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Chapter 121
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121 Chapter 121: Impossible foe!

Alex kept walking towards the bank while he made the call but at a slower pace. His eyes seemed emotionless after he cut the call and he shot the cat following him a glance.

“I can’t assure you I can win... you should leave now” Alex said calmly.


The cat shook its head in refusal and kept following him. Seeing this Alex sighed and revealed a calm smile. If he couldn’t send the cat away then he should just fight it out, he can’t afford to risk getting closer to the bank and having the beast notice Blaze and the rest.

“Then we fight!” Alex said with a genuine fighting spirit burning in his eyes.

The cat nodded violently as both of them turned around abruptly gazing at the darkness and looking around them. The darkness was far beyond what the night could produce naturally! Whatever is following them has an affinity towards the darkness element!

“Come out!” Alex said calmly as he took his eleventh breath but this time he didn’t suppress the rumbling sound or the effects of his martial technique on his body.



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The fierce sound of his beating heart could be heard loudly as his skin turned red. He gazed towards in darkness for a while and after some time a pair of venomous green eyes opened within the darkness.

It was the eyes of a serpent the size of a building!

The darkness vanished and Alex saw a mighty king cobra the size of a three-story building and its body was made of black and green scales!


An overwhelming presence befell the city and even Mr. White who was driving the Jeep out of the area almost lost control due to the sheer pressure. Blaze, Kung Jun, and Melissa turned pale right as they looked towards the direction and saw the mighty serpent, looking down on something or someone!

“It’s really a tiger threat level beasts! Ooh my god if Its immense pressure can reach us all the way from there how will Alex withstand it?” Melissa said with a terrified look on her face, but she was recording everything on her phone!



Following that statement, a loud scream could be heard as a white and black aura exploded surging dangerously within the city! They couldn’t see Alex but they could see his aura!

To think someone would have the guts to fight against a beast like that at this current level. Even though his death is assured, the fact he chose to fight and die instead of run and die was very commendable!

“He is something... I think the world underestimated how amazing he was... he will be missed” Mr. White spoke as if Alex was already dead without bothering to look back. He had a cold look on his face that made his thoughts hard to read.

The tiger threat-level beast kept gazing at Alex with a cold look on its face. It hissed a couple of times but for some reason, it looked unwilling to attack.

Alex kept pushing his aura to the max in hopes of intimidating the enemy. The cat stood beside him, unfazed by Alex’s aura or that of the mighty beast.


The massive beast finally made a move! Shooting down with its massive head! It looked like a massive building falling from the sky!


Alex didn’t dare challenge the beast head on. His body shot back and from the corner of his eyes, he could see the cat retreat too. Surprisingly the cat was just as fast as him, making him wonder how the cat got caught by those vines in the first place!


A large body of dust rose, followed by a powerful shockwave! The ground had visible cracks on them but none of them were able to know Alex off his feet! He was on all falls, skidding backward while the cat stood on his back like an ancient being, glaring coldly into the body of darkness where the bright green eyes hid!


It’s tongue pathed the dust as it raced towards Alex! His body stomped the ground, spinning to the left while the cat leaped off him, shooting to the right!

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The tongue of the tiger threat beast struck the ground like a shop causing a short tremor before shooting at Alex again!

Alex’s feet just hit the ground before the tremor destabilized his balance, leaving him open for the tongue attack!

He could barely move and the tongue was racing towards him! He already assumed no one would be around so his body reacted instinctively!



Alex’s eyes quickly turned black as an invisible force exploded from his body, meeting the tongue!

The collision between the two attacks shook the earth, sending powerful shockwaves all across the street while his cry’s even reached farther.

On the fleeing jeep, Alex’s furious cry could be heard and Blaze bit his lower lips in frustration. How the hell could they be running while their comrade still stands and fight.

Mr. White, Melissa, and Kung Jun were stunned too. Alex and the beast must have exchanged some pointers for him to still be alive and fighting. For a fresher recruit to last this long against a tiger tier beast even if it is for a short while is terrifyingly amazing. No one expected something like this to be possible!

Is he that strong?

Alex’s body could be seen lying on the road in a puddle of his blood. If he didn’t use his gravity ability back there he could have been killed instantly!

He coughed up a mouthful of blood as he got to his feet weakly. In front of him was the small cat gazing at the massive snake fiercely.

“Come on now... this is not the time to be brave... this is where you run you have already done enough” Alex laughed bitterly before coughing out another mouthful of blood.

He wanted to grab the cat but it was too late! The little fluffy creature was already racing towards the serpent!