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Immortal Kingdoms

Chapter 190 Domineering Junior Brother
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In the depths of the sect, Junior Brother was standing on his flying sword while surrounded from eight directions by eight rebirth realm cultivators.

Furthermore, each of the protectors was surrounded by eight elders in their respective eight directions.

Junior Brother could tell that he was currently locked in some sort of an eight-trigram formation, but he wasn't worried as the formation didn't have any coherent elements in circulation.

Such formations are formidable when supplemented by two, four, or eight elements. However, the ferocious martial intent is attributeless, and it doesn't even have any subcategory martial intents that could call upon the powers of the elements.

Such a martial intent won't take someone very far on the path of cultivation as the realms after rebirth require a deep understanding of world laws and the elements entwined within to create a life star.

"You all know that this is futile, right?" Junior Brother spoke slowly while raising his right hand.

He didn't even expand his domain but his hand seemed to bend and distort light as it weaved around it, slowly fusing with the dense ether from Junior Brother's hand into a massive sword brimming with an exuberant and destructive force that seemed to draw in all the chaotic elements within hundreds of kilometers.

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"Are your preparations done?" Junior Brother asked faintly, having given them enough time to establish their formation and gather up their energy. In his opinion, if he didn't give them any chance of fighting back, everyone would think that Memento Mori was so easily bullied.

"Why is Memento Mori attacking us? The hidden sects are neutral powers who don't offend anyone!" After the formation was constructed, a rebirth realm protector stood out to speak.

"Neutral? Don't make me laugh! What about those Jin Dynasty insects that escaped? If we don't wipe your sect off this mainland to show our stance, who will give my Memento Mori face? The Jin Dynasty thought they could act against us in the shadows once, now everyone thinks we're blind." Junior Brother shook his head while clicking his tongue.

Junior Brother's clothes began to flutter haphazardly in the wake of the sword's power. To him, eight or eighty rebirth cultivators of the level of a hidden sect didn't matter much. Of course, there were some things he didn't explain to Leonardo about the difference in martial intent laws.

For example, the powerful beings in the great sects don't bother with the path of these hidden sects as the path of a subsidiary martial intent was a severed one. The core molding stage of the rebirth realm differs from one cultivator to the next depending on the foundation of their martial intent.

The ferocious martial intent is more of a state of mind than a comprehensive law.

Since it wasn't a comprehensive law, it lacks the attributes to interact with other laws.

Since it can't interact with other laws from an equal standpoint, it can only be controlled by laws and not vice versa.

If one can't command the laws and fuse them into their star core, the molding process won't be completed, severing their path to the next stage, the singularity.

As long as they couldn't command the laws to compress their star cores into a point of singularity, they can't proceed to the third stage which is the realm of inception. From nothing, from the interactions of these laws and the chaotic elements therein, one can birth order and flourish a genuine star core.

Self-sustaining and self-sufficient.

Once this star core is perfected, one can become a star lord.

Junior Brother's cultivation at this moment is a star lord.

His path of the sword is a sword that commands the law and bends both chaos and order to its will. He can control any subsidiary law to his heart's desire. In a sense, the domain of a star lord is akin to an independent space just like the immortal kingdoms of the so-called immortals in the stellar worlds.

However, while those kingdoms need the presence of a stable stellar world to survive, a star lord's domain doesn't need any of that.

Of course, the people from the hidden sects foolishly pursue this severed path with some lukewarm aspirations to prove the world wrong. They believe themselves infallible, they believe themselves to be a threat, and they believe that their retaliation would be enough to make a great sect or a great organization like Memento Mori bleed if they went all out.

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Little did they know that if their existence could truly grow into a threat one day, the great sects would have long since erased them from the mainland. Perhaps, only Leonardo truly believed that the martial intent left behind by the ancient battle was powerful, but not everyone had the ability to pry into the strings of karma and witness those mountain-shaking battles that forever since changed the terrain of these lands.

The protectors glared at the group of elders upon hearing these words.

"What does he mean by that?!" A protector yelled out, his expression looking dark. The protectors usually keep in seclusion and only leave when the sect is encountering a crisis, For example, today.

They didn't think that the reason this sect was caught in this calamity was a simple crossfire between Memento Mori and the Jin Dynasty.

The protectors weren't stupid. Since Memento Mori declared war on the Jin Dynasty, it proves that they pulled out their forces from the Jin Dynasty and instead concentrated their troops in the Dong Dynasty and the Luan Dynasty.

Although the Jin Dynasty can't act out in open hostility in the lands of the other two dynasties, they could entice the local forces into acting up against Memento Mori from the shadows. As for the Dong Dynasty and Luan Dynasty, they would obviously take a neutral stance and watch the tigers fight it out on the mountain.

Since not even the two great dynasties dared to intervene in this mess, what would a measly hidden sect hope to accomplish by fishing for benefits in these murky waters?

The elders lowered their heads as they didn't expect the people from Memento Mori to catch their sect red-handed. Indeed, the hidden sects began to look down on Memento Mori too much since the brotherhood remained silent for far too long.

"Don't worry too much, your Beast Claw sect won't be the only example." Junior Brother spoke coldly, a sneer in his tone.

Since he was compressing his domain around his body, they couldn't possibly feel the terrifying energy fluctuations revolving around his sword. If they did, they wouldn't even bother putting up an ounce of resistance.

He wanted them to taste true despair to realize the depths of their foolishness. Hence, he waited patiently for them to act first, then he would strike back like a flash of thunder…