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Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 482.2: Mira vs. Zander Part 2
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Ever since Mira left the Sect, she's been thinking about how to use the powers of her tails effectively. In particular, she wanted to fully understand the practicality of some of her more 'useless' tails.

The one that caught her attention the most was her White Tail, the Blizzard Tail. This one is probably the most complex of everything in her arsenal, even when considering her charm and illusions tails.

It can reduce an enemy's eyesight while boosting Mira's senses and dimming her presence. She can even meld into the blizzard domain and teleport in it at will! All of this within the power of one tail is simply amazing!

However, over the last few months, Mira has learned that her tails aren't as amazing as she initially thought.

Actually, that's not entirely correct. The powers of her tails are incredibly overpowered, but the problem is that they don't scale with her Qi Cultivation. Neither the energy contained within them nor the physical strength of her tails increases much whenever she makes a breakthrough.

Sure, just like the rest of her body, their physical and energy attributes do increase, but it's not enough to keep up with her current power. Perhaps only her golden tail, whose strength corresponds to Mira's physical body, can keep up with her growth, but even that will fall off once she breaks through to the Nascent Soul Realm.

Then, how can she use her tails when their power isn't increasing at the same rate as her growth?

The answer is simple! She just needs to supplement their power with her own Qi!

While the two energies don't intermix, Mira didn't need that. She has all these affinities; if she can't use them properly, what's the point of having them?!

With a *Poof*, Mira's body exploded into an icy mist right as Zander's swords were about to hit her. This icy mist quickly increased in size until it reached 15 meters in diameter, then the mist began to change.

It became denser and denser, turning into a blizzard that swirled around Mira, filled with ice shards that were sharp enough to tear apart anyone who dared to enter.

She didn't allow Zander any time to react, slashing at the only arm not holding a sword, then utilizing the blizzard domain, teleported right behind Zander.

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Due to the difference in cultivation, Zander could sense that Mira was behind him, but because everything happened simultaneously, he couldn't react.



Thus, Zander ended up losing an arm.

It wasn't a huge loss, considering he still had his other arm and the four illusory blood-red arms behind him, but it did hamper his ability.

She could've gone for the head or his sword-wielding arm, but even with the aspect of surprise on her side, she wasn't confident in removing his head or that arm. He's someone who is at the 8th Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, after all, even if it was forced.

Therefore, she went for the guaranteed attack! Having one less arm would still make things easier on her.

Zander roared in rage, and Mira seriously doubted he could get any angrier. He swiftly turned around and attacked with all 5 of his swords, but Mira had already teleported behind him. This time, aiming for his other arm!

Since Zander had completely lost his mind and every attack contained his full power, there was a split-second in between every attack that he used to regain the momentum of his onslaught.

Mira used this to her advantage when she appeared behind him again and was able to take his second arm without him being able to do anything!

That last teleportation used up the rest of the energy within her 'Blizzard Tail'. However, the blizzard was still going strong! She lost all the abilities her 'Blizzard Tail' provided, but that wasn't a huge loss.

Zander was strong enough to ignore most of the effects, but that was never Mira's reason for using this tail, to begin with.

'Now, I can begin unleashing the real potential of this blizzard domain!' Mira thought with a smile.

Zander might have lost both arms, but she still didn't dare to underestimate him. Her plan was to take him down as systematically as possible. There was no need for her to trade injuries with every attack. That would be foolish, especially when she's up against a mindless beast.

No, calling him that would be an insult to mindless beasts! At least they still had a semblance of intelligence and could rely on their instincts, but this man… This man was just recklessly charging at her like a puppet without a will.

If she had to trade blow for blow with such a man, then all the experience she's accumulated until now might as well be worthless!

Mira smiled and integrated the feathers of her Paragon Wings into the blizzard! If everything went according to plan, her feathers would hit him and explode before he could even realize what was going on!

Like the mindless puppet he is, Zander just charged at Mira, barely even realizing he had lost both of his arms, and just as Mira expected, he ran into many of her Paragon Wing feathers swirly around in the blizzard!


The blizzard began turning red from all the blood, and Mira even noticed chunks of flesh circling her. However, she just kept running around, staying as far away from Zander as she possibly could while dodging his attacks.

However, Zander kept sacrificing his lifespan to heal his injuries, making him seem like an immortal! The man didn't even bother protecting his body! He was a fucking maniac!

She could feel his lifespan decreasing, but he could probably still go on for at least another hour or two at this rate.

Suddenly, after about a minute of being bombarded, Zander stopped, and his entire atmosphere changed. A dense bloody crimson aura began emitting from his body, which turned into threads. These threads then shot in every direction, piercing everything in their path!

Mira didn't expect this kind of attack and was fortunate enough to have only her legs, arms, tails, and upper abdomen pierced. Maybe if she still had the body of a human, these would be serious injuries, but to the current her, they're nothing much.

However, Mira quickly realized that although she wasn't badly hurt, she might end up severely injured if she wanted to get out of this situation alive.

The threads that Zander released were still pierced through her body and had stuck to the wall behind her. Thus, to get out of this situation, she'd either have to forcibly remove the threads from her body or try and cut them. But seeing that Zander was about to charge at her, she didn't have time to try and cut them!

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She needed to move!

Therefore, she grabbed hold of the threads and ripped them out of her body, yanking out chunks of flesh, blood, and bone, then quickly repositioned herself while ensuring she didn't run into any more threads.

Her dense, viscous blood, which had become icy blue mixed with tinges of red and gold due to her evolution, leaked out of her body, but she never released a sound of pain.

Zander had now regained the momentum in the fight, and the entire battlefield changed. Due to this, although Mira was able to dodge, she wasn't able to get out unscathed.

He had swung his four remaining swords in all directions, successfully removing more chunks of flesh from Mira's body.

Mira could feel her body working in overdrive, trying to heal her as quickly as possible, but her wounds were bad enough that they'd take at least a few days to recover, even with Maria's [Transcnedent Restoration] technique.

Fortunately, her vitality was extremely high, so she wasn't in immediate danger of dying, but that wouldn't be the case forever. Death will approach her if she doesn't heal her body soon.

However, Zander was in an even worse position. His lifespan couldn't recreate his severed arms, and he used up many years of his lifespan just to stop the bleeding.

They stared at each other from a distance for a few seconds, almost as if they had a prior agreement, before immediately jumping back into action.

Mira learned her lesson with that previous attack and didn't dare to take Zander head-on. He was just too strong! Any one of his strikes was enough to severely injure or even kill her! But that didn't mean her strategy had changed; she just needed to be more careful.

She ran around the battlefield, filling up the space between the threads with ice to increase her mobility while launching Atmospheric Slashes. Right now, those attacks were the only thing that could be a threat to Zander if he let them carelessly hit his body.

It seems Zander's subconscious also realized this and was forced to dodge or block those attacks.

The battle raged on for a few more minutes, but it seemed Zander's patience had run out.

Mira gasped as she could feel his lifespan dropping at an accelerated rate while his power increased exponentially!

"This crazy bastard!!"

Even Elder Sandra felt this situation was getting ridiculous.

"This is why I hate those brainless monkeys from the Unorthodox Faction! Sigh… Even if he kills her, he'll be nothing more than a dried-up corpse afterward!"