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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 481: Feather Imprint! Absorb!
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Chapter 481: Feather Imprint! Absorb!

Arriving at the location where he felt the calling, Xuan Hao spotted a large temple ruin with a large dome shaped barrier surrounding it.

At this point, several cracks had already spread all over this barrier as a group of people were using all their strength to attack the dome shaped barrier.


Landing a short distance away from the ruined temple, Xuan Hao didn't bother hiding himself. After all, the strongest person present was only at the Core Formation Realm. Not really anything that could pose a threat to him given his current cultivation realm.

"Hm… This should be the place…"

Muttering this to himself, Xuan Hao used his domain to momentarily stop the people from moving before peering through the dome shaped barrier to see what was inside the temple ruins.

"Looks like there is also someone inside the temple ruins."

Spotting a few people fearfully looking on from inside the temple ruins, Xuan Hao could easily guess what was happening, as he took a step forward before arriving in front of the dome shaped barrier.



Destroying the dome shaped barrier without paying too much attention to the people inside the temple ruins, Xuan Hao instead focused on the weird calling he had felt coming from inside the temple ruins.


The people hiding away inside the temple ruins did not dare moving in the slightest after seeing Xuan Hao destroy the dome shaped barrier so easily before entering the temple ruins.

Even if they wanted to say something to the unknown person who had suddenly appeared, like the people outside the temple ruins, they soon found out that they could not move a single muscle in their body. Only able to helplessly stare towards Xuan Hao as he entered the temple ruins.

The only thing causing them not to panic, was the fact that Xuan Hao did not seem to care about them in the slightest as he made his way past them before proceeding towards a large broken-down altar located at what had once been the core of the temple ruins.

Feeling the curious gazes locked onto him, Xuan Hao who had just reached the broken-down altar stopped.

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With a short sentence leaving no room for conversation, Xuan Hao removed the suppression on the people inside the temple.


"T-thank you, sir!"

"Thank you for your help!"

The people in question quickly thanked Xuan Hao before leaving the temple ruins. The reason for this being that they had been in a pretty hopeless situation before his arrival and would most likely have ended up being killed by the people who had surrounded the temple ruins from outside.


Not saying anything in response, Xuan Hao stood in front of the broken-down altar, as he waited for the people inside the temple ruins to leave before continuing.

The altar in question, was nothing more than a simple broken-down stone slab at this point, with a small sun disc located on top of it.

From the feather imprint between his brows glowing brightly and the feeling of something calling out to him from the altar, Xuan Hao understood that the thing calling out to him should be somewhere on top of, or inside of the altar in front of him.


"Good… Looks like everyone is gone now…"

Along with the last person leaving the area around the temple ruins, Xuan Hao set up a short-term barrier around the temple ruins using his two domains as the core. Preventing anyone from peeking inside with their divine sense and stopping anyone from being able enter without his knowledge.

This was the best way to make sure that nobody disturbed him.

"Now… I wonder what's inside here…"

Tracing the thin outlines along the sun disc covered in dust on top of the altar, Xuan Hao could clearly feel a familiar energy from the small sun disc.

"Divine energy!"

Albeit weak, Xuan Hao could still recognize the weak blue divine energy from the sun disc, it was the same as the divine energy he had found in the two tallest mountains of the Shattered Star Peaks!


Not only that, but Xuan Hao soon discovered that the divine energy inside the small sun disc suddenly flew out before entering the feather imprint between his brows!

The entire thing happened way faster than he could react and by the time that he had discovered the blue divine energy entering the feather imprint, the small sun disc on top of the alter had already been completely drained, as the feather imprint disappeared without needing him to do anything.


Realizing that the feather imprint had just devoured the blue divine energy, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a wave of shock, as he knew very well how terrifying the blue divine energy was.

Even if it was weakened by a lot, he still did not dare absorbing it. Fearing that he might just end up freezing to death the moment he allowed the blue divine energy to enter his dantian!

But now, the feather imprint had easily devoured the weakened blue divine energy without anything happening to him…

Well, something did happen, as Xuan Hao felt his mind clear up and the world around him felt a bit different compared to before.

"It increased my ability to comprehend to natural world?!"

Standing frozen in front of the altar for a short moment before he realized just what had happened, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a shiver run down his spine.

The feather imprint had increased his ability to comprehend the world around him!

Even if this did not immediately increase his strength, in the long run, it would increase his speed of comprehending his two domains and in turn increase his cultivation speed!

Maybe, there was even a chance for him to comprehend more than two domains if his comprehension increased…

"I should go back to the Shattered Star Peaks and see if it can absorb the blue divine energy there…"

Whispering this to himself, Xuan Hao could not help feeling himself grow a bit excited thinking about how much his comprehension speed would increase if the feather imprint devoured all the blue divine energy present on the Shattered Star Peaks.

At this point, Xuan Hao no longer thought about visiting the Flowing Cloud Sect and was instead way more interested in returning to the Flying Sword Sect before making a trip to the Shattered Star Peaks.

I guess I will just have to visit that Old Ji at some other point… I don't even know him too well in the first place…

Thinking about this, Xuan Hao decided to give up on visiting the Flowing Cloud Sect for now.

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In the future, he would return and check out how the former elder of the Black Rose Sect was doing… Yeah… He was going to check up on him at some point in the future…


Having already gotten the thing that he wanted inside the temple ruins; Xuan Hao did not stay around for any longer. Directly removing the barrier, he had put up to prevent any people or demon beasts from entering while he looked for the thing that had called out to him and caused the feather imprint between his eyebrows to start shinning.

Visiting the Flowing Cloud Sect and finding the elder from the Black Rose Sect had already completely disappeared from his mind at this point in time.

The former elder of the Black Rose Sect was simply not someone Xuan Hao wanted to waste any time on after finding out about possibly being able to increase his comprehension speed and in turn increase his cultivation speed…

"You said that it was here you hid away? Inside the temple ruins over there?"


"I see… I will go and check it out…"

Only a few minutes after Xuan Hao had left the temple ruins, one of the people who had previously hidden inside the temple ruins arrived back at the temple ruins together with one of the elders of the Flowing Cloud Sect!

"Be careful! If that person is still in there, Elder Ji…"

"I understand, just leave it to me!"

Not to mention, the elder from the Flowing Cloud Sect, was none other than the former elder of the Black Rose Sect that Xuan Hao had come to visit! Ji Yichuan!

Shortly after the people from the Flowing Cloud Sect, who had hidden inside the temple ruins, had left, they encountered Ji Yichuan and a few other elders who had come together with him.

Soon enough, they told him about what had happened at the temple ruins and of course their encounter with Xuan Hao.

Following this, Ji Yichuan had instructed for everyone to head back to the sect while one of the people stayed behind to guide him to the temple ruins to find out who the mysterious person that had ended up saving the people of the Flowing Cloud Sect was.


"Looks like he already left…"

Arriving inside the now empty temple ruins, Ji Yichuan could not help sighing disappointedly at the fact that he had not been able to catch the unknown saviour.

Even if it was unintentional, Ji Yichuan still wanted to thank him. Not only had that person ended up saving the people of the Flowing Cloud Sect, but he had also saved the only daughter of the current sect master, who had been hidden among the people inside the temple ruins!