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Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 92 - At Her Mercy
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Hera couldn't read the expression on his face except for his hooded eyes and tightened jaw. His body blocked the only light coming from the fireplace, illuminating the hall as he hovered over her. 

Her arms crossed over her chest reflexively, with her forearms covering her breasts while her eyes widened, and her breath hitched. Hunter uncrossed her arms and placed them on either side of her head. He caught her wrists holding her in place and ever so slowly lowered his head. He kissed her eyelids one after the other, pecked the tip of her nose, then kissed the side of her mouth. 

Hera shivered in anticipation as he left open-mouthed kisses on her cheeks, under the jaw and at the base of her neck. Warning bells rang in her mind as he pushed her thighs apart with his knees and settled his lower body between her legs. "What are you... " her words died in her mouth as he kissed her question away. Hera's eyes fluttered closed on their own accord.. He opened his mouth on hers and kissed her until she could hold her breath. 

Hera turned her face to the side, breaking the kiss to fill her lungs with the much-needed oxygen. 

He let go of her wrists and leaned further into her. Pressing their bodies together, he captured her lips again. Subconsciously Hera's mind tried to concentrate on the feeling of his lips. They were soft and yielding. She always wondered and wanted to know what the natural taste of the lips would taste as. 

Every time they kissed, she'd felt the freshness of the mint of his toothpaste or the mouth freshener he used. 

She tasted the sweetness of the hot chocolate they drank a while ago, apart from that she couldn't discover anything else, but that thought didn't last long because her body started to react to his touch. The heat she felt through his body was doing weird things to her inside. She wanted more of that delicious sensation. 

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His hands cupped her face as his kiss turned wild. As if having their own mind, her hands found their way and went inside his shirt. His body felt feverishly hot under her touch. Much to her disappointment, he pulled away, putting an end to their intimate escapade. He fell on his back beside her, his breathing was fast and hard, matching hers. 

Her lips were wet and swollen. She felt as though they were vibrating, and she licked them to soothe the burning sensation. 

Hera turned her head to the side to look at him. She was frustrated and angry that he left her dissatisfied. "You forgot to ask," she snapped. Still trying to calm his breathing, Hunter replied, looking at the ceiling, "You said we need to get cleaned up first. We are clean and fresh." He offered his reasons. Though his tone was soft, it only irked her more. 

"Speaking of clean and fresh, how come you're wearing a fresh set of clothes?" Hera asked, her tone accusing. Hunter turned his head to look at her. His brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to discover the reason for her accusation. "I'd left a spare I visited last time," he answered. She glared in return. 

"Then why didn't you offer me this new set of clean clothes?" She asked, accusing again. "Because I needed it. I don't like wearing used clothes after the shower," he said. "Neither do I," Hera was quick to retaliate, "And you made me wear your dirty shirt," she said, scowling in disapproval. 

"Okay, then change and put your dress back on if you think my shirt is dirty," he suggested, earning an intense scowl in return. "Mr Hunter, didn't I say I don't like wearing dirty clothes after showering?" She asked incredulously. Her forehead furrowed, her nose wrinkled and her glaring eyes silently accused again as if to say, 'You're not paying attention.' 

"Why don't you take off your shirt and wrap a fresh towel or something?" Hunter asked. He was on the verge of losing his temper. Hera scoffed, "Of course you would fancy that, why wouldn't you?" She muttered under her breath. Hunter bit his tongue to avoid saying something that would spoil her mood further. 

He was distracted for a few seconds as he watched her. She was rubbing the tip of her nose with the back of her hand as if it was itching. She looked cute even while scowling. Her lips were cherry red and swollen to their fullest because of their kissing. She was drowning in his large shirt, and he could hardly see her hands hidden inside the long sleeves. 

"Do you want me to take off this so that you can wear it instead?" He asked, pointing to the T-shirt and shorts he wore. Hera looked at him as if he'd suggested something very inappropriate and Hunter braced himself. He already knew she would snap again for whatever reason. 

"And let you waltz around with your naked self? No, thanks. I'm not a pervert like you," she said, again accusing. Closing his eyes for a brief second, Hunter sighed. "Hera," he called, tone warning her. "What?" She spat indignantly. 

"Are we fighting again? If yes, please tell me why?" He asked impatiently, matching her snappy tone. Hera didn't want to tell him why she was angry. She couldn't tell even if she tried because she was ashamed to admit it. 

Hera was upset. 

She didn't want him to stop kissing her. She was enjoying the warmth of his arms around her too much. She desired to touch and explore his skin as he did hers. But as soon as she touched him, Hunter immediately stopped her hands from inching any further. 

It hurt, and she couldn't help but feel insecure. 

Hera was inexperienced, and it irked her that she didn't know how to keep him satisfied. 

"Why did you stop? Didn't it feel good?" She finally asked timidly. 

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Hunter turned his head, meeting her eyes. Before he could say anything, she jumped on him. Hunter groaned as her elbows hit him in the ribs. Hera held his wrists on either side of his head like how he did to her. His eyebrows arched up, touching his hairline, eyes widened, and lips parted in shock. She caught him by surprise as he wasn't expecting her to jump him like that. 

He was speechless, and Hera smirked in satisfaction. 

Lowering her head slowly, she kissed his Adam's apple before running her tongue under his jaw as she left open-mouthed kisses on her way. She felt the beating pulse at the base of his neck and nibbled the spot with her wet lips. "Goddess, we need to stop, please," he said in a broken whisper. His fingers formed into tight fists, eyes closed, and he was struggling to breathe. 

Hera loved what she was doing to him. His reaction pleased her. He looked so lost, helpless, and vulnerable. 

Finally, she attacked his lips, kissing him exactly how he kissed her, hard and wild and with much-needed urgency. 

Suddenly, Hunter winced squeezing his eyes shut and groaned as if he was in pain. And he was in pain, literally. Startled, Hera pulled away as the coppery taste of blood spread all over her tongue. She'd bit his lip unknowingly and so hard that it started to bleed. She gasped loudly before her palm went up to cover her mouth. 

"I'm sorry, Hunter, I'm so sorry," she said, her voice shook as she was on the verge of crying. Whatever she felt at that moment was beyond embarrassment. She even felt ashamed of herself for seeming so desperate. She rolled off him and sat up to examine the damage she'd caused. 

Even under the darkness, the dim light of the red flames was enough to detect the blood on his mouth. Hera couldn't believe, she'd bit him hard enough to draw blood. 

Hera was panting hard, her heartbeats rapid, and face flushed red, she watched with her guilty eyes while Hunter pulled his injured lip into his mouth and after a deep breath, he opened his eyes to meet hers. Seeing her face filled with worry, he smiled to ease her nerves. "It's okay, Love. Don't look so worried," he said and grinned only to wince again. 

He licked his lips as it started to bleed again, and Hera noticed, it didn't look like a skin break or a scrape. Instead, it appeared like a deep cut on his upper lip. 

She touched his lips with her fingers, tracing the bruised swollen lips. Hunter hissed in pain when her finger came in contact with the cut, and Hera pulled her hand away with lightning speed. "No need to be guilty, Goddess. You have nothing to be sorry about," he assured. "This is all yours, and you can do whatever you want with this," he said with a teasing wink, motioning towards his body from top to bottom.