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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 173 39.2 - A small incident
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Chapter 173 39.2 - A small incident

The recent days had been peaceful for Maya Evergreen. She had been spending her time leisurely since the academy was in the middle of the resting.

She returned to her home and visited her family. Not many people knew about that, but since she came from a 'normal' family of farmers, she always had a hard time adapting to city life.

Rather than spending time in the newly emerging activities of the city, she preferred nature and old things.

That was also the reason why she became the president of the History and Arts Club. She was interested in Historical things, and art was also a welcomed topic.

In any case, because of her love for nature, the return to the academy was slightly tiring. Once again, she was in the domain of concrete buildings, where no traces of nature could be found.

'What do they find in these buildings, I wonder?'

She thought to herself. After she had returned to the academy, things were normal. There were some changes in her curriculum, but she didn't mind. She was already good at studying, so whatever changes happened, she was sure that she could easily keep her position.

This was both her pride as a first rank of the second year and as a mage. If she weren't at least this proud of herself, she wouldn't be in this position in any case.

'I wonder what Junior is doing. I hope he had used it well.'

She made a bold decision to invest in her junior, according to her hunch, and now she was curious about his changes.

'I hope he did well in mid-terms.'

She remembered the last year's mid-term exams she had taken and how easy it was.

'If it is him, I am sure he did.'

Knowing her junior's prowess and talents, she was sure he had at least risen 500 ranks.

'I guess we will meet soon.'

The next club meeting was this week, and she was curious to see how he did.

"This is enough."


She mumbled as she put down the small water in her hands. It was a crazy display of control, considering her thoughts weren't even focused on manipulations of mana.


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'Ah, I am hungry.'

Whenever she was inside the Elemental Chamber training her mana control, she always forgot the flow of the time.

'I guess I should get a meal.'

With those thoughts in her head, she slowly made her way out of the Elemental Chamber to the Cafeteria.

It was a familiar routine for Maya. Elemental Chamber, followed by a hearty meal at the cafeteria. It was during these moments that she could unwind and observe the dynamics of the academy and other students.


However, as she entered the room, she came across a scene she didn't expect. At that exact second, Maya Evergreen's keen senses picked up on the tension in the cafeteria. Her eyes, accustomed to observing the subtle movements of mana, immediately focused on a particular group of students.

In the midst of the bustling cafeteria, she saw a student, his hand discreetly reaching for a concealed object. It was a momentary gesture, camouflaged as casual, but Maya's dynamic vision and exceptional talent allowed her to discern the malevolent intent.

'Is he… trying to stab someone?'

Without a moment's hesitation, Maya assessed the situation. Her years of training and acute awareness of mana fluctuations made her adept at detecting irregularities. She could see the tension in the bully's movements, the subtle cues that hinted at an impending attack.

However, even though she had assessed it, that didn't mean she could do something about it. She was far away from the student, and it was already late.


But contrary to her expectations, the student who was on the subject of the attack tilted his body to the side a little, dodging the attack.

And at that exact second, her eyes captured the student who evaded the stab.


It was the same junior she had just been thinking about.

Determined and swift, Maya immediately came to her senses. Being ranked first in one of the best Academies of the Human Domain wasn't as easy as it seemed. Without wasting a second, she began making her way through the crowded cafeteria, her steps purposeful and efficient.

As she entered the cafeteria, navigating through the sea of students, she heard the sound of a student, "Maya! Hey, Maya, over here!"

It was a slightly familiar voice, probably one of her classmates, but she simply ignored him.

"….." She even missed the darkening in his expression. She had one thing in her mind, and that was to make sure to interfere with the commotion.

And she did as she wished. For the first time in a while, she was angry.

'We are all fellow students here….Why did he do such a thing?'

Attacking someone innocent from behind? What kind of student would do that? Even if it weren't her junior, it wouldn't matter. She would never tolerate such behavior.

But as if just to infuriate her more, she had the students who tried to stab her junior, shifting the blame to him.

"That's enough."

And that was the final straw.

Maya's commanding voice echoed through the bustling space, cutting through the tension like a blade, as her normally bright blue eyes locked coldly on the group of three.

"Tch. Who are you to order me? Didn't you see he almost made me trip over?"

The student before her clicked his tongue rudely as if he didn't show any respect.

"….." The onlookers swallowed their saliva as they

'Bad kids like him need to be punished.'

Her eyes narrowed as she heard the student.

"I saw everything, don't worry." Her cold voice echoed as she stood there.

"Then, why are you stopping us? Doesn't he need to be punished?"

Maya, undeterred by their protests, stood resolute. "Causing a disturbance in the cafeteria is everyone's business, especially when it involves potential harm to a fellow student."

With those words, Maya subtly manipulated the small vines that surrounded her, deftly reaching toward the hidden, poisoned needle concealed under the student's clothes.

"For instance, using hidden weapons." In a swift motion, Maya exposed the concealed needle, holding it delicately between her fingers.

Maya turned her gaze to the would-be assailant, the student who had attempted harm with a banned and poisonous weapon. "Why do you have such a thing underneath your clothes?" she asked, her tone firm and unwavering. "Weapons of this nature are strictly prohibited within the academy, especially those laced with poison. Care to explain yourself?"

Caught off guard by Maya's revelation and the sudden surge of her anger, the student stammered incoherently, his face turning paler by the second. Maya's aura, unintentionally leaking in her anger, surrounded her like an unyielding force, creating an oppressive atmosphere that left the student visibly shaken.

"I-I... it's not what you think!" he stammered, struggling to find a coherent answer. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he attempted to come up with a plausible explanation. But as he saw the looks around him, suddenly, he felt overwhelmed.

Not only was Maya pressuring him, but even the other students around them now turned their opinions with her arrival.

'This mission was supposed to be an easy one.'

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He despaired. For a bunch of Valer, he only needed to make a life for weaklings like Astron hard; that was it. And, of course, since with that money, he could buy himself the resources he needed, he didn't even think of refusing for a second.

After all, his family was already in a rough condition after paying for the expenses of the academy, and his father was being pressured by other managers.

He needed to prove himself, but the life was hard. He realized how many talented and strong people were out there, and he himself was nothing in front of them. That left him with only one option.

To seek resources in other ways, even if it might hurt others. But, now, things seemed to be going further away than what he wished.

He looked at the person who ordered him to act in such a manner, but at that moment, that young man averted his eyes.


As if he didn't care about what happened.

'I am abandoned.'

Like an abandoned dog, he realized he was left alone.

"I-I just did what I was orde-"

He wanted to defend himself by saying someone ordered him, but suddenly, before he could spill the beans to reveal the puppeteer orchestrating this scheme, a sudden interruption halted his words.


A sudden, violent impact echoed through the cafeteria as the student found himself forcefully slammed face-first into the table. The audible gasps of the surrounding onlookers filled the space, a collective shiver of terror sweeping through the crowd.

"I am sorry…..I couldn't stand it any longer." The aggressor, with a menacing expression, leaned over the now subdued student, his grip on the collar unyielding. "You talk too much, and I don't have the patience for it."

Maya, with a stern expression, looked at the newcomer. It was someone she knew; after all, they were classmates.

"What was the meaning of that, Trevor? This is not how we resolve issues in the academy." However, that didn't mean she would approve of what he was doing here.

Trevor, wearing a slight smile, responded with relaxed words, "Oh, Maya, I was just ensuring that justice prevails. This troublemaker here was causing a disturbance, and I took the necessary steps to maintain order. You know how important it is to uphold the reputation of the academy, and as a senior, I couldn't help but set our Junior on the right path, isn't that right?"

Maya sighed, her eyes narrowing at Trevor's explanation. Before she could respond, Trevor stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Astron. "Are you a freshman?" he asked as he slowly extended his hand.

"I am Trevor Philips, Second year Hunter Department. Nice to meet you."

Astron also extended his hand to Trevor's in a handshake. The exchange was polite on the surface, but an undercurrent of tension lingered in the as if their eyes spoke the truth underneath their words. "Astron Natusalune, first year Hunter Department. Nice to meet you," he replied, maintaining his usual expressionless face.

Trevor's handshake lingered for a moment longer than necessary, and his eyes seemed to convey a silent message as if speaking beneath the surface. "A first-year, huh?" he said with a small, seemingly friendly smile. "Just remember, junior, everyone has their place in this academy. Best not to overly approach people you don't deserve to be around, especially when you're new here."

Hearing this, Astron nodded his head without any change in his expression. "I will keep that in mind, Senior."

"I am especially good at fending salivating dogs, worry or not."