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Chapter 114
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114 [Bonus Chapter] Chapter 114: Tyrant gang in Virginia

“It’s not like I had a choice.... I either fight or die” Alex said in his defense.

“You also had the option to run but you didn’t.... That counts in my book” General firestorm said while gazing at Alex.

Alex had no way to reply to that so he remained silent while the man praised him.

“My grandson is amongst the freshers... have you met him?” General firestorm said catching Alex’s attention.

“Your grandson?” Alex was stunned.

He expected that someone like General firestorm would be the lonely type that dedicated all their lives to serving the country, never getting married or having an affair or at least not having kids at all.

“What, I’m not allowed to have a family of my own?” General firestorm asked with a raised eyebrow.

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“well... the word family doesn’t suit someone of your personality. The way you treated me all these years made me feel like I was like a son to you... who would have thought you were cheating on me” Alex joked and the man laughed.

“Good one kid! So that brat hasn’t made any attempt to reach out to you even after giving him instructions to do so?” General firestorm seemed a bit pissed by this news.


Thinking back on all the freshers, Alex could remember the kid called blaze! His deviant powers are fierce and he is oddly powerful but he has a hot-tempered personality so Alex never really saw any reason to get involved with someone like that.

On his way out of the helicopter, he even remembered brushing into the kid. The guy was one of the few students outside the big four who was able to make it to the C grade, keeping up with the big four representatives.

“I have come across him a few times... He is really talented but hot-tempered, so I never bothered with him. Next time I run into him I will take the initiative” Alex said with a slight bow.

Hearing Alex’s honest review of his grandson, General firestorm wasn’t pissed. Intact he was grateful that someone could look past his positions and speak to him honestly.

“I guess I will have to trouble you then” The general said and Alex smiled.

“About the event of the past two months... The culture... do you have a means of contacting them personally?” The general’s tone suddenly turned serious.

Alex guessed this was the main reason for the invitation in the first place. He sat back and sighed before shaking his head.

“We communicate well... Our relationship isn’t that bad but they didn’t leave a number or anything with me” Alex answered truthfully and the General nodded. It seemed like he expected that but just wanted to be sure.

“Do you think they will return?” the general asked making Alex frown.

“Is something happening?” He ignored the general’s question and asked his.

For some reason, anything concerning the Tyrant gang always pissed him off deep down.

“It’s really not something I can share... all I can say is that project Lost and project Power are not the only two projects the Tyrant gang is into” The general said.

While he shouldn’t be telling Alex this, he believed Alex has contributed enough to be given rough updates on what’s going on.

“What other project is there?” Alex’s interest was piqued as he leaned forward and asked.

“...” The general seemed reluctant at first but then he answered.

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“I can only say it’s something called Project Enhancer... we are not too sure what it’s all about but I guess it has something to do with killer robots or something like that... either way, that’s why you all are here... the battle for Virginia has reached a critical stage and the Tyrant gang forces are here as well...” General firestorm said.

Hearing this Alex frowned.

“Don’t tell me you are planning to send students to the front line” Alex said coldly.

“I may be loyal to the country but I’m not a monster!” General firestorm rebuked.

Only hearing this did Alex’s facial expression relax.

“We are lacking men at the front lines so we are planning on leaving the mutant beast hunting and the resources gathering to the first and third years... Your supervisors will be present just in case you run into tiger threat level beasts even though the chances of that happening is quite low. Either way, all the military resources will be focused on the battle on the front lines...” The General said with a worn-out expression on his face.

The situation is direr than he made it look. Alex would have loved to request to join the front lines but he needed to gather resources and improve himself first. Any other thing comes second!

“I know you are wondering if I am willing to join the front lines” Alex said with a strange smile.

“Well... someone who managed to fight Cherry on equal footing is considered close to the B ratings at least... On a battlefield like this, you will be a great asset” General firestorm didn’t hide his intentions.

On the battlefield, there are more C-rated humans and deviants in the military and fewer B-rated experts. Alex’s strength roughly lies somewhere between the C and B ratings but a lot closer to the B ratings. Some even argue since it’s cherry he lost against he should be as strong as a low-tier B-rated guardian meanwhile some believe Cherry’s lack of explosive power is the only reason Alex could last that long, so he doesn’t deserve such a high assessment.

While both sides are right, Alex didn’t have to bother with their thoughts. War is more intense and terrifying than anyone knows and as much as Alex would love to participate and improve his skills, he also needed the resources to improve his power since he doesn’t rely on the Briggs resources.

“I know I know... this is not something you can just decide on out of a whim... take your time but keep it in mind that you will be taken in as a hired sword and paid according to your contributions” General firestorm said and Alex nodded in understanding.