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Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 525 The 21st Floor
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Ten minutes ago.

After looking around the whole hotel building and they still didn't get a glimpse of Little Zhanzhan, Ran Xueyi couldn't wait any longer. She intended to go to the hotel's surveillance to see where her son could have gone while they weren't around, but Song Yu Han had already put Guo Yun on that task. 

They only need to wait for him to talk to the hotel surveillance team and let them have access to their cameras for the past hour. 

While waiting for the news, Ran Xueyi paced around the corridor. She fought the urge to call Lapis and have him break into the hotel's system. However, Lapis was on a private trip and had already notified her three days ago that he won't be available for a week. 

Even if she called him now, he won't answer.

Ran Xueyi could only hope that her son was not harmed by anyone. Little Zhanzhan is a smart child, he won't do anything like follow a stranger, right? 

Little Zhanzhan grew by her side. Although she wasn't always next to him when she was filming, Little Zhanzhan would never do anything that would worry her. 

But what Ran Xueyi didn't know was that Little Zhanzhan had grown quite rebellious these past few weeks.

He didn't only follow a stranger to play a game of chess, he also gambled with them and won!

"What should we do? He's still not found?" Ran Xueyi started to panic. Her vulnerable state earlier recovered after some time had passed but quickly returned with her son's sudden disappearance. 

Seeing her like this, Song Yu Han held her cold and trembling hands. He wrapped it around his own. 

"We will find him. Don't be afraid, Xueyi. I'll find him even if I have to demolish this building," Song Yu Han reassured her. 

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Ran Xueyi shook her head, "No. We need to get more people to look for him."

"I already have my men look around the entire city. Some will come to this floor in a few minutes. Let's also wait for Guo Yun to tell us what he found from his side."

Ran Xueyu nodded, but her eyes which were now rimmed with red showed her distress.

It was the first time she experienced this situation. If Little Zhanzhan didn't return, she didn't know what she would do. Song Yu Han was her light and hope when she was in her most hopeless state. But Little Zhanzhan was her life. He came out of her and she saw him grow up with her own two eyes.

Ran Xueyi was shaking. If she hadn't come to the premiere, Little Zhanzhan would be sitting beside her, listening to her voice as she told him a story...

"I should have listened to you." At her sudden words, Song Yu Han turned to her with concern. "If I only agreed to return and not attend the party, Little Zhanzhan wouldn't be alone. It's my fault."

Song Yu Han knew that Ran Xueyi was getting more unstable as tears streamed down her face. She looked so weak and pitiful. No one would associate her with the multi-talented veteran actress that many people admired on screen.

Right now, Ran Xueyi was showing her truest emotion. 

Song Yu Han stretched his hand to her and pulled her into his arms. He placed his chin on top of her head and said, "It's not your fault. It's no one's fault."

When he first heard Little Zhanzhan go missing, Song Yu Han almost threw Guo Yun against the wall. He made Guo Yun stay with their son because he knew he could keep him safe, and not let him out of his sight!

But he held on to the last thread of control as he couldn't lose it with Ran Xueyi's current condition. Thus, he could only coldly warn his friends and assistant to look for their son. But Guo Yun should know what would happen if Little Zhanzhan still didn't return.

Right now, Ran Xueyi couldn't hear his voice. Her heart felt like it was being stomped on by elephants. The more it took time for Little Zhanzhan to return to her, the more her chest started to ache. She subconsciously gripped her hands tightly on his arms, digging her nails deeper. 

Song Yu Han didn't even make a sound as one of her nails broke through his skin. He remained indifferent as he gave her all the emotional support she needed at this time.

After a while, Ran Xueyu finally raised her head. But she was surprised to see that in the time she was in a daze, Song Yu Han's men had already blocked off the entire hotel and also entered the floor to the suites.

They expressionlessly stood against the wall. Their backs were ramrod as if even the harshest wind couldn't shake them from their resolve to not move a single muscle! How amazing it was!

If it was a normal day, Ran Xueyi would show her approval of their discipline, but right now, she only swept her eyes at them before burying her face in Song Yu Han's arms.

The men in black could see the movements of their big boss and his wife. Each of them restrained the extreme shock they felt upon seeing Song Yu Han, who was known for his ruthlessness, let someone hug him like this.

But no matter how surprised they were, they could only seal it in their hearts. 

Guo Yun, who had been away this whole time, finally called back. 

Just when Song Yu Han was about to take it, he heard Ran Xueyi asking him, "Is it, Guo Yun?"

When he nodded to inform her that she was correct, the phone was taken away from his hand and Ran Xueyi left his embrace. She turned her back and interrogated Guo Yun.

Looking at his empty hand and arms, Song Yu Han sighed helplessly before sending a glare at the men who wished they could combine with the wall behind them.

"Are you really sure it's not the Cao family?"

At his question, they soundlessly swallowed hard. One of the men stepped forward and replied, "We already checked if anyone from the Cao family or any other families entered the perimeters. But we found none."

"And how sure are you that no one in your team betrayed me?" Song Yu Han's voice turned a little colder than desired. The men in black shuddered, but they lowered their heads and avoided his eyes.

The man, who previously replied to him, opened his mouth and said, "Hundred percent, Sir. If there's any one of us with that kind of intention, we will return to where our ancestors are."

Simply put, they will meet their ancestors who had already passed on. 

Song Yu Han's men weren't simple experts who only knew military and martial skills. They are trained to kill as well as prepared to surrender their own lives if the situation calls for it. 

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Song Yu Han holds the trigger for their death and life situation. Once he pulls it, they will completely accept it without hatred, anger, and disappointment. 

"I know. You can go back to your position." Song Yu Han waved his hand as a gesture that he trusted him. In actuality, Song Yu Han never doubted them or their skills. But sometimes, a reminder should be done so that no one can think of something evil.

Song Yu Han turned his head to glance at Ran Xueyi. She just finished her call with Guo Yun. The expected relief or sadness that should be on her face after the call was nowhere. Rather, a weird look on the expression on her face made Song Yu Han confused. 

"What did he say? Did he find Little Zhanzhan?" Song Yu Han asked her.

Ran Xueyu took a brief moment to speak. She had a little trouble understanding the content of her call with Guo Yun. 

After swallowing her doubts, she finally told her husband, "Little Zhanzhan... he went to the floor below this."

Song Yu Han blinked and asked again, "Where, again?"

Ran Xueyi: " The 21st floor."

They were on the 22nd floor of the hotel building. The floor below should be the 21st floor...

Suddenly, Song Yu Han had a hard time understanding the situation. 

Seeing his confused expression as if he was asking 'Who am I? Where am I?', Ran Xueyi told her the same thing Guo Yun told her.

Finally, he got the gist of it. Their son, Little Zhanzhan, followed an old man staying in one of the suite rooms. Then, they went inside a room on the lower floor. Since then, they haven't come out of it.

"Let's go down," Ran Xueyi suggested. Her excitement after hearing that her son was not abducted by someone couldn't be put into words. However, she couldn't wait to see him safe and sound as soon as possible. 

Song Yu Han was about to agree with her when suddenly, the elevator stopped on the 22nd floor.

When it opened, an old man and a little boy came out of it.