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Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 265 The Progressing Calamity
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Name: Trials of Abominable Tribulations

Dungeon Quality: A+

Affinity(2): Abnormality, Lightning

Mineral Qaulity: Rare+

Resource Qaulity: Rare+

Mystic Qaulity: Divine+

Material Qaulity: Rare+

Growth Qaulity: Divine

[Grades: Rare, Rare+, Divine, Divine+, Supreme, Supreme+, Outer, Outer+, Outer++]

Success Rate: 7/10

Difficulty Rate: 3/10

Lowest Requirements: Initial Demigod

Floor 1 -> 5: Initial Demigods ×15

Floor 6 -> 10: Mid Demigods ×40

Level 1 Guardian: Initial Minor Origin ×1

Rewards: Spirit Flora(×5), Crystal Abomination(×2), Elemental Law Frag(×1)

Floor 11 -> 15: Peak Demigods ×65

Floor 16 -> 20: Perfect Demigods ×90

Level 2 Guardian: Mid Minor Origin ×1

Rewards: Spirit Flora(×10), Crystal Abomination(×5), Elemental Law Frag(×2), Reiki Shards(×1)

Floor 21 -> 25: Initial Minor Origins ×10

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Floor 26 -> 30: Peak Minor Origins ×20

Level 3 Guardian: Initial Major Origin ×1

Rewards: Spirit Flora(×55), Crystal Abomination(×10), Elemental Law Frag(×5), Reiki Shards(×2), Regional Core(×1)


"To be honest, I'm tired of living." Enigma said after looking at the renewed dungeon template. His expression had no changes, he had a smile on his face, making it hard to tell that he was conflicted inside.

'What next? World Template?' Asked Abby as she saw the template with him. As a former perfected Transcendental Goddess, and a Primal Goddess, she knew how dungeons worked. Hell they created such concepts!!

And Enigma's dungeon was just so-so compared to those from Transcendentals, who had a limit of 8 levels for their dungeons.

But still, even then, there were no records of a deity owning a dungeon. Indeed, Enigma was still a rank 4 genuine true god, yet he had a dungeon beyond even a peak Origin God.

"He has a lot of True Laws, and added together, his body has the same baptism of laws like any other growing Cosmological God. But since this dungeon is made out of two of such Laws, which add up to only 10%, then—"

'It can be considered a peak Origin dungeon. I see.' She already knew that, it was just that, he was not yet a god!! Why did he have so many laws within him... it doesn't make sense!! Nine should be the limit for even the talented Gods!!

Sure, she knew he was the Reincarnation of the God of Fate of old, that can be seen from his High attainments of Fate. But... even he, only had around Nine Laws back then. Hell even for them, it was hard to attain that number.

"Wait, you two, are you saying that a god with two laws can be considered a perfected minor god as long as both laws are at 5% attainment, adding up to 10%?" Enigma asked with a frown.


'Exactly.' Abby and the system responded immediately without hesitation.

"...In that case, I have thirty-three Laws, all almost at 25%, adding even my other laws, does that mean I'm way beyond Supreme being in terms of law baptism?" He rubbed his chin as he thought about it.


Abby didn't respond. She had no clue about that, as no such being below the realm below a Cosmological God had  that many Laws, for such gods, could rule almost all True Laws. It was just too broken.

"Fortunately, no. The attainment of laws from 26% and above is only to allow the God to have control over the Laws of Reality they rule with other Gods their level"

"Meaning that, your current Fate and Destiny have spread throughout the whole of Terra. And as long as you become a Main God, anyone... overally weaker than you will be under your leash as long as they also have the same laws as you"

"Overally?" He asked as the term was a bit too ambiguous. It could mean his realm strength, Stat strength, law strength or even all of them combined.

"Yes, whatever you're thinking"

"Be serious."

"Meaning that anyone who is weaker than you if you fight using all your strength, stats, traits and laws will fall under that category. And as for skills, weapons and Mysteries, they don't apply"

"Well in that case, I'll probably be unstoppable below the Supreme realm by then." Enigma thought with a smile, 'So, wait, if I manage to get my laws to add up to 26%, what will happen by then?'

'Usually, people have laws that are either related or are derived from each other. When that happens and the first law is comprehended to 100%, I think the main law will devour the others to form a Creator's Rule...' Abyy responded first.


The system's silence affirmed her words. Enigma knew that they had more to say, they just didn't say it out loud. Like, in his case, he had Affinity with almost all attributes.

Meaning that he had no main law and was a strange abnormality. In his case, nobody knew whether the laws will devour each other or they will stay the same until each is comprehended to 100%, and becoming an individual Creator Rule.

"Well, things for the future will be left for until then. For now, why don't we explore the dungeon now?" Enigma said out loud, catching little Jade's attention.

"Papa is going to the dungeon?! Can Jade come? Can Jade come?!" She ran over with little strides, her entire being burstling with positivity, far from matching Enigma's languid vibe.

"Hm, Jade can... come." He said, as he looked up and saw a being that looked to be around his middle-ages, descending from above. This person didn't wear extravagant clothes, but his being exerted vast pressure.

'Bellum!!! What is that fool doing here?! He isn't looking for me... is he?' Abby exclaimed in fright, subconsciously trembling within his consciousness. This surprised Enigma, as Abby was usually silent and impassive.

"Who is that man?" He asked in curiosity. He knew the person was probably an Ancient God as well, to be able to shake Abigail in her boots. Just that, was he the strongest, or the second strongest?

'Bellum, the sixth Rokushiki. Also known as this world's tenth strongest being among the current gods of Terra. Though unlike the other nine, who are considered Supreme beings, he is not even a cosmological being.' She elaborated.

"That strong?" Enigma was surprised, he then  looked up once again. Though the person seemed as if he appeared a few thousand miles from here, he was actually far away.

"Now, do you still think you're overpowered?"

"I came to a conclusion that I'm not, a long time ago. Tough luck buddy." Enigma smiled at the system's attempt to tease him. After all, he had come to reason with himself not too long ago, about his weakness... or rather, possible weakness.

'With Bellum here, the war between gods will only grow worse.' Abby lamented as her consciousness sat down atop a star within Enigma's vast consciousness.

"Why do you say so? This world is so big, you rarely meet a god even after they invaded."

"Maybe because you're in the wild?"


'No, there are hundreds of Gods within the Terra only. And each one can have vessel gods, who are demigods with the ability to manipulate part of their god's law.

'Transcendentals can also have as many as five vessel gods, and there are tens of them. Added together, how many gods do you think they are? If one vessel god can be considered to be a Universal threat at minimum.' She elaborated sternly.

"Universal at minimum?" This was the first time he had such a term within this place. He was also unaware that the gods had a rating of how threatful they were to the Infinite Realms.

'It means one vessel god can affect an entire Universe, or multiple Universes at most, depending on how strong their God is.' She said.

"How strong is the God Realm to be able to sustain all these beings? That's a minimum of thousands of Universal beings" Enigma wondered. The middle-aged man's figure had long disappeared, by now.

'...I'm not sure, maybe the God Realm can be considered a galaxy, or a pseudo-galaxy by itself in size alone, but it is a construct Transcendent of entire Realities in nature.' She responded after a moment of brief thought.

"It doesn't even come close, but not far off either"

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The system also added.

'Anyway, Bellum is a major ragnarok, his descent will cause the death of many gods and lives.' Abby hurriedly said, alerting Enigma of the danger that was coming.

"He's that strong?" Enigma felt a sense of deja vu. Not like he experienced anything similar, but this feeling was close to deja vu. 'Could this... be the entrance of my misfortune?'

'No, it's an effect of his being. With his descent, Fate will be forced to create a scenario where gods constantly fight, mortals defy gods, and beasts go on a rampage. It's like he is forcefully summoning a ragnarok by his mere presence alone.' Abby gently, yet hurriedly explained.

"Strange..." Enigma checked his Template and showed a frown. He knew he saw that word somewhere. "Oh, yes. I seem to have a similar Divinity on me." He said in realization.




• • • • •

Meanwhile, as the chaos and disorder of the God Realm escalated, as Enigma was learning more about Bellum, and as Su Han tried his best to fight against Bellum, as Allen hid away at the edge of the Realm from  his own troubles.

High up above the clouds, a young man around his twenties stood within a long line, along with hundreds of other workers like him. Before them stood a young girl, who seemed to be an intellectual beauty.

"It's a good thing that I've gathered this much. As you all know, or will know, most of the gods have gone down and there is nothing but chaos down there. Like really, there's a lot of chaos." She said sternly, and added.

"Being as weak as you are, you will only die if you follow after them. But... If you really want to go down and fight, I can send you to another place instead, where you can gather Providence instead." She paused and looked around, finding as everyone was staring at her intently.

"I will send you all to the mortal world, and once you're there, I want you to feed the clouds with these blood, and forcefully trigger the beginning of the second calamity."

"Remember, once there, spread the will of your gods. This way, you might promote them even further and they might Breakthrough in strength, giving you a chance to become vessel gods as well. Powerful ones at that."

"Maybe, some of you might be lucky to inherit their Divinity once they fall. Now go, spread the blood of gods throughout the vast Mortal world, and trigger the Tectonic gathering of all continents into cardinals."

"Those with higher merits... can directly become Origin gods, that much, I promise you. Now go, your future is limitless. Grasp it by force and change it now." She ended there, with still with a stern expression.


All the demigods and other lower Deities shouted in enthusiasm and vigoration as they each took large droplets of gathered blood and went through a portal.

All of them left just like that, leaving only one young man, the young man who was around his twenties. He looked at the beauty and took a deep breath in.

"Great Lady, Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom, this lowly one would like to accept you as his Goddess!!!" He reverently knelt down and said each word without hesitation, unfortunately, he was met with disappointment.

"Great Lady, Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom, this lowly one would like to accept you as his Goddess!!!" He reverently knelt down and said each word without hesitation, unfortunately, he was met with disappointment.

"...Unfortunately I cannot do that. Young man, what is your name?" The goddess covered in Divine Aura, her face cloaked, snd her beauty magnified asked in a gentle tone.

"My name is Rey." Though he sounded disappointed, the young man still responded without hesitation. Despite being unsure if the Goddess could tell through his lies.

The goddess felt bad, and slightly patted his head. "My name is Scien, Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge, as you seem to know. Go, spread my name, if I'm satisfied, I'll accept you."

"Thank you, my lady!!! May your glory spread throughout the stars." He said with another bow, causing the young lady, Scien to become flustered. "Hurry hurry, go on."

"Yes my lady." The young man took his share of blood, the only one remaining and left. And as he was entering the portal, a chiming notification rang in his ears.