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Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

Chapter 1627 New Assignment
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Chapter 1627 New Assignment

Prince Yang Lu nodded.

"Yes, you can do this."

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness." Mu Fei Xin smiled brightly at Prince Yang Lu and put away the letter. "I have prepared your favorite food, would you like to eat together, Your Highness?"

"Yes." Prince Yang Lu nodded.

Mu Fei Xin smiled and brought Prince Yang Lu away.

Live as part of the Imperial Family might be luxurious and filled with many thorns, but Mu Fei Xin had slowly gotten used to it. She couldn't say that she liked it very much, but it was quite relaxing and calm.

Even if there were some other women in the harem, they were not stupid enough to challenge her all the time. She also had no intention to take care of Prince Yang Lu all the time.

If he wanted them, he could just go there.

She would not stop him.

What she did was simply to maintain their relationship as husband and wife on the surface. That was enough.

The rest was not necessary.

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As long as she was able to live well for the rest of her life with her daughter, she didn't care that much about him.

It was enough that they respected each other as husband and wife.

<Long Qian Xing's side>

For the next few days, Long Qian Xing would appear in the Imperial Palace for various reasons. It was to the point that Emperor Yang Zhou felt that this man's skin was really thick and very shameless.

The other officials were even more confused why this general was very keen on going to the palace. Some of them even started to worry that General Xing would start to become an official like that Prime Minister Lan.

Though, most others would not believe this kind of news considering Long Qian Xing's position and capabilities.

Knowing his real intention, Emperor Yang Zhou simply kicked Long Qian Xing to Nan Hua's temporary palace.

Anyway, he didn't want to meet with this annoying man when he was busy with other matters. There were many duties that he had to do because of his absent for the past year.

Perhaps his decision to participate personally was indeed not very good.

The work left behind was simply too much.

After finally settling some matters, Emperor Yang Zhou received the letter from the frontline and gave order for Nan Hua and Long Qian Xing to depart right away. There was truly no need for these two generals to stay idle in the Capital City when the war was still ongoing.

Long Qian Xing himself was happy to be able to spent a long time with his little fiancée. Even though their current identity was unsuitable for him to do anything excessive, it wouldn't stop him from being happy to stay near his fiancée.

Nan Hua was also happy to be able to relax a bit after a long period of tension at the frontline.

She would spend her morning teaching the two princesses and then the rest of the time was spent with Long Qian Xing.

Eating lunch, watching the scenery, walking around, some simple yet fulfilling activities were done until it was evening and Long Qian Xing left.

During this period of time, the news of Long Qian Xing kept on visiting the palace spread out.

But no one could guess the real reason.

<Nan Family Residence>

Old Master Nan looked at the order given to him with a black face. He thought that he could finally stay idle and stay at home for a long time. However, Emperor Yang Zhou felt that his presence would be better to be put in Central Region where he could watch over the things that happened there.

Even though Old Master Nan had a belly of full complain, he could only follow what Emperor Yang Zhou ordered him to do.

He looked up and snorted. "Why are you now sneaking into my residence too, Hua'er?"


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Nan Hua jumped down from the beam on the roof and landed not far from Old Master Nan. She had received the order from the Emperor to depart to the north region, so she wanted to see her grandfather before she goes.

After this, she didn't know when she would be able to see him again.

"What brings you here, little lass?" Old Master Nan looked at his granddaughter dotingly. For this granddaughter of his, he always felt that he hadn't done good enough for her and wished that she would be able to rely more on him.

But thinking of his own condition, perhaps it would be good for her to be independent too.

He just simply felt distressed.

"I will be going to the north, Grandpa. I don't know how long it'll last." Nan Hua looked at her grandfather and lowered her head. "I'll try to finish everything as fast as possible and return."

Return to be Nan Hua, his beloved granddaughter.

Old Master Nan looked at his granddaughter and sighed deeply. He reached out his hand and patted Nan Hua's head as usual.

"Go and do what you need to do. I wouldn't stop you from spreading your wings and achieve your goal." Old Master Nan smiled. "Just remember that you have a home to return to when you want to or need it. No matter where you are, always remember that there are still people behind you."

Nan Hua listened to her grandfather and nodded.

Because she had these people who were waiting for her that she didn't feel empty nor lonely. She had the goal of becoming strong enough to protect those important to her but she also wanted to spend more time with them.

Because time could never turn back.

Every moment spent with them is precious.

"Yes, Grandpa. I'll take care of myself and return as soon as possible," Nan Hua promised. She curtsied and then departed once more.

Old Master Nan looked at the direction where Nan Hua left and sighed deeply. He turned his head to the sky, wishing that the Heaven would protect his family in this chaotic time.