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Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

Chapter 1809 General Feng’s Move
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Chapter 1809  General Feng’s Move

Clang! Clang! Clang! Stago, as General Wu was busy being attacked by the strange foot soldier who appeared out of nowhere, General Feng rushed towards General Fang.

At the stime, his adjutants were busy to maintain the formation. "Maintain two and two formations! Attack!"

The infantry moved even faster as those trapped soldiers inside were all killed swiftly. When it was done, the adjutant led the cavalry to charge once more and break the formation of the other party. The movements were swift and fast. Since they were in the middle and not at the front, their target was basically the leftover.

To put it simply, they were cleaning up the battlefield and also to prevent these soldiers from regrouping and helped General Fang.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

"You keep on targeting me, General Feng." General Fang's tone was extremely cold.

General Feng sneered. "I'm targeting you because my brother died in your hand, General Fang."


General Fang was confused.

He honestly didn't remember any unimportant commanders who died in his hand many years ago. There were a lot of people who died in war that General Fang was unable to remember any of them.

Honestly, General Feng didn't have much affection for his brother either. This had happened many years ago and General Feng could even say that he had forgotten many things about his brother.

This was just a reason for him to target General Wu.

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After all, General Wu has been a general in Shi Long Kingdom for many years and had a lot of experience. If he was allowed to go and helped the generals who fought against Shangguan Xian, it would cause him more troubles.

So General Feng felt that it would be better for him to deal with him first.

Anyway, he had the tand power to do it as long as the reinforcement could be curbed.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

"You! I don't even remember your brother!" General Fang was annoyed, but he still responded with the attacks. He has been a general for a long tand the so called losing his mind in the middle of the battle would not exist.

That was such a low level mistake that couldn't be done. "Indeed."

General Feng didn't care and intensified his attacks.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The metal clashed against each other again and again.

General Feng had gotten used to General Fang's move after challenging each other for a long tfor the past few weeks. The other generals didn't seem to think of him as a big threat, which was something that made General Feng depressed too.

But today.

Let them see that he was not just a nobody.

Swish! Clang!

Seeing the attack grew fiercer, General Fang was stunned but able to held on. "You…"

Clang! Clang! Clang! Again and again, General Feng no longer care about anything and kept on attacking General Fang. His fierce attacks seemed to be overwhelming and General Fang couldn't follow for a moment.

It was at this moment that General Feng switched his rhythm.


The sword stabbed straight towards General Fang's chest.


Blood spurted out followed by cough. General Fang's eyes narrowed as he looked at the general in front of him.

"I see, so you're trying to throwoff balance."


General Feng nodded and withdrew his weapon and patted his horse to order him to step back. He didn't really have any grievances for General Fang, but for the sake of Fei Yang Kingdom, General Fang had to die.

He looked at General Fang, who was dying, and said in a low voice, "Thank you for the past few battles, General Fang. You're a respectable opponent."

"Heh." General Fang snorted and slowly fell to the ground.


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That attack reached his heart and the blood had made it difficult for General Fang to speak or even breathing. He slowly closed his eyes.


General Feng took a deep breath and turned to look at his adjutant. "How's the current situation? Has General Wu start to make the move?"

He provoked General Fang in order to make this general pay more attention to him and to make sure that his plan to throw the balance was successful. As long as General Fang was disrupted in the battle, the chance for him to win would be bigger.

After that, he would change his battle style all of the sudden.

This was one of the few tactics that he thought of when he was acted as the background board during his ton the border and helping Shangguan Xian. He didn't have the chance to use it before as his role was not very important.

After all, he was not a very remarkable general anymore.

He was no longer young and his stamina was limited, so to make sure that Fei Yang Kingdom didn't easily lose another general, his task was usually a bit lighter than Shangguan Xian.

The result was naturally Shangguan Xian's reputation grew.

Though, General Feng didn't really care about this.

He only wanted to fight to the fullest and do what he could for Fei Yang Kingdom to protect his home. "Replying to General Feng, General Wu didn't make any move and seems to be stopped."

"Huh?" General Feng, who was ready for another soul stirring battle, was dumbfounded when he heard his adjutant report. There were no other commanders who were very powerful in this frontline, which was why General Feng's tactic was very conservative.

The only reason he took the risk today was because General Wu appeared and if he had to fight against two generals at the stime, it would be difficult.

He chose to kill General Fang first with this tactic.

But General Wu was not making any move?

Why did this seem to be so hard to believe?

General Feng looked at his adjutant and the adjutant also looked back at General Fang innocently. He really didn't do anything, General!