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Chapter 109
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109 Chapter 109: Advancing his gold tier secret technique

For an entire month, the news of the big four possibly losing to the culture kept spreading and many people debate it on tv shows and online social media platforms. As people spoke of it more and compared the two sides they soon realized that there nearly know nothing about the culture.

Apart from Sage, Klay, and Riviz who revealed their abilities to the world recently, no one else knew anything about the other members. Vendetta had been with them the whole time but he didn’t lift a finger or show any power!

Amongst the culture group, there are still three members yet to be seen, keeping people on their toes! If these three who revealed their powers are this strong how strong are the other four?

Meanwhile, Alex spent the remaining month of his internship in the hospital. Thanks to Damian, One sword swore to keep the news about his double deviant abilities a secret.

Before the culture left, they came to check on Alex in the hospital and when he spoke to them about it, he also received positive feedback.

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“Our goal was to kill the Tyrant gang backer, we failed... Nothing else concerns us... Your secret has nothing to do with us... We have no obligation to the United States government either so we have no reason to report to them... However, we owe you one for hitching a ride without informing you and waiting for the last moment before showing ourselves... So consider this as a way of repaying our debt” Riviz said calmly.

While the big four may hate the culture, Alex considered them cool. Traveling to Africa and observing what life is like there crossed Alex’s mind as well. He couldn’t get the thought out of his head no matter how much he tried.

One sword’s words kept ringing in his head.



Alex exhaled and opened his eyes. After two months he is still unable to push his second stage of the demon-kin secret martial technique to the next level. He is still stuck at twenty-five breaths and that pissed him off. His body is yet to show signs of getting tougher too.

Either way, Alex understood how it works. This is a technique that requires time and diligence to grow. Wilder Briggs has trained in it for more than half a century now while Damian has practiced for a decade. Thinking he will see major results in just a few months is extremely naive and greedy.

After the internship, Alex returned to his mansion in the military academy but chose to stay indoors. After his contributions during the internship, his grades were the highest in the academy amongst the freshers.

He took part in three different events and all three were extremely dangerous, causing him to have a brush with death! He even fought against Cherry a B-rated deviant twice and survived!

If it wasn’t for the culture news flying around, he would have been more famous.

Meanwhile, he hasn’t seen Silver or other representatives of the big four since. He wasn’t sure how much they improved but he didn’t care either.

“It still hurts” Alex muttered while gazing at his bandaged hands.

Tracy had to go back and work for the Ainsworth family as usual so they could barely see each other again. They chatted from time to time both on video calls and phone calls.

Their relationship was no longer a secret to the world and would have gotten a lot of attention if the culture wasn’t still trending.

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He was back to his boring old life which involved training alone, eating, watching movies, and sleeping. Apart from when speaking to Tracy, Alex’s attitude had returned to default settings.

He had become cold and reserved once again, like a true Briggs! Meanwhile, after the mission to Florida, Damian was tasked to pick out a reward for him. After learning about his secrets, Alex wasn’t sure what Damian would send to him. He expected one or two beast gears but what he received made a smile bloom on his face.

It was a crate of beast cores, about thirty of them. Seeing this Alex was sober joyed and quickly moved everything to his room and shut the door.

He quickly picked up one beast core and cast the silver statue technique while absorbing it. His body quickly turned silver but golden markings appeared everywhere. His eyes remained cold while the process kept going smoothly.

After absorbing the first beast core, Alex felt like a drop of water just fell into a hundred-meter deep hole

“It seems using wolf tier beat cores is not sufficient anymore. The energy in it is just too small!” Alex complained.

Even if he used all thirty of them, Alex knew he wouldn’t be anywhere near ten percent of progress with the silver statue technique. He couldn’t help but remember the mutant bat he fought and the blue crystal it held. The immense power it had would have been more than enough to push his technique to the next level.

Without hesitation, Alex pulled out another beast core but this time he didn’t cast the silver statue. He inhale deeply and almost instantly powerful steam began surging out of his body. Using the power of the beast core as his main source, he felt the energy vibe through his body starting from his throat down to his body!

Alex may not have been aware but many numerous strange symbols appeared all over his body. His veins lit up with the golden energy, spreading across his energy making him look like a living light bulb!

By the time he took the third breath with this method, Alex was completely still. His body was a combination of blood-red skin and yellow energy! He looked like an ancient demon that can only be found in books or cartoons.

After taking the third breath his body was extremely hot, the room was too hot to breathe in anymore, Alex struggled to take the fourth breath!