wisps were participating in those battles. Why is that?"

Both sides looked at each other before saying.

"Well, the fact is that they couldn't take any side to start with. The Wisp Race doesn't have any experts at the Semi-Divinity or Divinity Realm other than their queen. Or at least, that's as far as we know. Well, now they have you, I guess? Still, they wouldn't be able to contribute much to any side, so no one bothered to go ask for their help. You could say that they are simply a weak neutral force that no one wants to mess with because of Wally. The wisps you saw in those battles were probably low-level ones that joined for some other personal reason, not because the Wisp Queen said so."

Krune nodded, satisfied. That explains why Feifei and the others would be safe since they stayed with the Wisp Race. As for the wisps fighting, there wasn't much he could do about it anyway, so he let them do as they wished.

"Well, that's enough for now. I can ask the rest in the Wisp Main World. You guys can continue whatever you were doing. Oh, and sorry for intervening. I'm going home, see ya!"

Krune then moved away from the chaotic space area and opened another Spatial Gate, quickly disappearing inside. He already knew where he was, so it would be simple to return home from here.