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Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 520  After Party (2)
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Chapter 520  After Party (2)

A few minutes earlier.

The function hall was a sea of movement and noise, with people weaving in and out of groups and chatting animatedly. Laughter and snippets of conversation filled the air.

As Director Sun and the producers of the film made their way through the crowd, their faces lit up with wide, eager smiles. They approached a small cluster of individuals, one of whom was a stout, balding old man who stood out in the crowd. It was Director Hao, one of the investors of the film as well as one of the head directors in Light Source Ent.

Director Sun's heart sank at the sight of Director Hao. He had been hoping to avoid him all night. As Director Hao stepped forward, Director Sun braced himself for the inevitable conversation.

"Director Sun!" Director Hao's voice boomed above the noise of the crowd. He stopped directly in front of Director Sun, blocking his path.

With a forced smile Director Sun turned to face the other. "Director Hao, it's nice to see you here tonight."

Inwardly, Director Sun was struggling to contain the urge to groan. He had been looking forward to a relaxed evening without having to deal with Director Hao's endless demands and criticisms.

Director Sun was pleasantly surprised when Director Hao's secretary had informed him earlier that he wouldn't be attending the after-party. But now, as he stood face to face with the man, he realized that he had spoken too soon.

Director Hao beamed at Director Sun, oblivious to the changes in the other man's expression. "Sorry about that," he said, his smile widening. "My secretary made a mistake and told you I wouldn't be attending. I've already dealt with her for making a decision without consulting me."

He cleared his throat and gestured to the woman standing behind him. "This is my niece, Claire Chua," he said, pulling her closer to Director Sun. "She's quite naive and foolish, but I noticed she has some talent in acting. I almost couldn't bring her tonight because she's too shy to come out of her comfort zone."

Director Hao continued, "Please, Director Sun, help my niece explore the world of acting. I know you can do it."

Director Sun's expression darkened as Director Hao spoke. He knew the man was lying to him. How could he have yet another niece interested in acting? He had introduced several already, all with varying degrees of talent and experience that Director Hao 'accidentally' stumbled upon.

Director Sun's eyes narrowed as he listened to Director Hao's proposal. Despite Hao's practiced smile and well-rehearsed words, Director Sun could sense something sinister behind them. Hao was known for his underhanded tactics in the entertainment industry, using his wealth to cover up his unsavory actions.

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Who knows if tonight, he would introduce one niece to Director Sun, and tomorrow, he would bring a nephew or niece to another director.

Despite his suspicions, Director Sun knew he couldn't afford to anger Director Hao. He was an influential investor in the film, and the producers held him in high regard. Not because of his own talent, but because his older brother was a board member of the highly respected Triple Crown Organization, which hosted the coveted Triple Crown Award ceremony that many actors and actresses coveted.

Moreover, the award ceremony is soon to begin.

Director Sun forced a smile, feeling his patience wear thin. "I'll certainly consider what roles may be suitable for her in the future," he replied, careful not to make any promises.

Director Hao beamed, turning to his supposed niece. "You hear that, Claire? You should thank Director Sun for his generosity."

Claire stepped forward, her smile bright and her eyes sparkling. "Thank you so much, Director Sun. I've always admired your work and I can't wait for the opportunity to work with you."

Although he was irritated that the conversation didn't end there, Director Sun couldn't dislike it when he hear people praise him and his works.

"Oh really? Which one is your favorite?" he asked, turning to Claire.

Claire's face contorted in confusion, looking to Director Hao for help. But even he couldn't recall any of Director Sun's films. Director Sun shook his head in disappointment. It was clear that Claire hadn't done her research and was simply praising him without any real knowledge of his work.

Feeling disheartened, Director Sun looked down, reflecting on the state of the entertainment industry. It seemed that more and more people were able to enter the industry solely through money and connections, rather than talent. And even those with talent were often just average compared to the true craftsmen of acting.

Unfortunately, talented individuals often don't get the chance to take the spotlight because it's already reserved for those with money and connections.

Director Hao noticed that someone from the key cast members was missing and asked, "Where's Miss Ran? Did she not attend the party?" Getting no response, he continued, "Don't tell me she didn't come tonight?"

Director Sun replied, "Miss Ran is a busy person."

"I'm also a busy person, am I not? Besides, she's the main attraction tonight. Why would she not attend?" Director Hao persisted.

Director Sun's face distorted. While Ran Xueyi was an important member of the cast, tonight's after-party was meant to celebrate everyone's hard work and to congratulate all the actors and actresses who had worked hard to make their roles shine in the film. Yet, with just a few words, Ran Xueyi had become the center of attention. If other people heard Director Hao's words, they would surely think that Ran Xueyi was a despicable person.

Although it wasn't true, Director Sun couldn't control the way everyone felt. But he could already tell that this would stain Ran Xueyi's reputation in the acting circle.

 Looking around, he saw that the investors and sponsors who came tonight were also dissatisfied. It didn't matter if they didn't see Ran Xueyi, since it was normal to forget about someone. However, when reminded that someone was missing and it was an important member of the film, they somehow couldn't accept it.

"Where is she?"

"Shouldn't she be here since she's also a main cast member of the film?"

"Is she treating the industry like her playground?"

"Somebody call her agent and have her attend the party. It doesn't matter what they have to do, just drag her here!"

If nothing was done, rumors would soon spread that Ran Xueyi was turning into a villain in the industry for ignoring and belittling her peers, as well as neglecting her duty.

Director Sun opened his mouth to speak in Ran Xueyi's defense, but just as his lips parted, the crowd fell silent and the sound of the doors opening echoed throughout the hall.

The noise drew everyone's attention towards the entrance where two people walked in, side by side.

They walked with smooth, elegant and powerful strides, emanating an overwhelming aura that seemed to force the heads of the onlookers to lower, as though deities from heaven had descended in front of them. Yet, their eyes couldn't stop straining to follow their every movement.

The footfalls of the two people who barged into the bustling hall stopped in the center. The woman, wearing a black dress with a white floral embroidered design, turned her head from side to side, as if she was looking for someone. The man leaned over to her ear and whispered a few words that made the woman's eyes sparkle like the stars in the sky.

The spectators watched them as if they were lovers taking a stroll in the park, their lips stretched into a smile. Then, the woman walked forward towards Director Sun. "I'm sorry, I was late. I had some urgent matters to attend to."

Director Sun had already been informed earlier, and he didn't scold Ran Xueyi for being late. He nodded his head slightly before turning his gaze to the man standing beside her.

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Ehm… is this the husband?

He pondered before swiftly glancing over the man that could beat all the actors and models in the country.

Noticing his gaze, Song Yu Han turned to him and raised an eyebrow..

Director Sun suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion. He felt his blood climbing up to his cheeks.


Too handsome.

This man is too beautiful for his own good. Is he even real?

Not that Director Sun thinks that the man before him was a doll or a robot, but how could anyone be so beautiful yet remain masculine?

"Director Sun?" Ran Xueyi's voice brought him back to reality.

Director Sun snapped out of his daze and unconsciously blurted out, "I'm married!"


He realized his mistake immediately.


The instant his voice settled down in the already silent hall, several heads turned to look at him.

During the time he was staring at Song Yu Han, Ran Xueyi had already apologized to the investors and sponsors of the film. She had also greeted the other actresses and actors with whom she had worked. She also spoke to Director Sun.

But he was too stunned to say anything or even reply to her.