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Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 95 - Accept The Truth And Move On
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"The digging ended up leading me to someone related to your parents' past. The person behind this whole incident was one of your Dad's old acquaintances. So I've to report him before taking any further actions," Mathew said, taking out his phone and Hunter immediately stopped him, reminding him the five-hour time difference between London and New York. 

Mathew checked his wristwatch to see the time showing eight in the morning. 

"It's still three am in New York, Matt. Let them sleep peacefully, you can call him later," Hunter said, watching Hera as she roamed around, admiring the garden. 

"Matt, do me a favour. Please keep my girl out of this mess while you report to my Dad. I would rather tell them personally than letting them know about her through a third person. I want to introduce her to my parents after graduation. Until then, please keep her under wraps," Hunter said without taking his eyes off Hera. 


Mathew nodded, typing something on his phone. Hunter wouldn't understand the urgency the situation demanded. Mathew couldn't wait to inform Alexander about his discovery, so he sent a short message on his phone. 

AT HUNTER'S MANSION, Evelyn tidied her room after getting dressed in her three-quarter length lavender-pink trouser paired with a white top. Instead of brushing her hair, she let it mould into tangled curls. Her natural dark blonde hair bounced in the air as she descended the staircase, skipping quickly, her steps graceful. 

Bianca and Samantha didn't join Evelyn and the boys for their morning workout session in the gym. Now it was time for breakfast, and Evelyn had searched every corner of the mansion for them. She finally found them sitting at the swimming pool. She took notice of their appearances, still dressed in yesterday's nightwear, they sat in the lounge chairs. 

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"Sam, it's not even eight in the morning, and you're getting drunk already," Bianca said, trying to snatch the can of beer from Samantha's hand. Samantha looked at her best friend's scowling face and smiled sarcastically at her disapproving tone. "He's taken her out on a date, Bee. What else can I do other than drowning in my sorrow?" Samantha asked with a scoff. 

True to her words, she was drowning herself in the alcohol ever since Hunter confessed his love for Hera in front of his friends. 

"He made his choice, and you should respect his decision. Stop acting like a brainless drunkard, Sam, you need to accept the truth and learn to move on," Evelyn said from the door, and both Bianca and Samantha glanced over their shoulders to look at her. Samantha swallowed a mouthful of beer and exhaled deeply in annoyance. 

"It's easy for you to say, Evie. Because you didn't get your heart broken by your boyfriend," Samantha snapped in anger while Evelyn walked to where they were sitting. Bianca shook her head, signalling Evelyn not to be rude. 

Evelyn joined them and sat on the lounge chair next to theirs. She tried her best to make Samantha see the reality but in vain. She was hopelessly drunk and refused to understand the logic in Evelyn's wise words. 

"What does he see in her anyway? She's just a little brat, give her some sweets to eat, and she'll be happily tainting her mouth like a toddler. Does she even know the meaning of dating? What do you think they'll be doing on their date, Evie?" Samantha asked, her tone was mocking, and her voice filled with detest. 

Evelyn silently exchanged looks with Bianca, who shrugged, showing that she too had no idea what to do with her. 

Meanwhile, Samantha continued with her bickering. "Trust me they wouldn't last for more than two months, I can bet on my life. Her childish behaviour will frustrate him, and he'll soon realise his mistake," she said begrudgingly. Eveline knew she was only trying to convince herself with that misconception. 

"Ace doesn't love her, Evie, he's just obsessed with her. He doesn't want to give up on Hera only because he's yet to get her out of his system. Once he's fucked her to his heart's content, he'll discard her like the trash she's," Samantha said, opening another can of beer. 

Though Bianca kept quiet for Samantha's sake, she didn't appreciate her choice of words. She could understand her dislike for Hera. But in the process of expressing her hatred she harboured for Hera, Samantha was slandering Hunter's character as well. Bianca knew he wasn't lying when he said Hera was his life. She knew him inside out. They weren't best friends for nothing. 

Unlike Bianca, Evelyn couldn't hold back her anger anymore. "Sorry to burst your bubble, Sam, but Ace does love her. When two people love each other, they deserved to be together. So stop pitying yourself and get a life," she said, snatching the beer container from her. 

Samantha laughed bitterly, accusing Evelyn with her sad eyes. "I know, Evie, why you always take Hera's side. Because of Danny, right? You want to impress him and stay in his good books," she stated, eyeing Evelyn with the same pitying stare she held in hers.

"Well, news flash, Evie, that asshole doesn't give a fuck about you. So don't expect him to return your feelings. You won't get anything by siding with Hera, because Danny doesn't give a fuck about his sister either," she said and smirked in satisfaction when she saw the hurt flashing on Evelyn's face. 

Evelyn rose to her feet and stood glaring at Samantha. 

"Enough, Sam, you don't know what you're talking. Don't say things which you'll regret later," Bianca scolded her drunk friend while Evelyn threw the beer can on Samantha's lap. "I'm done with putting sense into her useless brain, Bee. Good luck with handling her mess," Evelyn said, giving up and went back to the house, leaving them behind.

Bianca knew that Evelyn had always been in love with Danny, but as Samantha said, he had no idea about her feelings. Bianca wondered why couldn't Samantha understand Evelyn's state. All three of them were going through similar situations. They fell in love with someone who would never reciprocate their feelings. But still, Samantha didn't think once before hurting Evelyn. 

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"That bitch doesn't even know how to please him. All she does is fight with him, and throw tantrums. Does she even love him, Bee? Hera doesn't deserve him," Samantha kept rambling, and Bianca wrapped her arm around her shoulder, trying to console her as tears rolled down her cheeks. 

"Ace loves her, Sam, you need to understand the truth," Bianca said, but got cut off in the middle as Samantha took her hands in hers, pleading with her tear-filled eyes. "Help me, Bee, help me get him back. I love him, and I can't live without him," she begged. Bianca sighed, and her shoulders dropped in defeat. 

"Hera is a selfish bitch. How cunningly she stole Ace from me! She acts all innocent, but she's not. Can't you see, Bee, how she's influencing Ace's mind? He said he always chose his friends over his love, but in the end, didn't he chose Hera over his friends?" Samantha asked, her tone resentful. 

"He manipulated everyone's thoughts with his words and made us feel guilty. It's just the beginning, Bee. It won't be long until he leaves his friends for her," she declared while every word she said echoed in Bianca's mind. 

It didn't take much effort for Samantha to convince her best friend that Hera would one day break the bond Bianca shared with Hunter. She added more doubts and layers of negative thoughts to Bianca's insecurity. She easily brainwashed and made her believe that indeed, Hera was a threat to their friendship. 

Very cleverly, Samantha also reminded Bianca that Hunter never went out without them until now. 

"If Ace chooses me as his girlfriend, you don't have to feel insecure, Bee. I would never come between you two because I know how important he's for you. We could all stay together as best friends forever, Bee. Ace would never have to choose between you and me. Help me break them up, Bee," Samantha said, watching Bianca getting lost in her thoughts.

She could see that Bianca was affected by her words, and she hoped that her plan would work. Bianca felt broken inside as Samantha's view seemed right. 

Bianca didn't want to do that, and it didn't feel right either. 

"Ace said, he can't live without Hera, and I can't hurt him, Sam," she murmured helplessly. "You don't have to hurt him, Bee. All I'm asking for you is to help me. Convince him not to break up with me, Bee," Samantha asked. "It doesn't change anything, Bee, Hera was always tagged as 'his girl' though I had the title of his girlfriend before. What does it matter? Let him be with her, but ask him to let me keep the title," she suggested.