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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent

Chapter 175
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Chapter 175 In no tat all, a sketch of an evening gown materialized on the blank sheet of paper Yes, Anthea designing a gown.

RealTimel low’s annual gala was past two months away, by which tthe chill of Capital City would dip below freezing. She wanted to get ahead of the cold snap and design a temperature regulating dress That way, she wouldn’t have to worry about the cold.

It was also a propportunity to advertise temperature-adjustable clothing And save on a hefty marketing budget to boot Those attending the RealTimeFlow gala were sure to be female celebrities and newscasters, a demographic that’s perpetually strutting down red carpets, with a far greater need for tempemture regulating attire than the average person After all, they required seasonless glamour for outdoor appearances.

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Summer was one thing. But cautumn and winter, they faced the brutal test of the cold.

Most importantly, the target audience for these temperature controlled garments wasn’t limited to female stars, it would appeal to male celebrities and the general public alike.

After all, the design wasn’t restricted to gowns. It could be tailored into suits, t-shirts, formal attire..

Three minutes later, the perfect gown design graced the paper.

Even a seasoned designer would blush with embarrassment upon seeing such sophistication, and if not for witnessing it with their own eyes, they would hardly believe it was a three minute creation.

Anthea signed the bottom with a bold Y.

After finishing the sandwich, Anthea retired to her room to start a live stream This was her first broadcast since the cheating and Second Snow White incidents.

The moment she opened the stream, the viewer count soared past 20,000.

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[Ann, are you really going to make it to the RealTimeFlow gala on time?] [Ann, can’t wait to see you in person‘] [Congrats Ann on hitting 20 million followers!] It was only when she saw this comment that Anthea realized her fans had jumped to 20 million “Don’t worry, | never break a promise.nl be there for the third anniversary gala” [Ahhh! So excited! Ann, you must be gorgeous] Anthea humbly replied. “Just average, third in the world maybe.” [The host's an eyesore but won't admit it. Got the screenshots, waiting to prove you wrong!! [Cheater, you're embarrassing!] [If you were really that pretty, why hide behind the mask?] [Our Rebecca is the real beauty!! “As for the cheating accusations, | won't explain again. The innocent need no defense. You'll see the outcof my face-off with Miss Becca at RealTimeFlow’s third-anniversary gala” Go Ann! You're so badass! We stand by you [To those troublemakers, give it a rest. Ann already said she’d attend the Real TimeFlow gala. Are you blind?] Just then, a challenge popped up on her computer.

[LeisureHermit has sent you a challenge. Do you accept?] Anthea raised an eyebrow slightly as she thought, “He really doesn’t know when to give up.” (This one wont stop until they hit rock bottom.] [Honestly, their gis not bad, but they've met their match with our Ann] Anthea accepted the challenge.” From the moment the gbegan, Sherman watched the chessboard like a hawk. Before each move, he pondered for minutes, ensuring no mistakes before daring to place a piece.

1/2 Yet, even with such caution, he found himself ensnared step by step in his opponent's trap Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Despite a string of losses, Sherman was discouraged, he was as eager as ever If possible, he’d love to meet Griffin, to use a toast and speak of ancient and modem times From this person’s style of play, they had to be a remarkable character Just then, a knock sounded at the doors Sherman in?” “Con it. Sherman casually grabbed a cross from the desk and leaned back in his chair, resting with eyes closed.

Daniel entered and said, “Sherman, | need your signature on this document” Sherman signed the document with his name, written in a flourish that carried a sense of ascetic restraint.

For sreason, it reminded Daniel of Anthea In fact, Anthea and Sherman could make a good match No, no! Daniel quickly dismissed the unrealistic thought, only the vegan Rebecca was truly suited for Sherman After a walk outside, Sarah returned hand calmly broke the news to her parents that she was pregnant and considering an abortion The Allens were quite traditional, and upon hearing their daughter was with child, they pondered whether to let go of the money issue.