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I Gave Up Being Stronger

Chapter 219
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Wang Yu-Mi gave Cha Jin-Hyeok a lot of valuable and impactful advice.

[“I think livestreaming in a third-person perspective is better, especially for content themed around sentimental and calm, everyday activities. Try to occasionally capture your henvironment in the frame.”]

[“When a real battle starts, though, switch to first-person perspective. Intense battles have a unique flavor. By Streaming in a first-person perspective, you can capture the tension that ordinary Streamers cannot. I searched around quite a bit and found that Players with your style of Play usually fall behind around Level 100.”]

Therefore, being a Streamer, or rather, an Eltuber at Level 200 made Jin-Hyeok unique—a one-of-a-kind Eltuber. There was no other phrase that made him feel so good.

[“So, switch to first-person during battles, okay? And it is fine to awaken the ferocious Black FlDragon[1] that lies dormant deep within you and let it run wild!”]

The cool lines Jin-Hyeok frequently used in his streams were nowadays being tossed around online communities as part of sarcastic memes. The users of these communities said these lines were way too cheesy.

That was why Jin-Hyeok had been holding back on saying cool lines lately, but Yu-Mi was encouraging him to unleash the Black FlDragon even more.

[“It will beca part of your concept, so don’t worry. Do whatever you feel like doing. Feel free to unleash those cheesy, romantic lines. We will handle the editing.”]

Yu-Mi was so reassuring. Jin-Hyeok decided to let loose and pour out all the lines he wanted to say.

“A person that protects is stronger than a person that destroys,” Jin-Hyeok continued, looking at Grandel. “I will bring out my protective power and use all my might to stop you.”

Jin-Hyeok had the defensive Mystery Phantom Swordswoman. Just like Shin Yu-Ri had created the Babylon cannon by fusing her defensive Mystery Iron Dand offensive ability Wrath of Nemesis, Jin-Hyeok could also fuse the defensive Mystery Phantom Swordswoman with the copied Wrath of Nemesis.

“Activate the defensive Mystery Phantom Swordswoman.”

Jin-Hyeok activated the special effect artifact. A golden magic circle appeared beneath his feet, and a mighty golden aura enveloped him and fiercely spun around him. The wind rose, making his hair and clothes flutter. This artifact was also made in Katrina’s workshop; its visual effect was fantastic, but its actual ability was nothing special.

The Phantom Swordswoman revealed herself. She had an angelic figure, with skin so pale it looked almost white. Long, flowing golden hair graced her shoulders. On her back were six white wings, torn here and there, and her body was marked with dark red wounds and scars.

She looked a bit different than before; she was holding a golden hammer, probably because Jin-Hyeok’s main weapon had changed as well

“Grasp…” Jin-Hyeok paused and waited for the Phantom Swordswoman to say the line ‘Grasp the blade of vengeance.’ He intended to say it together with her, thinking it would look cool in a parallel edit. However, that was not what happened.

“Grasp the hammer of vengeance.”

Something had definitely changed.

“Let them know what will happen to the back of the fools’ heads. What is the target to smash, my Master?”

Her line seemed even cooler.


When Jin-Hyeok’s livestream switched to a first-person perspective, the tension and vividness of the battle doubled, but many viewers missed seeing his face.

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-I am not interested in the battles. I just cto see my Chul-Soo’s face!

-When will we see his face again? I can’t live without my daily dose of Chul-Soo.

-Battle content is boring. We want to see his face!

Yu-Mi anticipated such reactions. However, she had no intention of complying with these requests. The essence of Chul-Soo’s livestream was to offer something different from that presented by other Streamers, such as direct combat content based on unmatched skills, something other Streamers could not show. While other aspects were important, the essence could not be forgotten.

Therefore, she instead created a special space for viewers who focused on Chul-Soo. She said, “Real-tphotos and videos are being uploaded on Chul-Soo’s official Enstagram account! Please check them out!”

Numerous viers flocked to Chul-Soo’s Enstagram account.



officil_chulsoo vs Grandel… more

-Wow, his face is a mix of an angel and a devil, leisurely and intense… So handsome!

-Please post more photos of Eun-Woo…

-I have decided to stan Chul-Soo.

Short videos, no longer than fifteen seconds, were also uploaded to the account. They showed Chul-Soo murmuring, “Activate the defensive Mystery Phantom Swordswoman.”

Initially, the comments were full of mocking.

-This concept is so cheesy! LOL

-Literally cringing every tI see this. Haha!

-Is he a protagonist of a fantasy or something? LOL

However, that was only for a moment.

-Do you guys not understand this?

-Those who do not get this livestream concept, please leave.

As Yu-Mi and Jin-Hyeok had intended, the viewers accepted Jin-Hyeok’s deeply rooted Black FlDragon concept.

-Wow… This is so cool!

-He is so amazing! I might die!

-Absolutely spectacular. I wonder what it feels like to live such a life.

Chul-Soo had becthe protagonist of a hero movie, standing alone against the army of Mountain Madmen and protecting the Earth. Furthermore, the angles and compositions Kang Eun-Woo captured made the scene look almost like a movie starring Chul-Soo.

Jin-Hyeok continued to explain, “The Babylon Cannon and the Phantom Swordswoman are powers that have the sroot.”

Soon after, having successfully reloaded, Yu-Ri fired the Babylon Cannon again. The massive beam of light, devastating the surroundings, swept through the army of Mountain Madmen. Rocks the size of houses turned to dust, and thick dust clouds billowed. Even Chul-Soo, captured in Eun-Woo’s lens, seemed to be engulfed by the Babylon Cannon.

Walking through the thick dust, Chul-Soo slowly emerged. “Therefore, the Babylon Cannon cannot harm me.”

Next to Chul-Soo stood the Phantom Swordswoman, as if she was guarding him. A golden protective shield surrounded Chul-Soo, which was also just an effect of the artifact earlier. While the surroundings were devastated, everything behind Chul-Soo remained intact.

“And I shall protect the world.”

The Mountain Madmen were indeed strong, but not strong enough for Jin-Hyeok.

They were weaker because Grandel had focused on developing resistance to artillery attacks, neglecting other abilities. Thanks to this, Jin-Hyeok could easily engage in battle with them.

-Wow, what did they say earlier? They boasted that Chul-Soo would be swallowed before the next cannon attack.

-Another cannon fired! That villain couldn’t even swallow him! The Madmen got blasted. He can’t do anything! Haha!

The Korean Region Minor Gallery’s Named user Encyclopedia analyzed Jin-Hyeok’s battle.

[The large-scale bombardment is being handled by the Babylon Cannon, which caused appropriate damage to the Mountain Madmen, while the Phantom Swordswoman, more focused on individual attacks, is smashing the back of their heads.]

The Phantom Swordswoman was immune to the effects of the Babylon Cannon. Darting between the Mountain Madmen, she forcefully swung her golden hammer and cunningly aimed for only the back of the monsters’ heads. The hammer caused a large explosion each tit struck a monster.

“Break. Heads,” she said in a mystical voice as if she were reciting an incantation.

[I have never seen a Phantom Swordswoman so graceful yet aggressive. The ones I have seen before were not like this.]

When she swung her hammer, she was a butterfly fluttering in the air. Her movements made her look like a noble angel wielding a devil’s hammer. There was a saying that the appearance of a Mystery followed its master, and Chul-Soo and his Mystery were proving that true.

Compared to other Players’ Phantom Swordswomen, Chul-Soo’s was particularly beautiful and mysterious. It had even reached the point where fans were following Chul-Soo’s Phantom Swordswoman. By just being next to Chul-Soo, the Phantom Swordswoman shone even brighter, as their appearances synergized well.

-A handsguy next to a pretty girl, a pretty girl next to a handsguy. My eyes are blessed.

-Just watching them makeshappy.

-Chul-Soo’s appearance synergy is insane no matter who he is paired with. He is the harmonious IntenseMan.

Sviewers enthusiastically preached about the visual synergy between Chul-Soo and the Phantom Swordswoman, but to Encyclopedia, that was not what mattered.

[That powerful Babylon Cannon, instead, seems to manifest around Chul-Soo as if it is a stage prop. Sometimes like fireworks, sometimes like lighting…]

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Encyclopedia was thrilled. In this universe, if asked to find a Player stronger than Chul-Soo, one could nat least dozens, no, hundreds. However, finding a Player who fought as romantically as Chul-Soo was difficult.

Eun-Woo was capturing the most beautiful and intense moments of Chul-Soo. A person could look completely different in different photos depending on who was capturing them. When captured by Eun-Woo ‘s cannon-sized camera, Chul-Soo looked much more beautiful than how he appeared in the third-person livestream.

Everything pointed to Chul-Soo’s progress.

[Chul-Soo is surpassing the level of his past Plays.]

[Chul-Soo has evolved. We have to acknowledge that he has taken a leap that cannot simply be measured by Levels. We might be witnessing the rise of a Streamer who will surpass Marshmallow.]


After Jin-Hyeok had joined forces with Yu-Ri, the fight had gone well. Now, it was almost impossible to find a Mountain Madman that was in good condition. They were all battered and bloodied.

Their regenerative abilities were formidable. Grandel, who had seemed a bit tense earlier, had regained his composure. “I told you I completely analyzed you.”

“...It seems that way.”

“Now, it is tto end all this. Playtis over.” Grandel pointed at Jin-Hyeok and commanded, “Move, my Madmen!”

The Mountain Madmen, their eyes glowing red, moved in unison. They shifted into a Crane Wing Formation,[2] quickly surrounding Jin-Hyeok and the Phantom Swordswoman.

The Phantom Swordswoman, having fulfilled her role, had bectranslucent.

“You’ve done well,” Jin-Hyeok said to her.

The Phantom Swordswoman still had the will to smash the back of the monsters’ heads, but Jin-Hyeok shook his head. Her role was done. They had made quite a spectacle for his livestream. It was tfor him to finish the fight.

“Any last words?” Grandel said, chuckling.

“There is a limit to what a novice can do.” Jin-Hyeok was irritated.

It was far more annoying than Grandel judging him.

“You will experience that limit firsthand.” Jin-Hyeok lifted the Rule Breaker.

Seeing this as Jin-Hyeok’s last-ditch attempt, Grandel smirked. “If you had not resisted, I would have swallowed you painlessly.”


“But it is too late now. I will start by chewing up your head!”

Pointing the Rule Breaker at a Mountain Madman facing him, Jin-Hyeok muttered a line he had seen somewhere, a really cool one that he had been waiting a long tto say. “You are already dead.”

The next instant, the Mountain Madman coughed up blood, clutched its chest, and collapsed. However, this did not happen because Jin-Hyeok had pointed at the monster with Rule Breaker; he had just timed his action perfectly.

Grandel’s face turned pale. “W-What is this?!”

2. Crane Wing Formation, or 학익진, is a tactic used to envelop the enemy in a fan-shaped formation. It is widely known for its use by General Yi Sun-Sin in naval battles such as the Battle of Hansan during the Imjin War. ☜