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Divine Path System

Chapter 1405: On The Stage
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The central palace resembled a fortress but somehow managed to retain the grandeur that came with its long history and the opulence of its prosperous civilization.

Shimmering in gold and silver, the great building complex seemed far fetched from the mundane.

It was the peak for celestials, the gateway to the divine, and the center of all Palarians.

Half of the land surrounding the forest was mesmerizing flower gardens. They were so beautiful, fragrant, and refreshing that the great travelers who visited a great many domains of the Alliance gave it a special name.

'Celestial Garden.'

It was inspired by the 'Divine Garden' raised by All-Mother Asherah—the creator of Palarians.

No one knew if the 'Divine Garden' was a real thing. In the last 10,000 years, not a single being ever claimed they visited it.

But the place had a mythical importance in the history or mythology of the Palarians, depending on how they viewed the tale.

As the myth goes, the 'Divine Garden' grows over a milky white ocean. Even though it's called an ocean, it's just the purest of aura liquefied.

Each flower in the ocean would start from the surface and grow above the water's surface.

Every day, All-Mother Asherah would pick a flower and based on the flower's qualities, she would create the race.

One day, she picked a purple flower. The flower carried with it the rocks, pearls, and conchs from the ocean bed.

The concept of 'Natal Treasure' was conceived there and Palarians, beings capable of awakening 'Natal Treasure' were created.

As they entered the grand palace pathways which were impossibly wide and luxurious, Varian and his group read this fascinating myth painted over the walls, describing the story in intimate detail.

The guards at the entrance—one of the six which they entered through—were eerie.

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At first, Varian wondered why there were no guards at the entrance and only soldier statues painted in gray.

When Sonya signaled him with her gaze, he checked once again and was dumbfounded after finding the hidden but impressive trace of life in their bodies.

Step! Step! Step!

The royal guard squad that escorted them so far continued to lead the way, their every step precise, calculated, and deliberate.

These people who were surprised, scared, and anxious by the young master's antics put aside every single emotion the moment they stepped inside the palace.

Now, they were pure elite forces. Men without thinking, killing machines without emotions.

The silent corridors slowly grew heavy and ominous. The paintings hanging over the walls got more and more vivid, violent, and recent.

Varian understood that they were about to reach the Throne Hall.

A grand golden double door with breathtaking art of snakes, birds, and flowers greeted them at last.

Sonya remained relatively composed due to her familiarity with this place. If Sarah was feeling anything, she didn't show much of it in her sky-blue eyes. Enigma, on the other hand, frowned in discomfort.

Varian, different from the rest, showed a smirk at the invisible pressure that quietly fell on their souls.

The door wasn't a fancy item. It's an artifact whose equivalent exchange would be a weapon resilient enough for a rank 9.

The royal guards bowed to the door and walked forward. They showed no trouble in their steps.

Given the discomfort they were facing, it's obvious they too needed to lower their heads.

Sonya was about to do it when Varian shook his head in disagreement. "Not us."


Without answering, he took a step forward.

The invisible pressure on him doubled.

And then another step.

It doubled again.

His eyes were shaking violently as the pressure on him grew with each step but the glow in them was brighter and brighter, as if a flame was burning in his eyes and each step was serving as a fuel.

Varian felt hyperaware as the terrible pressure assaulted his soul.

The glittering white and black floor resembled the Milky Way, the large pillars with poems praising the rulers, and the dangerous but beautiful door.

Everything was so clear, so real and so bright that his eyes hurt for a moment.

But without stopping, he reached for the door.

The eyes of the guards from the slit in their helmets were wide open, unable to believe the reality in front of their eyes.

The only ones who did not bow their heads were the rank 9s who could ignore the pressure. Everyone else had to lower their head to get in.

Over time, it became a matter of respect. So, whoever did not lower their head, even a rank 9, would be subject to criticism.

But this man…

Not only did he not show respect, he reached for the door so arrogantly.

"I only bow to the will of your greatness, All-Mother in the Divine Garden."

Repeating the first line of the Palarian anthem, Varian opened the door.

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With a disgruntled sound, the scene inside the throne hall was revealed.

A large red carpet was laid out, leading all the way to the elevated platform where the throne was placed. On either side of the carpet were exquisite chairs on different elevations.

The hierarchy was clear at a glance.

Studded to the walls at the back of the room were flaming orbs. The black flames cast a long shadow on the man sitting on the throne, miring him in darkness.

In that pitch-black darkness, the golden eyes shone through.

There was a heavy silence in the hall, the powerful elites, men and women exuding dangerous auras on either side looking at the entrance with a cold gaze.

The royal guards froze in their place, their souls screaming to leave their bodies.

The top echelon of the kingdom wasn't happy at all! They're screwed!

Varian stepped into the throne hall with bold steps. His group followed him without hesitation.

There was a confident look on his face even in the hostile gazes of the strongest people of the kingdom.

It was a look of defiance, arrogance, and composure.

The silence lasted for minutes, with each minute more tense than the last.

The lower members of the echelon were already fidgeting, some had to control their legs from shaking and a few were breathing heavily.

But the group and Varian, in particular, stood with such composure that even the people vehemently hostile against him couldn't help but take notice of this crass young man.

"Hahahaha! Wonderful!

Wonderful indeed! What a brave young man! I've seen many youth over my long life, but you alone are worthy of being her brother-in-law."

An old man sitting on the first seat right of the throne slapped his thigh and declared with a loud laugh.