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Debuff Master

Chapter 355
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Chapter 355

Ten minutes ago…

“I apologize.”

Quandt refused to do business with Chae Hyung-Seok.

“I cannot sell any artifacts to you.”

“Why is it not possible?” Chae Hyung-Seok asked in a very aggressive manner, and he was speaking in a very proper manner as he had to rely on the speech assistance option of the BNW client.

The world’s most advanced and realistic online game catered even to those with physical disabilities by providing options to help them play the game normally.

“I am certain I mentioned that I will be paying you accordingly.”

“Money is not the issue here, young man.”

“Then what is the issue at hand?”

“We can’t do any kind of transaction with people like you.”

“What do you precisely mean by people like me?”

“Oh? You aren’t aware of it yet?” Quandt asked with a smirk.

The way Quandt was treating Chae Hyung-Seok was completely different from how he treated Siegfried. He was a cold and emotionless Blacksmith of Darkness to Chae Hyung-Seok, but he was a warm and gentle man to Siegfried.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Look at this,” Quandt said as he showed a wanted poster to him before further adding, “I think this looks exactly like you, don’t you think so?”

“T-This is…!”

“You are a criminal branded by the emperor. We can’t possibly sell an artifact to a criminal like you.”


“Getting on the emperor’s nerves will not end well, even for a workshop as prestigious as ours.”

“Damn it…”

Chae Hyung-Seok felt as if a noose was tightening around his neck after hearing what Quandt said. He knew that he would eventually become wanted, but it felt completely different now that it had become a reality.

The fact that he was the enemy of the most powerful nation on the continent, the Marchioni Empire, was a difficult pill to swallow, and being targeted by the emperor himself meant that there was no longer any safe place for him to seek refuge on the continent.

“And you are His Majesty, King Siegfried van Proa’s enemy, aren’t you?”

“S-Siegfried? Are you referring to Han Tae-Sung?”

“Our workshop has a very close relationship with King Siegfried, and I would go as far as to say that we can’t live without each other. Hohoho!”

What Quandt said just now was a big delusion of his.


Because Siegfried never thought of the Bavarian Workshop that way…

He could simply deal with the Autonika Workshop and Mercedes Workshop if the Bavarian Workshop refused to do business with him.

“Even if you weren’t wanted by the empire, we would not do business with you because of your bad relationship with King Siegfried! Yes! Not at all! Hoho!”

“What kind of nonsense are you…”

“It will be the same for the rest of the workshops, so I’d advise you not to bother. In fact, you might want to go into hiding instead,” Quandt sneered at him before he added, “I would have immediately reported you to the Marchioni Empire’s embassy if it wasn’t for our workshop’s policy of customer privacy.”

“Damn it…”

“I’m just going to say this one more time, but it will be the same even if you go to the Autonika Workshop or Mercedes Workshop.”

“Even with Autonika and Mercedes…?”

“As much as I hate to admit it, but those bastards treat King Siegfried as a VVIP too and are trying to establish good relations with him. You better not go anywhere near one of the three main workshops if you don’t want to get into trouble.”

Chae Hyung-Seok was speechless by Quandt’s warning, and he couldn't help but gnash his teeth.

‘That insect… He became this big while I wasn’t looking?’

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He could feel the difference between them. He was unable to become a VIP of any one of the three main workshops, even during the glory days of the Genesis Guild. The highest level he reached was probably Big Spender, but that was about it.

However, Siegfried was different. He became a VVIP of all three workshops in a short period of time, and this was conclusive evidence that it was only a matter of time before Siegfried’s influence was going to overtake the Genesis Guild’s influence.

Thus, Chae Hyung-Seok’s pride was shattered once again by Han Tae-Sung, whom he treated as less than an insect in the past.

“It’s time for you to leave. Make sure you see yourself out, too.”


“Take care,” Quandt added. He didn't say that out of goodwill or anything. In fact, he was saying this to sneer at Chae Hyung-Seok one last time. “You will need it since no one with a bounty on their heads from the Marchioni Empire has ever survived.”


“Just you wait…” Chae Hyung-Seok pulled down his hood and gnashed his teeth while glaring at Siegfried, who was currently entering the Bavarian Workshop.

“Ack! His Majesty, King Siegfried van Proa, has arrived! Prepare to greet His Majesty!”


“His Majesty, King Siegfried van Proa has arrived!”

A troupe of musicians ran out from the Bavarian Workshop’s headquarters the moment the guard at the gate shouted, and the musicians started playing their instruments to welcome their VVIP guest.

Bam bam~ Bam bam bam bam~ Dum dum!

This was Siegfried’s cue to run as fast as he could through the Bavarian Workshop’s gates.

“This is so embarrassing!”

“Owner punk! Everyone’s looking at you! Kyu!”

Meanwhile, Chae Hyung-Seok stood a short distance away from the gates and quietly stared at it,

The gap between them seemed clearer now. The Bavarian Workshop didn't kick him out physically, but the fact that he was sneered at and chased out of the workshop while Siegfried was greeted by a band made the gap incredibly clear to Chae Hyung-Seok.

Chae Hyung-Seok suddenly remembered a meme where a dog in a filthy, worn-down truck heading for the slaughterhouse was looking enviously at a neatly groomed dog riding in a luxury sedan.

It went without saying that the dog in the truck was Chae Hyung-Seok, and the neatly groomed dog in the luxury sedan was Han Tae-Sung.

“Sure, enjoy it while it lasts,” Chae Hyung-Seok muttered while gnashing his teeth out of jealousy, and then he added, “I will thoroughly crush your happiness quite soon.”


“Hmm… Why is my ear so itchy?”

Siegfried picked his ear as soon as he entered the Bavarian Workshop.

“Is someone talking bad about me?”

“There must be a ton of them! Kyu!”


“Many people dislike you! Kyu!”

“I-I know that, too!” Siegfried retorted before he grimaced and muttered, “Well, there must be dozens of people cursing me right now…”

He decided to be quite realistic about things, and this helped him disregard what other people thought of him. His skin had gotten so thick in recent days that he would not get hurt or damaged no matter how much people cursed at him.

“Oh! You’re here!”

Quandt rushed out and greeted him.

“Hurry up and come in! Oh my, you should’ve taken your time to walk in! I would’ve asked them to prepare some snacks for you.”

“Geez! Can you stop embarrassing me like that every single time I come here?!” Siegfried lashed out.

“E-Embarrassing…?” Quandt muttered before he frowned and added, “But we just wanted to show our respect to you…”

“Isn’t it time for you to stop it? I mean, you know I don’t like it, right?”

“You might be saying that, but I know you like it deep inside! Stop means more, right? Hoho!”

“I said it’s embarrassing, did I not?”

“Ah! You are absolutely right. It must have been embarrassing that the welcome was not adequate for a person of your status! I apologize for this. I will make sure they will prepare an even grander welcome for you next time!”

“Damn it!” Siegfried screamed out of frustration while being completely oblivious to the fact that Chae Hyung-Seok was crying tears of blood out of jealousy.

“I give up! Do what you want!”

“Hoho! Don’t worry! It will be on a whole different scale next time!”

“Just kill me…”

Siegfried decided that it was impossible to reason with Quandt regarding the matter.

‘What the hell… My public image can’t go any lower than this, so I might as well just ride along with it…’ He had long given up on his public image, so he decided to just go along with the flow.

“I heard from Sir Seung-Gu. So, you were not able to obtain the Golem King’s Core?”

“I couldn’t bring myself to kill him as I felt bad for him,” Siegfried replied with a troubled look.

“Hoho! It seems that you are weak to emotional appeals.”

“That is not really the case.”

“You don’t have to deny it. This is proof that even someone merciless like you is capable of having emotions, right?”

“M-Merciless? Me?”

“Then who else would I be talking about?”

“Before that, what are you talking about?”

“Hoho! It seems you haven’t taken a good look at yourself!” Quandt said before he grinned and added, “The people describe you as…”

“Describe me as…?”

“Extremely cold, vicious, and merciless!”

“Me?!” Siegfried exclaimed in disbelief while pointing at himself, and then he shook his head and retorted, “That’s not possible!”

“But everyone says so? Also…”

“There’s more?!”

“They say that you’re quite the stud! Hohoho!”

“NO!” Siegfried screamed, but to no avail.

“Hohohoho! You don’t have to be embarrassed about that! So what if you’re a stud? You can enjoy it to your heart’s content if you’re good at it, right?”

“I said I’m not!”

“Kekeke! You’re quite good at pretending to be embarrassed! How sly of you!”

Siegfried cried tears of blood after learning from Quandt that his public image was that of an unsalvageable piece of trash.

‘But I’m not like that…’ He denied living such a life.

“Anyway, I can solve that problem, so you don’t have to be worried about it.”


“I will try to use the other materials in our workshop’s storage if you can’t bring the Golem King’s Core. The weapon might turn out a bit different from the blueprint, but it won’t be that big of a difference, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“That is a relief…” Siegfried curtly replied.

He was not in the mood to react to anything. He was more concerned about the false rumors surrounding him rather than the news that the Vanquisher’s Grasp could be crafted even without the Golem King’s Core.

“So you just have to bring the Aquarium and the Arachnid’s Leather.”


A quest message popped up in front of his eyes.


[Alert: You have completed the Quest – Bespoke Weapon Crafting!]

[Alert: Deliver the materials Aquarium and Arachnid’s Leather to the Head Blacksmith of the Bavarian Workshop, Quandt, to complete the quest!]

He couldn't collect the Golem King’s Core, but the quest completion message still popped up.

“I already have the Aquarium and Arachnid’s Leather here,” Siegfried said as he took out the Aquarium and the Emotional Cape, which was crafted from Arachnid’s Leather.

“You already procured both materials? Hoho! That’s quite fast! Oh? But isn’t this the treasure passed down for generations in the Lexus Kingdom? How come you have this?” Quandt asked as he recognized the Emotional Cape. Then, he narrowed his eyes and asked, “Don’t tell me… Did you steal this?”

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“No way; why would I steal it?”

“Then did you buy it? But I don’t think they will sell it to you no matter how much you offered…”

Quandt had no idea that Siegfried had totally crushed the Lexus Kingdom. It took time for news to be delivered on the continent as a rapid form of communication like the internet did not exist here.

“Was it Fernandes the Third? I cut his head off and obtained that. I did not steal or buy it from him.”

“W-What are you talking about? You executed Fernandes the Third? Don’t tell me… Did you conquer the Lexus Kingdom…?”

“Who knows…” Siegfried muttered before he flashed a mischievous grin and said, “Five hundred gold if you’re curious~”


“It wasn’t funny…?”

“That’s quite an old joke. I think it was made famous by some traveling comedy troupe twenty years ago.”


“Anyway, you are quite something…”

“It somehow turned out that way, and you can find out the specific details later on your own.”

“All right, then I will start crafting your weapon. It should take me around a week to complete it.”

“I will be in your care this time once again.”

“Of course! It won't be a Universal artifact, but this is also a work left behind by Herbert-nim! I will grind my bones and soul to make sure it comes out perfect!”

“I knew I could trust you.”

“Oh, did you see the Genesis Guild’s guild master on the way here? You should’ve run into him judging by your timing…”

“Huh? He came here?” Siegfried asked as his eyes became big from surprise.


Meanwhile, Chae Hyung-Seok was waiting for someone in the back alley of the city where the Bavarian Workshop’s headquarters was located.

‘He’s here.’

Chae Hyung-Seok noticed the Adventurer he was waiting for enter the alley.

“Hello,” the Adventurer greeted Chae Hyung-Seok first, and then he asked, “You are Desire-nim, right? Please give me the transaction code if you are.”

Chae Hyung-Seok whispered to the Adventurer, “E718RR1121QWQ1. What about you?”


“Yeah, it’s correct.”

Both of them confirmed each other’s transaction codes and flashed their Rune of Insights at each other. It was imperative for players to check both the transaction code provided by the auction website as well as check with their Rune of Insight whenever trading items for cash.

Chae Hyung-Seok was currently purchasing items with the money he had borrowed from Ma Dong-Po.

“Oh! You’re really Chae Hyung-Seok-nim! I was a bit skeptical, but I didn’t know it would really be you!” the Adventurer exclaimed while being starstruck. It was understandable as Chae Hyung-Seok could be considered a celebrity in BNW, and it was only a question of whether he was famous or infamous.

“Let’s cut the small talk and get right down to it,” Chae Hyung-Seok curtly replied and switched on the Safe Trade option in his Inventory.

“Can you show me the goods first?”

“The goods?” the Adventurer muttered before he smirked and asked, “Are the goods with me or not? What do you think?”

“What bullshit is this?” Chae Hyung-Seok grimaced and growled.

“Adventurer Desire.”

A deep and stern voice caught his ear.

‘What was that?’ Chae Hyung-Seok wondered as he turned around.

“W-What the fuck?!”

He was shocked after seeing an entire group of knights in the alleyway, and it did not take long before these knights bearing the insignia of the Marchioni Empire completely surrounded the alleys.

“Adventurer Desire!”


“I have come to carry out the imperial command of His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor!” A knight who seemed to be the captain of the knights drew his sword and pointed it at Chae Hyung-Seok. “I shall fulfill the imperial command by cutting you down!”