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Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 354: His Voice and Blessings
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"Holy shit! Holy shit!" Blake was practically vibrating in excitement partly because he felt the majestic and overflowing strength coursing through his veins, but mostly because he heard a voice that he hasn't heard for a decade now.

Alice and Mary were in the same state as well. But before they could say anything, the voice said something to them again:

'Look, I know you're all excited and all but push that down. We can always have a reunion later, right now the enemy is looming over your heads. Focus.'

'Eliminate that thing and you'd be taking away one of the Celestial's Trump Card. The real one can't do shit about this for now so go in for the kill.'

'Get rid of the fleets while you're at it. After that, come home and rest.'

Alice, Mary, and Blake stood in awe as they felt the familiar presence of Ashton's energy flowing through them. They had all thought him dead, but here he was, reaching out to them in their hour of need.

As the power of his blessings surged through their veins, they felt themselves becoming stronger, faster, and more resilient than ever before. The once-impossible task of defeating the Celestial God now seemed within reach.

And his blessings weren't just for them. Everyone who's out there fighting felt Ashton's blessings with them. The confidence brought forth by this sudden increase in strength allowed them to re-ignite their fighting spirits.

With renewed determination, the Grand Commanders rallied their troops and prepared for battle. They knew that this fight would not be easy, but with Ashton's blessings and their own unwavering faith in humanity's strength, they were ready to face any challenge.

The incarnation of the Celestial God appeared once more, looming over them like a dark cloud. But this time, the Human Fleet was not afraid. They charged forward, their weapons blazing, their hearts filled with the power of their faith.

The battle was fierce, with the Celestial God unleashing all of its might against the Humans. But this time, the Humans were ready. They fought with strength and determination that could only come from the blessings of a true leader.

Although some of them were gravely injured, it didn't stay that long since they will be healed right away. Ashton's blessings were like the blessing of Immortality.

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With him watching their backs, death will never have the chance to lay a finger on them, that much was certain.

The Celestial God descended upon the Human Fleet, its massive form blotting out the stars. Alice, Mary, and Blake led the charge, their weapons at the ready.

Alice stepped forward, her sword gleaming in the darkness. With a fierce cry, she charged toward the Celestial God, her sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. With her expertise with the sword, even the flesh of a pseudo-god could be sliced.

The Celestial God roared in anger as Alice's sword struck it, but the Sword Empress was undaunted. She continued to attack with relentless ferocity, dodging the god's strikes and unleashing a barrage of sword slashes that seemed to come from all directions at once.

Mary stood back, her keen eyesight scanning the battlefield. She saw the god's movements before they happened, predicting its every strike with eerie accuracy. She notched an arrow to her bow and let it fly, the arrow finding its mark with deadly precision.

Blake charged forward, his massive form dwarfing the Celestial God. The god unleashed a flurry of blows at Blake, but the Titan simply shrugged them off, his massive fists slamming into the god's body with bone-shaking force.

The battle raged on, with Alice, Mary, and Blake working in perfect harmony to take down the god. Alice continued to strike with her sword, slicing off massive chunks of the god's body with each blow. Mary provided cover from afar, her arrows piercing the god's skin and slowing its movements. And Blake served as the ultimate protector, taking hits that would have killed anyone else and returning them with even greater force.

Ashton's presence continued to guide them, his voice echoing in their minds, urging them forward. And slowly but surely, they began to gain the upper hand.

With a final burst of energy, Alice, Mary, and Blake landed the killing blow on the Celestial God. It let out a mighty roar, and then vanished into nothingness, leaving the Human Fleet victorious once more.

As the dust settled, the Grand Commanders looked at each other with newfound respect and admiration. They had always believed in humanity's strength, but now, they had witnessed it firsthand. And they knew that with Ashton's blessings, and their own unwavering faith, they could overcome any challenge that lay ahead.

The Human Fleet erupted into cheers as the Grand Commanders emerged victorious once more. Alice, Mary, and Blake stood side-by-side, their weapons still in hand, their faces shining with the sweat of battle.

They knew that there would always be more battles to come, more enemies to face. But with the strength of their unity, and the power of their faith in humanity's potential, they were ready to face any challenge that lay ahead.

With their victory against the enemy forces, the Human Fleet returned home victorious. The three Grand Commanders however went straight to their headquarters. They were excited and nervous. They wanted to confirm if the friend has truly returned. They heard his voice earlier and felt his blessings. It was because of him that they won just now, but until they see him face to face, they wouldn't be able to rest easy.

Upon their arrival, they were stopped by someone. It was West Two, Ashton's doppelganger, seeing him is like seeing Ashton in the flesh as well since the two were practically twins. West Two prevents them from going further.

"I'm afraid that I cannot let you meet him just yet." West Two said, looking a bit remorseful as his words dampen the enthusiasm of the three.

"Why not? Is he okay? Injured or anything?" Mary inquired.

"Well...not really." West Two's face looked strained, "If anything, he's doing much better now that he's back."

"If that's the case, then why are you stopping us?" Alice's tone demanded answers, causing West Two to sigh.

"...he's a having a good time, and he instructed me to not allow visitors for now. He said that he'll come out eventually though. I just don't know when exactly." West Two explained.

"Having a good time? What does that mean?" Blake asked.

"...you know what? Screw this." West Two sighed and revealed the truth. "You see, before he disappeared many years ago, he made a promise to Aria."

"What promise?"

West Two stared at Alice's eyes with a somewhat hollow look on his face: "He promised that as soon as he returned, he'll give her as many children as she wants."


The three blinked and waited for West Two to tell them that he was just joking. Unfortunately, that never happened.

"...so you mean to say..." Mary wasn't able to continue because West Two prevented her.

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"Yep. They're making babies right now. And no, please don't confirm it with your eyes." West Two pleaded, "Trust me, you'll be traumatized if you saw what's happening in there."

"God damn it!" Blake roared in laughter. "Alright, I'll let him have his fun. After all, he's been dry for 10 years now. If I were in his shoes, I would've most likely done the same."

"Blake!!" Alice slapped his arm while sporting a heavy blush on her face.

"What? I'm telling the truth." He chuckled. "Anyway, we'd be around in case you need us. See you later, West Two!"

As Alice, Mary, and Blake were about to leave the headquarters, West Two stopped them.

"Excuse me, Grand Commanders," he said, his voice respectful. "May I have a moment of your time?"

Alice, Mary, and Blake looked at each other and nodded, signaling their willingness to listen.

"What is it, West Two?" Alice asked, her tone curious.

"I just wanted to warn you that Ashton is not the same person he was ten years ago," West Two said, his tone cautious. "He's been through a lot, and he may not be the leader you remember."

Alice, Mary, and Blake exchanged concerned looks. "What do you mean?" Mary asked, her voice low.

"I mean that Ashton has changed," West Two replied. "He's more focused on his personal life now, and he may not have the same drive to lead as he once did."

Blake stepped forward, his expression serious. "Are you saying that Ashton is not fit to lead Humanity?" he asked, his voice stern.

West Two shook his head. "No, that's not what I'm saying at all," he replied. "I just want you to be aware of the situation. Ashton is a great leader, but he's not infallible. He needs your support and guidance now more than ever."

Alice, Mary, and Blake looked at each other, their faces determined. "We understand," Alice said, her voice steady. "We will do everything in our power to help Ashton lead Humanity into a new era of peace and prosperity."

West Two nodded, his expression relieved. "Thank you," he said. "I know that together, we can accomplish great things."