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Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 479: Maniac
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Mira, Maria, and Hana walked into Maria's office and began chatting.

"Hello, my name is Hana Silvermoon, and I'm Mira's teacher! I can see that you and my disciple have-OUCH!!"

Mira chopped Hana's head, interrupting her "introduction".

"What disciple? I would never accept someone as shameless and unscrupulous as you as my master." Mira felt a chill run down her spine just saying the word "master".

She couldn't fathom ever deeming someone so superior to her that she'd be willing to call them master.

"Pfft-Hahaha!" Maria chuckled a bit and began ruffling Hana's hair.

"How cute! To think Mira didn't kill you for spouting such nonsense. You two must've gotten quite close!" Maria commented, causing the two of them to scowl.

Close? They've hardly talked at all over the last few weeks. They could hardly be considered acquaintances and are, at most, partners in crime.

Seeing their faces, Maria could tell they were rather indifferent to each other and knew there was probably a story. Still, she just kept chuckling because Mira's expression was quite peculiar.

"Anyways, my name is Maria Zoller. I'm an Outer Court Disciple at the Battle Maiden Sect and Mira's wife!"

Mira nearly lost her balance hearing Maria call herself "Mira's wife," and she couldn't help but look wide-eyed at her golden-haired lover.

Hana's mouth went agape, and her eyes widened as she never would've guessed they were actually wife and… wife.

"You… Y-You two are actually married?! I thought you were just good friends or something!!" Hana yelled. Thankfully, the room was soundproof so that nobody could hear her.

Maria blushed slightly and kept glancing at Mira as if asking for permission to be called her wife.

Mira noticed this but had no idea what to do or say.

'I mean, we're indeed lovers, but married? I… I don't know about that.' Mira thought, but seeing the pleading look in Maria's eyes, she couldn't help but nod slightly.

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'Whatever. If she wants to think of us as married, then so be it. I'm not letting go of her in this lifetime, so I guess she's not wrong.' In the end, Mira shrugged her shoulders and didn't overthink it.

Maria was already stuck with her, whether she liked it or not.

Maria beamed, stuck out her chest, and said proudly, "Yup! I'm her wife! So, feel free to call me Mistress, Hana!"

Hana cringed but didn't reply.

After introducing each other, Mira shared her experiences over the last 6 months with Maria. She didn't bother leaving out any details, even though Hana was next to them. It's not like she did anything that needed to be kept a secret!

"What?! So, you're the one who caused all this?! Mira, how could you be so careless to use a bomb that can shake the entire mountain?!" Naturally, Maria was surprised when Mira told her about the time she was taken captive by the chimera and blew him up.

"What else was I supposed to do? That bastard wanted to drain me of my blood essence! Therefore, he and his minions had to die. And the cheapest way to do that was to blow them all to hell." Mira defended herself, but Maria still rebuked her.

"Couldn't you have just used the teleportation talisman to get out? You could've escaped, gotten stronger, and killed them later."

"Ugh…" Mira couldn't refute her, so she just stayed silent.

However, the look in her eye told Maria everything.

She didn't regret a thing!

With a sigh, Maria signaled for Mira to continue talking.

They talked for another few hours until they felt a commotion outside Maria's office.

"What's going on?"

Maria quickly got up and left the room, followed by Mira and Hana.

What they saw after was shocking! There were tens of disciples being brought into the Healing Center, all covered in blood. All of them had missing limbs and were gushing blood, while others had their organs falling out of their bodies, showing they didn't have long left to live.

Hana covered her mouth at the horrific scene as she hadn't seen anything so vile in her entire life. She had to prevent the urge to throw up, but it didn't work as she puked up her guts immediately after covering her mouth, with tears running down her eyes.

Neither Mira nor Maira bothered covering the poor girl's eyes…

"What's happening? Why are so many disciples like this?!" Maria asked one of the girls carrying an injured disciple.

"O-Outside the Sect, a man is running wild, killing everything in sight, calling out for a fox girl with multi-colored fox tails. H-He looked like he had gone insane! These girls were the lucky ones. At least we'd be able to bury them." The girl said in a shaky voice.

The entire Healing Center went silent, and they all looked at Mira. It's pretty hard not to miss her multi-colored tails as she's the only one in the Outer Court with them.

In fact, Mira's the only one in the Outer Court with fox tails! If she wasn't the one the crazy man was screaming about, then who was?

However, none of the girls did or said anything to Mira. Maybe if this were any other Sect, they would've already ganged up on Mira and thrown her in front of that maniac outside, but they didn't.

Although some felt a bit aggrieved by this whole situation, they didn't blame Mira. This was all the fault of some crazy bastard who had lost his mind!

Mira sighed and couldn't help but curse her luck.

'I had just gotten back, but I already have to deal with this shit.'

She pointed at the girl who answered and ordered, "You there! Lead me to him. Let's see what this bastard, who disturbed my reunion, wants."

"Y-Yes!" The girl, for some reason, felt like saluting as an imposing aura erupted from Mira's body.

She quickly set down the injured disciple in her arms and began leading Mira to the crazy man.

Within a few minutes, they appeared outside the Outer Court.

Mira could hear signs of battle nearby and hurriedly made her way over. There she saw what looked exactly like a battlefield. There was blood everywhere, with missing limbs all over the place, but there were no bodies.

In the middle of it all, she saw a handsome young man with dark hair and bloodshot eyes. As soon as she saw him, she knew who he was.

'It's him! It seems he's gone crazy after I gave him that heart demon. Tsk. Tsk. What a pathetic man.' Mira inwardly sneered in disdain.

Yes, the man was Zander, from the Crimson Slayer Sect, who tried to kill Mira a while back to take the FLDIL from her.

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Although she could feel the man was much more powerful than before, she didn't feel threatened.

He was now at the 5th Stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, but since he was acting like a wild beast, Mira felt no danger.

He had essentially lost his ability to think rationally, one of the main reasons why humans end up as the apex predators no matter what world she's reincarnated into.

Therefore, Mira didn't put him in her eyes. If he were a few stages higher or in the Soul Transformation Realm, she'd have to be extremely careful, but with his current power, she felt like she could kill him.

Without warning, Mira unleashed her Paragon Wings and dropped in between him and the girls he was chasing.

"Who-?!" Zander froze upon seeing the person he'd never forget for the rest of his life!

"You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! IT'S YOU, YOU BITCH!!!"

The man screamed, and his already bloodshot eyes seemed to turn a shade darker.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU DID TO ME?!" Zander screamed like a demon, but Mira was indifferent to it all.

"Who are you, and why are you calling for me?" Mira asked, just to mess with him.

Just like she thought he'd react, she could see veins popping on his head.


"Ah! That's right! You're that dumb bastard who tried to kill me a while back but failed miserably. Tch. Unfortunately, your shitty master got in the way before I could finish the job." Mira spoke in disdain.

"ARRRRGH!! I'LL KILL YOU!!" Zander roared and charged at Mira like a beast, but she easily dodged him.

"Tsk. Tsk. You need to try harder if you want to catch me, little beast." Mira said as she kept dodging his attacks.

"STOP DODGING AND DIE!!" Zander roared as he flew up in the air and attacked.

"It seems you've only gotten dumber since we last met. Are you seriously asking me to die because you're too incompetent to kill me? Pathetic." Mira spat in disgust, further angering Zander.

Those words seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back as his eyes had now turned completely red in anger.

"AURURURHGHGH!" He released some strange roar and began rampaging around, destroying everything in sight.

However, Mira just released a slight smile as if everything was going according to plan.