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Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 215 - Accident On Purpose
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Hunter sipped the hot coffee while Mathew munched on his toast sandwich bites. The former patiently waited and watched while the latter moved his knife and fork, cutting the fried eggs on his toast.

"I'll be leaving for Italy tonight," Mathew informed before shoving the fork with egg into his mouth. Hunter's hand paused with the mug of coffee midway to his mouth. The news shocked him more than it surprised him. The lines of worry creased his forehead as he frowned at Mathew's announcement.

"Why all of a sudden? Is everything okay at home?" Hunter asked, his tone impatient and voice full of concern. He had spoken to his grandparents and parents last night before going to bed, but none of them gave him any indication that suggested there could be something wrong at home. Hunter couldn't help but worry for his beloved grandparents.

Mathew shook his head and gave the boy an assuring smile. "Nothing's wrong, Chief. It's just a routine visit to make sure everything's fine.. After that attack on you, your father wants to make sure the old Carlo couple is good," Mathew explained. Hunter sighed in relief and relaxed in his chair, directing the coffee mug to his lips.

"And besides, I miss them too. So I can use the opportunity to visit home. I can't wait to see them," Mathew said, pushing his plate away as he finished eating his breakfast. Hunter smiled at the fondness lacing Mathew's voice. He wished he could go too. "I miss my insufferable old couple too," Hunter admitted, and an affectionate chuckle followed his words.

"Once I make sure everything's good in Italy, I'll be flying off to California," Mathew pronounced. Hunter's brows arched in silent query, curiosity dominating the confusion in his eyes a few seconds later. "The bounty hunter who attacked you, his name is Garry Colton, and his biker friend he mentioned is Martin Huet," Mathew gave him all the details he had collected last week.

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Mathew didn't kill either of them. Hunter had spared Garry's life, and Alexander decided to respect his son's decision. He was their new Mafia Chief, after all. His word stands no matter what. But Alexander wanted the one who brought them the deal. Someone had to endure the punishment for daring to touch his son.

"That Jackson guy is a local drug dealer, and he has already fled the country. According to my digging, his roots are in California," Mathew filled in while Hunter listened attentively. "I want you to be on your best behaviour while I'm away. No funny business, otherwise Alexander will have my head," Mathew warned Hunter in all seriousness. The latter grinned goofily at him in reply.

Mathew playfully glared at his favourite boy before getting up from his chair and pulling Hunter into a hug. He patted Hunter's back before pulling away and ruffled his hair in an affectionate gesture.

"Your plane, your tickets, I've arranged everything. Your gun and boarding pass is in your bedside drawer. Dave will take charge of your security," Mathew said. "And please listen to him," he added as an afterthought because he knew how stubborn Hunter could get at times. Putting the man at ease, Hunter nodded obediently.

"Have a safe flight, Matt and don't worry about me. I promise I'll be good," Hunter assured him.

After going through his security details once more, Mathew let Hunter leave for school.

When he reached his dorm, his friends weren't there. They had already left for school. Hunter changed into his uniform and packed his backpack. Sitting on his bed, he tied his shoelaces.

Once he was ready, holding his phone in his hand, he opened his contact list, and his thumb hovered over the name saved as Goddess. He thought of calling Hera but decided against it as he remembered how they parted ways this morning. They were unofficially fighting.

Dropping the phone beside him, he fell back on his bed and sighed in frustration.

He was already missing her.

"How will I survive without you in New York for a week?" Hunter confessed to the empty room and sighed again. Hera had yet to tell him whether she had decided to go with him or not. Hunter hoped whatever silly thoughts were going through her mind this morning wouldn't influence her decision.

"Please say yes, Goddess," he mumbled a wish and grabbed his uniform jacket before leaving his room.

On his way to the locker room, someone bumped into him from behind, and two hands grabbed his arm for support, but it didn't help with the fall. Surprised at the unexpected collision, he whirled around to help, but it was so sudden he couldn't prevent the accident, and the girl fell on her back with a loud thud.

His first instinct was to help the girl, but he pulled his hand away from her grasp because it often happened with him. Girls would plan such accidents every day in the hope of getting his attention, and it annoyed him to no end. It wasn't anything new. He was used to girls faking injuries to get his sympathy so that they could get close to him.

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Girls wouldn't miss a chance to flirt with the heartthrob of their school.

The cry she let out and the pain painted on her face seemed genuine, so Hunter crouched down, checking her injury. She let out a sharp cry when he touched her ankle, which seemed to hurt. He noticed how it started to swell. "I think you've twisted your ankle," he stated and looked at her nameplate on her uniform jacket. 

"Adelaide Fischer," he read it out loud and fixed the girl with a sharp look. "What are you doing in the boys' locker hall?" he questioned, his tone sounding harsh. The girl cowered in fear at his intimidating gaze directed at her.

The injured girl wondered, scowling at him in her head. She thought he would be nice to her since she was Hera's friend. It would be easier to pursue her plan if he was a bit friendlier to her. But here he was interrogating her like the president of the student council that he was.

Adelaide had planned to bump into him and fake injury, but it all backfired, and her ankle got hurt for real. Cursing her luck mentally, she lied through her teeth. "I'm supposed to meet a friend, but he's not here," Adelaide said. "Can you stand?" Hunter asked, trying to help her, but she cried at the sharp pain that shot through her foot.

Shaking his head, he grabbed her backpack and dropped it near his locker along with his bag. "Don't worry about it. Someone will bring it to you later. For now, you need first aid, and I'm taking you to the infirmary," he said, picking her up into his arms. Despite the pain, Adelaide smiled, inwardly cheering at the success of her plan.

She wrapped her arms around his neck for support and rested her head on his chest as he walked towards the school's infirmary. Adelaide peeked at his handsome facial features, and she marvelled at how strong his physique felt against her petite form.

Adelaide thought with a victorious smirk.