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Immortal Kingdoms

Chapter 124 Starfall Exterminator
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Eternus finally let out a sigh of relief, calling off the temporal powers of his core which began to display faint cracks all over.

He couldn't help but chuckle bitterly, as if anymore and he would have died.


Asmodian, Uranus, and Elyos had their hearts skip a beat, did Arcadia already mature?

But that's impossible!

How can she send an incarnation while all three of her Sovereigns are functioning as normally?

"Oh, I'm not talking about Arcadia, but I'm talking about the other girl." Eternus seemed to see through their confusion and speak up.

At this moment, everyone noticed that another person joined the scene. Forget them, even Aria back on the planet was shocked silly.

This was a tan-skinned beauty with long, multicolored hair and a pair of brilliant indifferent eyes. Around her body was an air of transcendence, a gaze that swept through millions of years and billions of stars.

"How could that be?!" Aria cried out in shock.

Her voice seemed to have disturbed Leonardo from a deep sleep as his eyes fluttered open, his breathing growing a bit hurried. After shaking his head to get rid of the headache, he gave Aria a puzzled look as countless fragmented scenes and memories played in his mind.

Frowning, he tried to get these memories together while rubbing his forehead, asking, "What are you shouting for?"

"Didn't you say your student hadn't even started cultivating properly yet?" Aria asked in a soft tone.

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"Yeah, what of it?" Leonardo asked back, very confused.

​ Aria wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to begin. Eventually, she sighed and shook her head. "Don't mind me, your spirit is a bit unstable, go adjust your state of mind for now."

"Okay?…" Leonardo muttered with his brows furrowed tightly, this headache was a bit too much. Thus, he closed off his senses and began to silently meditate.

As for Aria, she looked up at the familiar yet unfamiliar woman in outer space. Because she wasn't aware of Arcadia's history, Aria had no idea that the current Wendy was nothing but a borrowed body.

When Wendy formed her soul pearl in the Sky Mountains Domain, her soul was sensed by the will of the star core.

While the star core wanted to enter Leonardo's body at first, something within his sea of consciousness gave the wounded will a sense of imminent danger, thus it settled for the second-best option, Wendy.

However, this will was isolated from Wendy's, kept in the confines of the soul pearl, which wouldn't inflict any harm.

As Wendy was undergoing her trial of the heart in a coma, just as she was about to have the martial intent obliterate her soul, this will reached out to Wendy and proposed mutually sharing the body in exchange for allowing Wendy to freely take control of this martial intent.

After the star core's will shared the past and present with Wendy, the latter eventually agreed to share her body with the star core's will.

One could compare Wendy's body to the artifact Rosaline used to carry her will into the middle realms, with the exception being that this will isn't restricted by the laws of the world barrier, even if it was missing the core that was hidden in the depths of the Sky Mountains Domain.

"Scram or die."

Wendy— or rather the incarnation of the star core didn't mince words, immediately giving the other three incarnations an ultimatum. Her voice wasn't loud nor hurried, and it didn't carry a hint of emotion.

It wasn't warm nor was it cold, it wasn't forceful nor was it gentle.

It was as flat as flat could get.

Uranus and Elyos flashed next to Asmodian. Now that this devolved into a battle between the incarnations of their celestial bodies, and since that mysterious young man had declared so by himself that he would simply watch, the variables seem to have decreased and allowed them to make decisions easier.

"Who would have thought that you're actually still alive, even after experiencing the destruction of your celestial body in a world beyond the world barrier."

Elyos, a tall old man with a high ponytail bun on his head was the first to speak. Then, waving his palm in the distance, a dozen or so massive asteroids suddenly shark to the size of beans, each revolving independently at a speed so fast they combusted in outer space, then formed natural gravitational fields that supported and pressured one another while dancing on the palm of his hand.

Although the scale shrank, black cracks began to spark between these now crimson red pebbles, their mass and destructive force unquestionably.

"You're an outsider trying to disharmonize the equilibrium that lasted for millions upon millions of years in my middle realms, either accompany this old man peacefully to meet the Realm Lord, or I will have to use force," Elyos spoke, his aged voice booming in the void.

Uranus seemed to be of the same train of thought, his hands clasped behind his back, his unkempt hair. His hand left his sleeve and seemingly entered a void unknown between space-time, pulling it out with a massive broadsword the size of a lower realms star.

Then, his body began to grow in size until the broadsword no longer looked disproportionate in his massive hands. Perhaps, if one looked from another perspective, nothing seemed off about this current display.

Asmodian clenched his teeth when he saw this, not expecting those two old men to go all out from the start. Wasn't this just the remnant will of some dead star core? Nonetheless, he wouldn't lose out to these two, especially since he knew that their excuses were all bullshit, simply bluffing their way to place some restrictions on the mysterious man.

Suddenly, the playfield was shifted. This time, although it was still a three against one, trapping Wendy in a triangle formation, it somehow gave off the feeling that it was Wendy who trapped the other three, and not the other way around.

"I'll help you two now. However, Arcadia's core is mine, don't dare fight me for it!" Asmodian shouted, his hair suddenly turning from black to grey, a new set of robes manifesting on his figure as one black hole disc after another began to revolve around him seemingly without a warning sign.

Even as he stood there, the suction force pulled in one massive asteroid after another, and under everyone's eyes, these massive dead celestial bodies crumbled to dust and shrank away into these holes.

Elyos, who put on the righteous air, commented lightly, "Attacking mature celestial bodies is an act against the general world order of the middle realms. The Realm Lord wouldn't tolerate such acts and neither will I."

Asmodian snorted, not like how these old bastards were never direct.

Wasn't he saying that as long as Arcadia wasn't mature yet, he would sit by and watch as billions of lives are lost just like that?

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"So, you want to die," Wendy muttered softly as her indifferent eyes began to scale towards the cold side, an invisible unknown energy that the others couldn't comprehend began to aggravate in the void, dancing over Wendy's fingertips.

Eternus' eyes flashed with bewilderment as he muttered silently to himself, tilting his head.

"Magic? But this plane shouldn't have any…"

He couldn't understand, he couldn't recall anything about star cores crossing planes, let alone surviving the trip and reincarnating afterward.

However, he wasn't mistaken about this feeling.

An energy that touches upon the laws but isn't a law in and of itself, more like a medium between the supernatural and technological, the bonafide magical techniques, unlike the cultivation techniques normally used by most.

Other than Eternus, perhaps only a few people that Leonardo met or came in contact with would understand the theory of magic. That is to say, these people fighting with the possessed Wendy had absolutely no clue what was going on.

"If only your teacher gave you the full cultivation technique, I wouldn't need to rely on my core energy," Wendy seemingly spoke to herself, confusing everyone. However, that last part of her sentence made the Beast Sovereign and Human Sovereign inadvertently give Eternus a look, as those words sounded awfully familiar to them.

Wendy raised her hand up in the air, a faint multicolored circular diagram approaching on her little palm. This diagram began to revolve clockwise, spinning rapidly.

Then, it began to levitate and expand proportionally to its climatic speed. Then, the diagram split into two, the split version much smaller and spinning counterclockwise.

After the second version split and reached the zenith of its expansion, it once again split a third portion, then a fourth. Eventually, two multicolored diagrams that spun clockwise and two that spun in reverse constructed a multicolored cylindrical matrix in the void, hovering like an artificial sky above the entire battlefield.

"Fourfold magic array, a fourth-tier spell?" Eternus was intrigued. However, the fourth tier barely equates to immortal-grade cultivation techniques, which wouldn't be enough to handle a mature celestial body's incarnation.

Just as he was thinking this, the four circular diagrams began to compress like a collapsing star, merging into one massive multicolored diagram that was densely packed with ancient runes, radiating an aura of times long past.

The sudden transformation caught everyone off guard.

Back in Arcadia, in the land of absolute death known as the Sky Mountains Domain, all the multicolored clouds from the third ring and inwards were sucked dry into the core of the domain. However, no one noticed that anomaly, assuming that this was an attack casually conjured by the star core's incarnation.

"Fifth Tier Spell; Starfall Exterminator."

Then, Wendy lowered her hand.