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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 483: Chubby lion~
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Chapter 483: Chubby lion~

"The mountain is hollow!? And you even said that you found the ruins of an ancient city in there…? Show me where the hole is located!"

Hearing that the mountain he had been living on top of was hollow and the fact that there even was an ancient city ruin in there, Xuan Hao could not help exclaiming in surprise as he hurried for Chu Yang to show him where the hole was located.

During the time he had spent on top of his mountain, he had used his divine sense and domain to scan the area several times but had not found out about the fact that his mountain was hollow!

For him to not be able to sense this after such a long time…

"Hm? Is something wrong- Ah… Bai Ning, do you happen to know where the hole is located?"

Realizing his mistake in asking Chu Yang for directions, Xuan Hao quickly switched to asking Bai Ning instead.

"Yes! It's just outside!"

Not noticing anything weird about his master's question, Bai Ning happily responded before leading the way towards the hole into the hollow part of the mountain that Chu Yang had ended up creating and soon enough, the group of three headed towards the entrance to the hollow part of the mountain.

Chu Yang was not at all affected by the fact that his master had ended up asking Bai Ning for directions instead of him… He very well understood how bad his sense of direction was… Especially after falling into the hollow part of the mountain. Almost ending up skewered alive on the spear like rocks covering the ground beneath the hole!

"There really is a hole here…" Muttering this to himself upon seeing the hole leading into what he assumed to be the hollow part of the mountain, Xuan Hao could not help feeling even more surprised over the fact that he had not sensed such a large hole in the ground with his divine sense upon returning to his pavilion.

Not only was the hollow part of the mountain completely hidden from his divine sense, but even the hole that was directly in front of him, was completely invisible to his divine sense.

If not for the fact that he had now seen it personally, Xuan Hao would doubt that his mountain peak really was hollow on the inside… Not to mention the fact that he would likely never have found out about it, if not for Chu Yang accidently taking a wrong turn before falling into the hollow part of the mountain!

Perhaps, his bad sense of direction, was not totally useless…

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"Master, this is the place!"

Coming to a stop only a short distance away from the hole in the ground leading into the hollow part of the mountain, Bai Ning smiled happily as he looked up towards his master.

"Indeed… You did well Bai Ning, you can go back for now, I want to check out this place by myself."

"Yes, master!"

Smiling even more happily upon being praised by his master, Bai Ning quickly ran back into the pavilion behind them. Leaving only Xuan Hao and Chu Yang behind in front of the hole in the ground.

"Master… Do you want me to show you where the ancient city ruins are located? Even if I'm not too good with directions, I think I can recognize some of the terrain on the way there-"

"No! No need for that, you can head back to the pavilion for now!"

Quickly denying Chu Yang's request to show him where the ancient city ruins were located before, he even managed to finish speaking, Xuan Hao send him back to the pavilion as well.


Looking a bit sad after being turned down so quickly, Chu Yang could only lament at his bad sense of direction… At least he should be able to resolve his troubles after developing his divine sense.

Maybe I can try to develop my divine sense a little earlier. At least I will be of more help to master in case something like this happens again in the future...

With these thoughts in mind, Chu Yang soon left the area where the hole or entrance to the hollow part of the mountain was located. Heading back towards the pavilion.

"Guess I should check out just what's hidden beneath my pavilion…"

Having resolved himself to enter the hollow part of his mountain to find out what was hidden inside, Xuan Hao jumped straight into the large hole-


But only a moment later, he felt himself getting thrown back out by some sort of invisible force.

"This… A formation…?"

Almost whispering these words to himself as he stared towards the hole in front of him, Xuan Hao suddenly realized that a new set of information had suddenly appeared inside his mind after having been thrown back by the formation that prevented him from entering the hollow part of the mountain.

Taking a short moment to process the information that had suddenly appeared inside his mind, Xuan Hao first and foremost. Realized that the formation was far stronger than anything he could deal with at the moment.

This could easily be seen from the fact that the formation had been able to easily transfer a set of information into his mind, without him even having the chance to resist!

"A restriction that only allows for those below the Domain Lord Realm to enter…"

Other than the feeling of fear he felt after realizing that the formation most likely had the ability to kill him in an instant, Xuan Hao also understood what the hollow part of his mountain really was.

In reality, the hollow mountain that his two disciples, Chu Yang and Bai Ning, had entered, was in fact not a part of his mountain!

Instead, the hole that Chu Yang had fallen through before expanding to its current size, was instead one of countless entrances to an enormous mystic realm!

Not only that, but the mystic realm in question, had once been under the control of an ancient cultivator and said ancient cultivator's inheritance was located inside of this mystic realm!

Outside of this, there was not any more information regarding the mystic realm entrance located in front of him.

However, from what Xuan Hao could guess, it looked like the ancient cultivator had set up the formation because he or she wanted to find someone to inherit the inheritance left inside the mystic realm!

How dangerous the mystic realm was and how big it was, Xuan Hao had absolutely no clue. Even with the short descriptions of Chu Yang and Bai Ning's experience during their short journey into the mystic realm, Xuan Hao could not truly say that he knew how dangerous it was inside.

After all, a mystic realm was a place that was dangerous and life threatening. Even to someone at the Soul Ascension Realm!

Given that, Xuan Hao could at most think of Chu Yang and Bai Ning's short journey, as them being exceptionally lucky…

"But why is there an entrance to a mystic realm here of all places…? Looks like I will have to ask Feng Chen and see if he knows anything about this…"

Muttering this to himself as he glanced over towards the direction of Feng Chen's mountain peak, Xuan Hao could not help smiling a bit wryly.

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The reason why he had not gone to visit Feng Chen after returning to the sect, was because the other party was currently in secluded cultivation.

With that in mind, Xuan Hao did not want to disturb the other party.

But now that an entrance to a mystic realm had suddenly appeared on his mountain peak, Xuan Hao did not really feel like caring too much about the fact that Feng Chen had entered closed door cultivation and had completely secluded himself.


"Hm? I almost forgot about… How have you been doing over the past mon- Is it just me, or did you get a bit chubbier…?"

Spotting the winged lion flying over as it greeted him happily with a small roar, Xuan Hao was shocked upon discovering that the winged lion seemed to have grown a size bigger since the last time he saw it… Not only that, but it was clearly not the direction that he was hoping for it to grow in…


Hearing what Xuan Hao said, the winged lion immediately began roaring angrily at him.

"Hehe, calm down, I was just a bit astonished upon realizing that you were preparing to evolve into a ball of fur~"



Roaring even louder before as it felt extremely humiliated after hearing this, the winged lion decided to leave before Xuan Hao could say anything.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Listening to the roars of the winged lion, as it disappeared as quickly as it appeared, Xuan Hao could not help chuckling to himself.

The winged lion seemed to have taken full advantage of the beast tamers during the time he was gone, though he did not know what to say about the fact that his heroic looking winged lion seemed to have suddenly become chubby.

Normally, something like that wouldn't happen no matter how much it ate… The only reason why this would happen, was if it had absorbed too much qi-


Those damnable beast tamers!