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House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55 - A Travel To The Sea of Flowers

The big treeswith luxuriant foliage and branches covered the hot afternoon. There were alsomany mottles around them, which added some luster to the grove.

Whether itwas done intentionally or not, the grass of this grove was neatly cut, andthere were no rough stones. Instead, there were a few small flowers that hadsprung up from somewhere, blooming so beautifully, which makes people wonder ifthe farmer had carelessly sprinkled the flower seeds.

The touriststhat choose to rest in the grove were not few. The few stone chairs and stonetables have been firmly occupied, and a few people, who didn't mind, havechosen to sit down on the wet grass, but most of them were still reserved andstill worried that their dress might get stain by the green grass mud.

They looked enviouslyat the father and daughter with picnic equipment. They could only sigh and turnaway.

"Comeand have some milk." Yang Yi unscrewed the thermos, poured a cup of warmmilk into the lid, and handed it to Xixi. "It's a little hot, drink itslowly."

Xixi hadalready eaten two pieces of lemon chicken wings. The little girl didn't paymuch attention while eating, and her face was stained with some oil, but shewas very careful and threw the bones of the chicken wings into the garbage bagopened by her father for fear that it might bump into her little skirt, makingit look bad!

Yang Yismiled, sat on one side, watched Xixi drink a mouthful of milk. She then turnedher attention to some small desserts made by her father.

AlthoughYang Yi prepared a lot of delicious food, most of them were prepared for Xixi. Hehimself ate relatively simple, a large portion of beef seasoned with soy sauce andtomato sandwich, plus the few lemon chicken wings left over by Xixi. Afterthat, he slowly drank brewed high-quality black tea slowly and watched thelittle girl play.

Bringingfried vegetable are not very suitable for picnics, and Xixi is not used to theastringent taste of vegetables salad, so Yang Yi prepared a lot of fruits forher, such as big red strawberries, small and exquisite cherry tomato, and peeledand sliced apples.

But thelittle girl was, after all, less than four years old. After a while, Xixi wasfull. She happily squeezed into her father's arms, found a support, and thensmiled in a silly way and sweetly: "I'm so satisfied!"

Yang Yireached out and traced the bridge of the little girls' nose and said with asmile, "Your stomach is bulging and you're going to be a little fatgirl."

"No, no,Xixi, doesn't want to be a little fat girl." Xixi sprawled to sit up. Shetouched her belly with some worry and looked at her father in a panic. "Butit's really bulging! What to do?"

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Yang Yi didn'ttease her anymore. He smiled and rubbed Xixi's little head, said: "Well, myXixi is gifted, and don't get fat at all, so what are you afraid of?"

"Myhair is all messed up!" Xixi grabbed her father's hand and said unhappily.

"It's okay.You take a nap first, and when you get up in the afternoon to see the flowers, Papawill redo your hair." Yang Yi held the little girl in his arms and saidsoftly.

Now the sunis very hot outside, Yang Yi wants to let Xixi take a nap, wait until it's threeor four o'clock, and then take the little girl out to see the flowers.

"Well,I want the same one that you did in the morning!" Xixi's big bright eyes,that are like black gem, looked up at his father.

"Um, noproblem!"

In thegrove, although there were some tourists, who came to enjoy the cool air, that werechatting, everyone's voice was very consciously lowered. With the breeze gentlyblowing, and the leaves whirling, Xixi that was snuggling in his father's arms,quickly went to sleep.

Of course, YangYi didn't sleep. Outdoors, he was a little uneasy. Money is merely a worldlypossession. The most important thing is that he must take good care of Xixi, andnot have any problem!

After sometime, he somewhat suddenly became vigilant, frowned and turned his head andlooked at a hesitant girl behind him.

Luckily, itwasn't a thief.

The thin,dark-skinned girl, dressed in the uniform of Jiangcheng Media University, wasalso clean, with a red ribbon hanging diagonally on her body that read"Jiangcheng Environmental Protection Association Volunteer."

When YangYi's sharp gaze swept over, it startled her. The girl, like a little rabbit,was shy and flustered, ready to run away.

After YangYi saw her school uniform, his eyes softened, and he also wondered, "Am Iso scary?"

"What'sthe matter?" Yang Yi asked in a low voice.

At thismoment, the timid girl gathered her courage to come over. She took a look at Xixi,who was sleeping soundly, and whispered, "Please clean up later. If youhave any trash, please pack it up and take it away."

She gesturedwith her hands at the boxes, jars and other miscellanies Yang Yi placed on the"table cloth".

It turnedout that she came here to remind tourists to take good care of the environmentand clean up the trash they left behind.

Yang Yinodded at her and made an OK gesture.

Originally,Yang Yi also planned to clean up, but because Xixi took a nap, Yang Yi simply leftit until the afternoon to tidy up. Unexpectedly, he was caught by theenvironmental protection volunteer.

Of course, hewas not the only one that the thin and shy girl has to "take careof". Yang Yi saw her walk away and went to the other tourists. Along theway, she bent down, picked up the water bottles and paper towels that othershad dropped, and threw them into the garbage bag she was carrying.


In the afternoon,Xixi slept fully and didn't have the air of someone who had just woken up. YangYi also poured some water on her little towel, wiped her face, and then helpedher sort out some of her messy hair and tied it up again!

"Let'sgo!" The little girl twirled her skirt excitedly and couldn't wait to jumparound.

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"Waitfor Papa to pack up." Yang Yi repacked the food boxes, put them back inthe backpack, cleaned up the trash in the garbage bags, and then folded thetablecloth and arranged them in an orderly way.

When they arrivedto the field at the back of the village, Yang Yi couldn't help exclaiming,"Oh, wow!"

That mu offlower fields seems to have become a boundless sea of flowers! (TN: mu is aChinese unit of land measurement. 1 mu = 666.66666666667 m2)

Of course,there was a boundary. It was the boundary of different color. The yellowdazzling rapeseed is separated by the red hibiscus, and at the end of red is thepurple dragon bud grass, with the continuous pink cosmos…

This sea iscolorful, as if it were an oil painting painted with rich colors!

"It'sso beautiful!" Xixi's eyes couldn't take all the scene in. Her big eyesrevealed a dazzled look.

"Xixi,come, Papa will take a picture of you!" Yang Yi took out the SLR camerathat he had just received yesterday and directed Xixi to pose.

Before, MoFei always said that the photos he sent were blurred. Well, it's time to showsome real skill!

AlthoughYang Yi has not studied photography professionally, at least he was also aperson who often plays with cameras. In his previous life, he needed to takepictures secretly with a camera and make a plan of action…

Select ascene, focus, and snap!

Hmm? It seemsto be missing something? It seems that ISO, aperture, shutter speed and theother parameters have not been adjusted!

It doesn'tmatter. Just turn on to automatic mode and learn it slowly later…

"I want to see it, too!" Just finished shooting, Xixi can't wait to come over to see the results. "Cough cough, that one was blurred, so Papa deleted it. Let's take another one