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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 537
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Chapter 537

Nydia had been the epitome of a swashbuckling heroine just moments ago, but at the sight of her father’s name

flashing on her phone screen, she wilted like a flower in the scorching sun, with her head drooping.

“Don’t worry, Nydia, Jason whispered, wrapping his arms around her, his gaze as bright and passionate as the

break of dawn, “I’m here with you. I’ll go home with you. If Chairman Ashbourne tries to scold you, I’ll stand

between you and any trouble.”

“How can you stand.” Nydia’s lips trembled, her heart fluttering with unease.

Jason chuckled softly in her ear, “I’ll just say, ‘Dear father–in–law, if you want to vent, direct it at me and spare the

father–daughter bond.”

Nydia’s heart skipped a beat, feeling a tingling sensation spreading through her body as a blush bloomed across her

fair cheeks, like a bud opening at dawn, which stole Jason’s gaze and made it impossible for him to look away

The young couple had their plans down pat, but they were driving Evadne up the wall with worry.

She wasn’t afraid of Emeric, it was the thought of him blaming Nydia and possibly grounding her that troubled her.

It would only make things harder for the lovebirds.

Emeric’s call still rang out, albeit with a sense of urgency rather than anger.

Thaddeus, understanding the delicate predicament she faced, spoke up with resolve, “Evadne, if it’s too much for

you, let me talk to Chairman Ashbourne”

“You?” Evadne blinked, “What will you say?”

Thaddeus pondered, betraying a gentle sincerity in his eyes. “Tll say it was all my idea and that you, Nydia, and

Jason are innocent.”

“Stop! Are you trying to make things worse?” Evadne pouted in annoyance, jabbing his chest with her finger, “That

line works because it’s cute when Jason says it. But coming from you to Emeric, it sounds presumptuous and

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arrogant. Don’t you want things to stay good between us?”

Seeing Evadne’s distress, Thaddeus panicked and grabbed her hand, pressing it to his chest, Tm sorry, I was just

joking” But deep down, he wasn’t kidding at all.

His primary mission in life now was to marry Evadne and become Emeric’s son–in–law; everything else could be put

off, Evadne steadied herself and prepared to answer the call.


“Is Nydia there with you? Emeric’s voice came through, brimming with urgency.

“Yes, she is.” Evadne’s own voice wavered slightly

“Put that girl on the phone,” Emeric’s voice was firm but tinged with impatience.

Evadne took a deep breath, wearing a serious expression, “Dad, at this point, blaming Nydia is pointless. Instead of

losing your temper, why not consider the next steps?”

Emeric huffed on the other end, “Pit, Evadne, are you blind? Do I really seem that foolish and clueless to you?”

With her eyebrow arched, Evadne felt impressed by her father’s self–awareness.

Emeric’s voice was loud enough for Thaddeus and the others to hear clearly.

Nydia felt quilty knowing her sister was taking the heat for her.


Just as she reached for the phone, Emeric let out a heavy sigh. “Do you think blocking me will help? I know you’re

at the K Hotel in Elmsworth. If I were really angry. Nydia would already be tied up and on her way back to Silverlake

Harbor by now!”

The use of the word “tied” made Jason’s heart lurch, and he held Nydia even tighter.

Thaddeus thought to himself that indeed, the father and daughter shared the same fiery temper.

Emeric’s tone softened, 1 didn’t call to blame Nydia. Hurry up, I’m worried sick and want to hear my little girl’s


Evadne’s eyes narrowed as she handed the phone to Nydia, “He wants to talk to you.”

Nydia’s lips were white with fear as she gingerly held the phone to her flushed car.



Chapter 537

“Nydia, because of your livestream, the world was turned upside down. But I have to admit, you chose a good spot–

our family’s hotel Clever girl, you must have learned from your sister Evadne,” Emeric teased.

“No, I didn’t.”

Nydia’s voice was timid, her words tumbling out incoherently, “I’m sorry, Dad, this is all my fault. Please don’t

blame Evadne.”

“Did you feel any better after letting it all out?”

His unexpected question caught Nydia off guard, “Huh?”

“I know that incident has been weighing on you, and it hasn’t been easy for you to let go. Your mother hides in her

room every night, crying silently for you. If confronting Byron and exposing his vile acts tonight could help ease

your mind, then I fully support your decision,” Emeric’s deep voice was gentle as if he was afraid to startle his


Overwhelmed with emotion, Nydia’s eyes filled with tears, “Dad.”

“My brave girl, don’t cry and don’t feel guilty. Tonight, you were incredibly courageous. You are our pride.”

The voice of the powerful tycoon broke slightly, but he quickly recovered and laughed heartily, “From now on, be

bold. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind or take action. You are Emeric’s daughter, and anyone who dares to

belittle you will have to answer to

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Tears streamed down Nydia’s cheeks as she hung up the phone, leaving Evadne’s device damp as if it was fished

out of water.

Evadne and Thaddeus looked on with concern, and Jason, frantic with worry, pulled out a handkerchief to gently

wipe away her


“Nydia, did Emeric scold you? Evadne asked softly

Nydia shook her head, her voice choked with emotion, “Dad said I am his pride.

With that, she turned and buried her tear–streaked face in Jason’s chest, her sobs echoing through the quiet room.

From her youngest days, Nydia had always excelled academically and in character, yet she stood in the long

shadow of her siblings, each one of whom is a paragon of success. Cassius is a CEO: Bennett, though held an

enigmatic air doing his affairs, still seemed impressive; Hubery had fallen heroically, and Debby is the esteemed

First Lady And not to mention her sister, who had been her role model since childhood.

Nydia felt invisible, and her brightness seemed dimmed. An inherent sense of inferiority seeped from her bones,

and in spite of her achievements, she never dared to ask anything of her father,

But now, having thought she’d caused a catastrophe, Nydia was bracing for rejection and resentment, Instead, she

received her father’s praise.

Overwhelmed with emotion, she had tears streaming down her cheeks, each drop a droplet of joy

The young couple, startled by the words, shared a knowing smile.

“Emeric, always the dramatic one, gave me quite the scare, Evadne confessed, with her hand on her chest, feeling

a mix of relief and bewilderment. “But luckily, his wits were about him this time, and he didn’t mess up.”

Thaddeus, his own heart now at ease, took her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers, slowly and softly.

“Nydia, keep being brave. We’re always here to back you up, no matter what

“Let’s not get carried away.” Evadne interjected with a chuckle, elbowing Thad playfully. “You c princess in the

Ashbourne family is enough”