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Debuff Master

Chapter 335
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Chapter 335


Huracan zipped through the sky before landing in the airport of the Proatine Kingdom.

Siegfried immediately jumped out of the Huracan upon landing.

“Salute to His Majesty, the Great King!”


The airmen of the kingdom lined up and saluted once Siegfried stepped off the Huracan.

“Loyalty! Thank you all for your hard work!” Siegfried shouted in response without stopping as he continued running toward the palace.

“Owner punk! You’re making it obvious how much you love her! Slowdown! Kyu!” Hamchi exclaimed before he shook his head and watched Siegfried disappear into the distance.

Hamchi’s words made sense.


There were still four days remaining before the deadline to deliver the medicine to Brunhilde, so he did not have to rush like that as she was not going to be in any grave danger. Regardless, Siegfried was rushing like mad as he did not want Brunhilde to suffer for even a second more.

“It seems that even that despicable owner punk is weak when it comes to his own child,” Hamchi muttered.

“That’s only normal, no?” Seung-Gu replied.

“What do you know, baldy?! Kyu!”


“That jungle woman said she’s going to come for you! Good luck! Kyu!”


Seung-Gu trembled in fear as Sandra’s face popped up in his mind.

“Is she really…?!”

“Yes! Kyu! She said she’s coming soon! She also plans to marry you! Kyuuu!”


“Be careful! That jungle woman seems to really love you! Kyuuu!”


Seung-Gu’s face turned ghastly pale as Sandra’s voice started ringing in his mind.

“You lack energy! Thrust your hips harder! Is that all you got?!”

The traumatic memory flashed in front of his eyes together with the voice.

‘I might have to quit the game if she catches me…!’ Seung-Gu seriously contemplated going into hiding for a while.

“It seems His Majesty truly loves the Queen. Haha!” Gringore said with a laugh, and then he added, “That’s also probably why he refused the advances of an absolutely beautiful woman like Chieftain Antiope.”

“Kyu! That’s right! Owner punk is quite the conservative male! He can’t do anything even if they’re throwing themselves at him!”


“Let’s go! We need to rest, too! Kyuuu!”

Hamchi did not really do anything this time around, and it seemed that he was the most eager to rest.


“Kekeke! Hahaha!”

The servant, Carlisle, was in quite a good mood these days. The wife of his mortal nemesis, the culprit behind turning his motherland, the Renoma Kingdom, into a lowly vassal kingdom, was afflicted with a fatal illness.

The cause of the illness? Unknown.

The cure for the illness? It was unknown as well.

At this rate, the child in her belly was going to die as well. Even the Saintess, who had appeared only once in hundreds of years, failed to cure the illness, so the death of Siegfried’s wife and child was practically set in stone.

‘Siegfried van Proa… Kekeke! Is this how you’re going to lose your wife and kid? You’re being punished! This is divine punishment! Haha! Dear god, thank you for taking revenge for my sake! I don’t need to get drenched in blood! Hahaha!’ Carlisle was getting drunk on the adrenaline pumping in his veins as his impossible revenge took a completely unexpected turn.

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However, he wasn’t planning on stopping here.

‘This is only the start, Siegfried van Proa… You will fall into a deeper pit of despair from what I’m about to do to you after you lose your wife and kid…’

Carlisle was about to get another boost of adrenaline from his fantasy while walking along the corridor when—

Tak…! Tak…! Tak…! Bam!

A person suddenly appeared from the corner and crashed into him.

He flew five meters away and fell into the fountain.

“K-Keuk…!” Carlisle groaned in agony.

“I-I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! Are you alright?” the person profusely apologized.

“Hey, fucker! You should watch where you’re going—Huh? Your Majesty…?”

Carlisle was shocked to find out that the person who crashed into him was Siegfried.

“I-I apologize. I’m in a rush, so… but hey, I’m still the king here, you know? Isn’t calling me a fucker a bit…” Siegfried said.

“P-Please kill me, Your Majesty!” Carlisle was so shocked that he ended up kowtowing in front of Siegfried.

Of course, it went without saying that he was cursing him inwardly, ‘This bastard…! I think he broke two of my ribs…!’

“Well, I guess it’s fine since you didn’t know. Besides, it’s my fault for running without watching where I was going. Do you think you can stand up?”

“Y-Yes, Your Majesty!”

“Here,” Siegfried extended his hand toward him and said, “I’m really sorry. I will tell the royal physicians to heal you since you seem hurt.”

“I-It is alright, Your Majesty.”

“And you can have this as a token of my apology,” Siegfried said as he took out ten gold coins from his inventory. He was completely oblivious of Carlisle’s identity. He just felt really bad for injuring an innocent servant.

“But your name is? I know most of the servants here by name, but I don’t seem to recall you… Are you new by any chance?”

“My name is Ca…”


“Kyle! My name is Kyle, Your Majesty!”

“Ah! So you’re Servant Kyle! I’ll be in your care from now on!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“Then, I’ll be off now since I’m busy. I’m sorry once again, and please go see the physicians!”

“Yes, I will, Your Majesty!”

“Take care!”

Siegfried emphasized that Carlisle should get examined before running into the distance.

‘Wow… I almost killed an innocent servant… but shouldn’t he have gotten severely injured with such force? Oh well, maybe he’s just quite sturdy,’ he thought while running. He was quite surprised that the servant was fine after bumping into him, but he did not bother flashing his Rune of Insight on the servant.


There was a 99.9999% chance that the servant was just another ordinary NPC if he was a servant, and there was no reason for him to take a closer look at a servant. After all, it didn’t make sense for him to flash his Rune of Insight on every single NPC here.

Carlisle knew about this very well, and this was the very reason that he infiltrated the kingdom as a servant. It was said that trouble would often brew in the last place one would think of, and the adage seemed to be true.

‘Oh well, he’s probably not going to hate me since I compensated him,’ Siegfried shrugged and erased the matter from his mind as he ran toward the infirmary.


Carlisle grabbed his waist and struggled to get up.

“That damned bastard… Hold on? Why did he look so happy just now? D-Don’t tell me…?!”

Carlisle instinctively knew that something was off.

Siegfried’s wife and child were about to die, so how could he be happy?

There could only be one reason for that, and that was…

“Fuck!” Carlisle exclaimed. He rushed over to the infirmary to find out what was going on. After all, he had the perfect alibi to go there as he had to get treatment as well.



“You’re back.”

Deus greeted Siegfried while he was busy keeping Brunhilde alive.

“So, did you find the Dragonian Mango?”

“Yes, Master!”

“Oh? That was fast. I thought you’d cut it close.”

“I was lucky!”

“Good job, but where’s the Dragonian Mango?”

“T-That is…” Siegfried muttered as his face flushed red from embarrassment, and then he took out the Morningstar of Infinity from his inventory and showed it to Deus.

“It is in here…”

“Hmm…” Deus inspected the weapon before he clicked his tongue and grumbled, “Tsk… Tsk… Why would they play around with food? It’s probably those blacksmiths from the Bavarian Workshop.”

“Are you familiar with the Bavarian Workshop, Master?”

“Of course! Ah, you just reminded me of that madman named Herbert. He definitely was insane and had a loose screw.”

“You also know Herbert, Master?”

“Why wouldn’t I? He lived in the same generation as me, and it feels like yesterday he was running around claiming he was going to craft a Universal weapon.”


Siegfried was shocked at the fact that Deus was acquainted with Herbert, and he was further shocked after learning that Deus was aware of the Universal Weapon Herbert left behind.

‘As expected of Master…’ Siegfried was once again impressed by his master.

“Then shall we…” Deus muttered.

He grabbed the head of the Morningstar of Infinity.


A crisp noise echoed as the weapon made out of special metal broke in half.

Just how powerful was Deus’ grip strength? Siegfried tried all sorts of things while flying back to the Proatine Kingdom to open the Morningstar of Infinity, but he had failed every single time.

Anyway, the Dragonian Mango finally revealed itself from within the weapon.


It let out a brilliant golden glow.


The fruit was unleashing an energy that was so powerful that Siegfried had to cover his eyes.

“My disciple.”

“Yes, Master?”

“It will take some time, so go ahead and do whatever you have to do outside.”

“Pardon me…?”

“You could get caught up in the upcoming mana storm and die if you stay here.”

“Ah, yes, Master!”

Siegfried was forced to leave the infirmary after getting chased out by Deus.

‘Don’t worry. Master is going to heal you in no time. I’ll see you when you wake up,’ he earnestly prayed and spoke to Brunhilde in his heart. Then, he walked away from the infirmary with much lighter steps compared to when he left for the Great Jungle.


“Hmm… What should I do now? Should I go rest?”

Siegfried pondered whether he should log out and take a break.

“No, this isn’t the time to rest.”

He decided to head to the Warp Gate after thinking of something he could do.

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He appeared in the Warp Gate located in front of the Bavarian Workshop.

‘I need to have this fixed…’

His +15 Gaia’s Fist had gone down quite a lot during the duel against the Hunterian King, so he planned to have it repaired and then log out afterward.


It was then.

“His Majesty Siegfried van Proa is coming! Our VVIP is coming! Prepare to greet His Majesty!”

The gatekeeper of the Bavarian Workshop announced Siegfried’s arrival and started the game of BDSM.

Bambam! Bambambam! Bambambambaammm!

A marching band rushed out from the Bavarian Workshop.

“His Majesty Siegfried van Proa has arrived!”

They loudly announced Siegfried’s arrival.

“AAAACK!” Siegfried screamed and ran into the workshop to avoid everyone’s gaze.

‘I can’t drop my guard against these guys!’

Siegfried couldn’t withstand the exaggerated welcome the Bavarian Workshop was giving him, and he ran as fast as he could toward the Hometown of Death with his head down.

“Oh! You’re here! I heard that you were coming just now!”

The Head Blacksmith of the Bavarian Workshop, Quandt, welcomed him with open arms.

“What brings you here today?” he asked.

“Ah, that’s…” Siegfried replied as he took out his +15 Gaia’s Fist and said, “Please repair this for me.”

The current durability of +15 Gaia’s Fist was quite low.

[+15 Gaia’s Fist]

[Durability: 20/100]

He did use the Rod of God from time to time to block the Hunterian King’s attacks, but there were times when he had to use his +15 Gaia’s Fist as well.

“Hmm… It’s just about to break.”

“Do you think you can fix it?”

“Of course!”

“How much will it…?”

“It will be free of charge,” Quandt said with a smile, and then he said with a burst of laughter, “How can our workshop charge you for repairs? Bwahahaha!”

“Haha, you know how to do business.”

“Ahem… That’s that, but… Have you made any progress?” Quandt carefully asked about Herbert’s masterpiece.

“Yes, I have.”


“I somehow stumbled upon a U-rank Mana Stone.”


“I guess I gathered quite a lot already.”

“W-Wait! By Universal Grade Mana Stone, you mean…!”

Quandt hurriedly took out the blueprint of the Universal Rank weapon and unfurled it on the table.

“You’ve collected the Rod of God, Soul of the Vampire Lord, Omnipotent Mechanical Gear, Horn of Chromatic Dragon, and a Universal Grade Mana Stone… right?”

“I guess?”


“What is it?”

“I think I can make you a new weapon!” Quandt exclaimed upon failing to suppress his excitement.