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House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39 - Xu Sanduo's Journey

"With hislove, the prince woke up Snow White who ate the poisoned apple by mistake. Hetold the seven dwarfs that he would marry Snow White as his wife, and that theseven dwarfs were invited to their wedding. They sang and danced to celebratethe happy life of the prince and Snow White."

"Butone day, the evil queen asked the magic mirror: Mirror mirror on the wall, whois the most beautiful woman in the world? The magic mirror said: You are themost beautiful woman in this room, but in the kingdom beyond the forest, thenewly married Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than you."

"The evilqueen was so furious that she rode a flying broom and wanted to go to the next kingdomto deal with Snow White. But she did so many bad things that when she flew overthe forest, a bolt of lightning struck her and killed her."

Yang Yistill used the story that he did not finished yesterday to coax Xixi to sleep.

The storyhad a happy ending, and Xixi also feel happy for Snow White, but the littlegirl did not smile. She thought of herself.

"Idon't like Snow White's stepmother." Although Xixi was very tired, shestill hugged her teddy bear tightly and said to his father, "Papa, don'tseparate from Mama, okay? Xixi is afraid."

When she mentionedthis question, Yang Yi sighed quietly, and said softly to Xixi: "Xixi, don'tbe afraid, no matter what, Papa will protect you."

"Nomatter who it is, Papa won't let anyone hurt you!" Yang Yi said firmly.

Xixi pursed herlips, put down the teddy bear, stretched out her little hand and said, "Papa,I want a hug."

Yang Yi'sheart softened. He hurriedly lifted the quilt, went to bed, and hugged thelittle girl in his arms.

In herfather's arms, holding her father's big hand, Xixi seemed to feel at ease,gradually breathing smoothly and sleeping soundly.

Today, shewas too tired after going shopping and strolling around. After all, she wasstill a little girl who is less than four years old.

Yang Yiwaited until Xixi was sleeping soundly, then took her little bear, slowlyreplaced his hand, and then picked up the little girl and let her sleep back.

Just as YangYi released his hand and was ready to cover her with the quilt, the little girltwisted and Yang Yi stopped his action.

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He saw Xixi drawback her hands, hugged the little bear hard with her long eyelashes pressedtightly against her face, and she murmured vaguely, "Papa, Xixi doesn'twant a stepmother. No…"

He didn'tknow why, but Yang Yi's heart is a little sour, which is a feeling that he hasnever experienced in his previous life!

"No,no." Yang Yi lowered his head, gently kissed her daughter on her forehead,and said softly, "Xixi, don't be afraid."

It was as ifshe had heard her father's words in her dream, and the little girl gradually loosenedher eyebrows.


Aftercoaxing Xi to sleep, Yang Yi closed the door and went to the study room.

A few daysago, he bought a computer and also installed the Internet, all of which wereplaced in the study room. This world's computer operating system design isrelatively mediocre, and somewhat not user-friendly. Yang Yi feels that it isnot as good as Windows' operating system, which has a lot of problem in thepast, let alone his favorite Apple operating system.

But hedoesn't know too much about extremely complex programming, so he can't make hisown operating system like the ones in his previous life. Even if he prefers towork on Apple's desktop, he can only learn to adapt now.

He turned onthe computer, and on the screen, there is a folder. The folder's name is "SoldierAssault."

Yes, thesedays, he has been "writing" this . Thanks to the clear memory ofall his previous life experiences, Yang Yi almost just looked at his memory,and draws out this , which originated from the drama and TV series "Erna Assault".

His efficiencyis surprisingly high. The has more than 400,000 words, and at present, hehas more than 100,000 words on his computer, which is the result of only one ortwo hours a day of typing on the keyboard.

It can besaid that in less than a week, Yang Yi will be able to finish the book!

Then again,why does Yang Yi want to carry this over to this world?

Since he cameinto contact with Mo Fei, Yang Yi has always had a strong sense of crisis.

This womanknows too much about his "past". Mo Fei knows exactly what kind of person YangYi used to be and what kind of financial situation he had.

Therefore,after Yang Yi's personality changed, Yang Yi could feel Mo Fei's suspicion.

But this isfine. And after the several times they had compete with each other (whetherintentional or unintentional), Mo Fei has dispelled her suspicion. Yang Yi, thisstubborn fellow, isn't his temperament the same as before. Has he not changed?

But now thebiggest flaw lies in Yang Yi's property!

Renting thissmall building is okay, since he has the lease contract with Grandfather Hu. It'snot like Yang Yi couldn't afford one yuan. But Yang Yi also bought a car worth 600,000yuan. Mo Fei didn't see it when she came here yesterday, but she will knowabout it someday!

In addition,Yang Yi also bought so many clothes for Xixi today, and the clothes bought atHaihong Mall were not cheap, basically no less than 1,000 yuan! (TN: For eachclothes? And not all of it. Not clearly stated.)

Unless YangYi doesn't let Xixi wear it and hide it all, otherwise Mo Fei will certainlynotice that something is wrong!

The coffeeshop is not open yet. Where did Yang Yi get that much money?

But whywould Yang Yi do that? It's not his style to hide money and not enjoy life!

What's more,he dared to buy clothes for Xixi and swaggered around with the Tyrant Wolf,because he had already thought of a way out.

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This way outis to make use of some literary and musical works from his previous life toearn royalties in this world! (TN: Royalties = copyright fees)

This world'scopyright protection awareness is very high, which also contributes to thedevelopment of cultural industry. However, Yang Yi still has strong confidencein the excellent works he has seen in his previous life!

Didn't thesongs "Long Time No See" plus "Better Not To Meet" not beenfavored by the famous Hong Kong singer Chen Yijie and Tianxiang Music Deputy Director?It also brought 160,000 yuan to Yang Yi, plus the huge benefits of futuredividends!

But Yang Yidoes not intend to reveal this part of his income prematurely. After all, MoFei knows that the previous Yang Yi didn't like music, and at least need abuffer time.

Then, withYang Yi's past identity and experience, it would be more appropriate to write amilitary .

When thinkingof military s, Yang Yi first thought of "Drawing Sword", butthis , which was popular in his previous life, reveals a history that wasnot quite the same as that of this world. Even if Yang Yi wanted to write it, heneeded to carefully study the history of this world, and then go back andcarefully adapt it.

Besides"Drawing Sword", in his previous lives, there was a TV drama hit thatgot a adaptation that became popular called "Soldier Assault", whichhas become Yang Yi's first choice.

(PS: XiaoHanchao said that "Soldier Assault" should have a book"Soldier" first, and then the TV series, but the original book seemsto be very difficult to find, and Xiao Han still prefers the TV plot of"Soldier Assault." So, let's take the adapted TV series as theoriginal work!). (TN: This is also in the raw)

In hisprevious life, Yang Yi didn't have strong feelings for soldiers. He had onlyread this in order to pass the lonely times. But in this life, when he"wrote" the word by word, Yang Yi's heart was stirred.

This storyis very similar to the experience of the previous Yang Yi! (TN: The originalYang Yi)

Although hispredecessor was not as weak as Xu Sanduo, he was also simple, foolish, honestand straightforward, from the countryside, and was ridiculed by his teammates,and grew into a lenient top-notch soldier with honor!

So, inwriting this , Yang Yi felt that he had also written his memories of hismilitary camp from a fictional story.

That's alittle bit far away. Yang Yi returned to his senses. He opened a web page andregistered an author's account under his real name on Qiyue Literature Website,the current largest literary website in China established by copyrightorganizations.

"XuSanduo's journey, starts now!"


TN: Basically Yang Yi is "plagiarizing" the literary and musical works from his previous life like what Lu Chen, from Perfect Superstar, is doing with the songs from the dream world.