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House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63 - The Angry Yang Yi

It has to besaid that a habit is a frightening thing, and Yang Yi is not exempted from this.

Aftertalking to Mo Fei on the phone for more than a week, Yang Yi was used topicking up his cell phone at night and listening to her. But after she wentback, this thing that she does every night suddenly stop, while Yang Yi just typein the keyboard every night, and the cell phone he put aside didn't make asound.

“Isthis a feeling of loss?” Yang Yi thought silently, “Why do I havesuch a feeling?”

In fact, heis just an ordinary person!

However, differentfrom Mo Fei’s wild thoughts, Yang Yi discovered that he couldn't control thisemotion that grew like wild grass. Then, he chose to ignore it, chose not tothink about it, put it aside, and put his energy on the matter at hand.

He’s goingto revise "Drawing Sword"!

But theproblem is that Yang Yi has counted with his finger and waited until the newweekend, but Xixi still hasn't yet arrive.

Hasn’t MoFei gone to do promotion? Isn’t she about to release a new album?

Like this,Yang Yi waited until his new book was released, but he didn’t pay muchattention to the status of the new book. And when Mo Fei’s new album wasreleased the next day, he finally received a call from Xixi!

“Papa,wuwuu, you don’t want Xixi!” After the little girl got on the phone, shecomplained in tears.

“Ah?What? When did Papa say I don't want Xixi? ” Yang Yi was confused.

Yang Yi struggledfor a long time and learned the specific situation from the wronged Xixi.

Mo Fei hasalready gone to Shanghai's TV station. This month, after the release of her newalbum, she will have a series of music programs in four major TV stations, includingShanghai and Beijing. Although this can't determine the sales of her albums, butto a certain extent, it can improve her popularity. If she does well, morepeople will naturally buy her album!

However, MoFei didn't send Xixi to Yang Yi. Yang Yi didn't know that Mo Fei was angry withhim. Mo Fei thought, why send Xixi there? Make Xixi watch Yang Yi and his loverbe affectionate with each other?

Of course, MoFei made up an excuse for Xixi: “Your Papa is too busy, we can’t disturbhis work now.”

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“Xixi missesPapa so much. After Papa is finished with work, you have to play with Xixi,okay?” The little girl sobbed, “Mama is not at home, Xixi is afraidat night.”

Mo Fei hasbeen on business trip for several days, and today Xixi couldn't bear it anymoreand secretly ran to the living room, and dialed her father’s cell phone.Before, the little girl did not dare to disturb her father!

Yang Yi wasalready full of anger. He has no idea why Mo Fei deceived Xixi like this!What’s more, he didn’t understand why Mo Fei would rather leave Xixi at homethan send Xixi to him.

When is hebusy at work? Isn't Yang Yi the most idle person in the world right now?

Yang Yifrowned and then thought of Mo Fei suddenly stop getting in touch with him. Hecouldn’t help thinking, “What does she want to do? What kind of person doyou think I am? Am I someone that come and go at her beck and call?”

Someinappropriate knowledge of his predecessor has now emerged and began to affecthis judgment. (TN: predecessor - previous Yang Yi or the original Yang Yi.)

Does Mo Feistill see himself as a substitute for a doll when her daughter needs herfather’s company?

No matterwhat, Yang Yi was very angry.

Why not lethim take care of his daughter? Clearly, even if Yang Yi has no experience, itis better than Mo Fei, a mother who is too busy to accompany her daughter allday!

“Papa,I want you to tell me a story.” Said Xixi, aggrieved.

“Xixi,don’t be afraid, Papa will come to pick you up!” Yang Yi held back hisanger and comforted the little girl, “You go back to sleep obediently,close your eyes, and when you wake up tomorrow, you will see your Papa!”

“Really?”Xixi asked with some surprise.

“Really!”Yang Yi said decisively.

“Willthe seven dwarfs send Xixi to Papa?” Xixi was still reluctant to put downthe phone, and she asked with full of joy and full of fantasy.

“Um,yes.” Yang Yi said softly.

Afterputting down his cell phone, Yang Yi was silent for a moment. He glanced at MoFei’s phone number in the call log, but after thinking about it, he didn’t callher.

Ask others forhelp? Yang Yi can’t do it.

Moreover, heis more inclined to solve problems in his own way!


What is YangYi’s way?

In the deepnight, Yang Yi’s Tyrant Wolf gradually emerged from the dim street lights andthen turned quietly into a secluded alley.

“It’shere, there's no mistake.” Yang Yi turned on the light inside the car andlooked at the map.

When Mo Feipicked up Xixi, she gave him her home address. Although there is no mobile webmapping service in this world, who is Yang Yi? does he still need GPS to find aplace?

Putting awaythe map, Yang Yi unzipped his jacket, revealing the black tights inside. Afterputting things away, he picked up a small satchel, turned off the lights,pushed open the door and went out.

Mo Fei livesin an upscale neighborhood with tight security, and naturally, it has electronicaccess control.

Security iseasy to solve. Yang Yi somersaulted over the wall at the end of the alley. Withhis skill, those broken glass could not touch his hair.

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However, theelectronic access control is a bit troublesome, he doesn't have that much time,and he doesn't want to cause more trouble and make matter worse. He let off thestill unsuspecting security guards, climbed up the water pipe, and then gotinto the safe passage on the fourth floor.

Mo Feiactually lives on the 30th floor…

In order toavoid the surveillance in the elevator, Yang Yi walked from the stairs of thesafe passage to the 30th floor. Fortunately, it is Yang Yi, whose physicalfitness is different from that of ordinary people. There was no change on hisface and he didn't gasp for breath.

When itcomes to the place, there is only one family on this floor, which ensuresprivacy and is easy to find.

Yang Yimoved the surveillance camera away, next, is to open the lock!

Mo Fei’sdoor lock is not ordinary, but what made Yang Yi relieved was that it was atleast not an electronic anti-theft lock. If it was a fingerprint or passwordlock, Yang Yi will need a professional tool to crack it!

At thistime, where can he find professional tools?

But as longas it is a lock that can be opened with a key, Yang Yi has a way! He took out severalwires from his satchel and picked the door lock for a while, only to hear agentle click. The door lock has been opened!

Aftertidying up the wire, Yang Yi gently opened the door and crept in.

This is MoFei’s home!

From theshoe cabinet in the porch, Yang Yi saw the boots Mo Fei had worn before and hisheart settled down. If Mo Fei gave him the wrong address, he will be thrown offbalance!

However,there is one more person to solve, and that is Mo Fei's nanny!

Obviously,she should have been sleeping in the nanny room, but Yang Yi couldn't becareless. He stealthily touched the nanny's room. The door was not close. Hewent in and gently pressed the other party's sleeping acupuncture points.

In this way,he can make sure that she sleeps quietly until tomorrow morning!


TN: If yousee any mistakes or you didn't understand some parts in the chapter, pleasewrite it on the comment area. I will immediately address it. Thank you!

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