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Hero of Darkness-Novel

Chapter 999 Power of Magic
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Chapter 999  Power of Magic

After Kahn was done killing the first four opponents, the doppelgangers passed the weapons like Beowolf, Gungnir, and Lucifer to other copies.

And now, his attention shifted to the remaining of the bunch.

The fifth enemy exhibited a unique appearance with fish-scale patterns covering her body. Her face remained concealed beneath a helmet, and the distinctive color of her blue palms, glowing sky-blue antlers, and attire—comprising a pristine white and blue dress—created an ethereal ensemble. In her hand, she wielded a staff with a radiant blue hue.

She was a Priestess by class named Ariel Eckhart.



The sky rumbled and the ground trembled as erratic winds and roaring clouds suddenly appeared and surrounded them in the battlefield.

Kahn had activated the skill named Stormbringer. A skill like the name, could create storms in a short time, one of Oliver's most powerful skills when he wanted to create a battlefield to gain the environmental advantage.

Even in its reduced effectiveness of only 20% of the original capacity… it was enough to surround a 100-meter radius and soon, dozens of lightning bolts crackled along with the dark clouds that obstructed anyone from interfering.


Kahn snapped his fingers and used a buff skill called Elemental Domain.

This was a buff skill that temporarily enhanced all the elemental damage by 200% in a 200-meter radius.

Kahn received this from Solomon long ago but the effective range never evolved like his other skills and also the fact that his elemental affinity was already at 100%, making his normal attack 2 to 3 times far more powerful compared to others.

But after leaving the Rakos Empire, Kahn had no reason to use it after becoming a Saint since this ability didn't stack with an additional buff effect either.

But now that he was only a grandmaster, Kahn was using this buff to increase his total damage against this priestess who was overconfident to engage alone with him.

She was a water elemental priestess and activated several of her piecing holy attacks, with a mixture of water spears.



Multiple water and light elemental projectiles launched at Kahn and he quickly started dodging them haphazardly.

[Is she dumb? Why is she using both holy magic and her water elemental skill at the same time? Does she think it will have some sort of effect on me because I'm the hero of Darkness?

She is just wasting her mana by twice.

Plus, who the hell said I was going to use Darkness element against her?] thought Kahn and the next moment, he sprung forth to attack.


Next, over a hundred vines arose from the ground as Kahn used Flaura and Fauna skill to command the plant life and used the roots beneath the ground to attack Ariel from multiple directions.



They bound her from the sky while Kahn defended against the holy spells using a metal wall he summoned.



The thunderous noises echoed, and from the sky…


Dropped a 2-meter-wide lightning bolt that zapped the Ariel instantly.

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"Kyaaa!!" wailed the pristine looking priestess.

If Kahn wasn't restricted to Beginner Grandmaster rank and was a semi-saint… this one bolt would have killed Ariel in a single strike.

[Is she really a semi-saint? She was focused so much on attacking me that she did not even cast a protection barrier on herself and forgot to mind the battlefield to the point she did not even notice that I was creating a massive lightning bolt as my decisive attack.] he wondered.

Kahn walked towards the groveling and fidgeting Ariel's charred figure.

"I would have loved to turn you into my summon but currently I can't use the King of the Dead skill. Such a shame. Armin would have loved a companion of the same skillset." spoke Kahn with a disappointed countenance and next…


Kahn stabbed Ariels' chest by using Lucifer's tip to rip apart and pull her core out of her heart.


Next, his opponent was the monster-like four-legged semi-saint with a long reptilian tail called Judas Sphinx.

Kahn switched to daggers and used smoke bombs to disrupt the sight of the enemy.


The enemy roared and the sonic booms from it cleared the smoke instantaneously.

But Kahn was nowhere to be seen.

[Where did he go?] thought Judas.


Right then, a figure arose from beneath his shadow. The smoke was just a distraction because using it, Kahn performed Shadow Walk for the first time ever since he became a saint.

And this time, when he obstructed the enemy's sight with a smoke bomb, he used Shadow Walk to enter into his shadow.


Kahn used the dagged and made an X cut, instantly chopping off Judas' tail.

Why did he attack the tail first?

Because for many quadrupedal animals, a massive tail based on their anatomy dictates their posture and body movement.

If you cut a crocodile's entire tail, it can neither walk or swim properly for a long time because the loss of such a huge organ will affect the nervous system and overall brain activity.

Kahn had no intentions to waste time on testing this semi-saint and he quickly jumped high in the air, above its head, and switched those daggers with Lucifer.



Highly compressed darkness aura assisted with crackling lightning merged together as Kahn used his long-forgotten powerful strike after so many years.

The last time he used it was when he killed the Hero of Fire 2 years ago.

Dimensional Cut had completely replaced this skill as Kahn's most powerful attack but now that Kahn no longer had access to Space Law, the once reliable skill had been used again.

"Getsuga Ten…

I mean, Dark Lightning Strike!" exclaimed Kahn.


The dark lightning blade passed through Judas' head.


Kahn made the superhero landing.


Judas' petrified head dropped on the ground.

He slashed apart his lion-like body and pulled the core out of his stomach.

With a calm and collected demeanor, Kahn spoke solemnly…

"That's for betraying my boy, Jesus."


His next opponent was Acalan Cedric, the blue-skinned and white-tattooed spearman.

He was using Runes on enhance his body, embedded in the form of tattoos.

"Who the hell are you trying to fool, you wannabe blue monkey from Avatar?" said Kahn's doppelganger.

Without even offering a chance to use his skills to attack Kahn…

The Hero of Darkness summoned a halo of multiple elements over his body and an epic rank scepter for mages.

"Sidvak Areku Opemann Lakwaros Sanik En Tvua!" chanted Kahn in a grim tone.

5 different pentagrams made of archaic formations, appeared behind Kahn.

1st formation created a barrier that isolated both of them from the rest.

2nd created a shield in front of Kahn to protect himself.

3rd spread fire on the battlefield like a blazing inferno.

4th created a debuff on the opponent that slowed his movement by 30%.

And 5th one stopped at creating multiple fire vortexes that surrounded the enemy from four sides.

[Elemental Domain!] thought Kahn and activated the skill again.

Kahn raised his elemental damage by 200% as he fought with a pure Fire Mage build.

"What the hell is this? Since when were you a mage?" spoke Cerdic with a baffled expression.

This isn't what lord Anakin told us." he said in a terrified voice.

"Such misinformation. Much sad." replied Kahn and attacked from all sides.


Battle spread for over 200 meters and Kahn relentlessly attacked with fire spells. The ground charred and started melting and in the meanwhile, the spearman was left with nothing but confusion because his sight was blocked and no matter how much he attacked Kahn by using his senses, the spear could not break the shield.

"What a dumbass. Wasting his energy on skills he knows can't overpower me."

Kahn then used Armin's wood elemental skills to tie him down just like he did with Ariel.

Kahn walked towards Cedric and gathered all his mana and turned a massive fireball made from all the fire vortex.

He pointed his forefinger and thumb, taking the shape of a pretend-gun at the enemy's head while the small bullet-sized fireball was vibrating.

"No, please don't!" begged Cedric as he made a mortified plea.

"Bang!" Kahn made a headshot at close range and killed the opponent easily.


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The neck sizzled as all there was left was a headless corpse.

Kahn also took out the core and smiled for the easy victory.


On the other side, another battle ensued between a semi-saint and one of Kahn's cosmic replicas.

Echidna Skullborne, the semi-saint with white and red exoskeleton armor, and yellow eyes spread over her body; targeted Kahn.

She was spewing tendrils and launching bullet-like attacks and in the meanwhile, she was using telekinesis to lift the stones, boulders and dried trees from the dead battlefield to attack Kahn.

"Oh ho, she must be a Psychic. First time I'm fighting one who is a semi-saint." spoke Kahn to himself.

"Bad for you, girl. If you're like an extraterrestrial Alien, then I'm like a Predator." declared Kahn with an expectant gaze.

Because now was the time to watch a movie named…

Alien Vs Predator.

The movie began with the Alien and the Predator exchanging lethal pleasantries.

However, Kahn used the Basilisk Skin and turned his body impenetrable. He deflected all the attacks by twisting Gungnir vertically so fast that it started looking like a circular shield as Kahn slowly walked forward toward her.

"Die! You bastard!" exclaimed Echidna with horror as he was using skills far more effectively than her previous assumption.


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Echidna used the boulders and stones to attack Kahn but instead… They all suddenly stopped.

"I may not be able to the Primordial Titan Bloodline but I can still use the Gravity Law skills." spoke Kahn with an unfazed countenance.

These were the skills Kahn received from Skoll and Hati in the forbidden region of Verlassen when he went there to get the Tablet of Arcana.

Currently, only Omega used them frequently but now that Kahn was facing a legit Psychic, gravity law skills were his most reliable assets.

[Gravity Downforce.] commanded Kahn.

All the projectiles dropped as Kahn's skills overpowered Echidna.

"These are Saint Rank skills from two Mythical monsters with Godbeast Fenrir's bloodline.

Even at their weakest form, they are still stronger than a Semi-Saint's psychic powers." said Kahn calmly.

The movie began and soon, the clash started as Echidna started a full-on barrage of bony projectiles laced with yellow venom.

He then pointed Gungir at Echidna who was floating in the sky now using her powers..

"You will never reach me!" said Echidna, acting haughty.

Kahn smirked and replied.

"Who said I need to reach you?"

"Shinra Tensei!" exclaimed Kahn.

Suddenly, Echidna felt like she lost all the control over her body and in mere moments, she was pulled towards Kahn as if a black hole was sucking her in.

In a single second, Kahn pulled her close to him entirely.

And the direction Echidna headed was… Gungir's tip.


Despite being a psychic herself, Echidna did not even get enough time to react before she was pulled close to Kahn and was impaled by walking into Gungnir's tip.

And just like that, Kahn killed another 4 semi-saints in a single chapter.