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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 338 - Finding A Way Out!
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Chapter 338 - Finding A Way Out!

Having managed to shake off the group of people following after them, Chu Yang, Qing Yi, and Huang Yongyu had changed their clothes once again before making their way towards the small harbour of Pure Heart City.

Walking onto the pier of the small harbour of Pure Heart City after showing one of the tokens to a nearby guard, they made their way over towards one of the many small sized boats in the process of preparing to head towards the Pure Heart Island.

"So, this is the boat that will be taking us to the Pure Heart Island?"

Looking over at the small boat, Chu Yang could not help feeling a bit uncertain. After all, from what Huang Yongyu had said, the Pure Heart Lake had quite a few demon beasts hidden inside of it…

"No need to worry, the bottom of the boat is covered in a special material that makes it invisible to the demon beasts of the Pure Heart Lake. The only thing we need to keep in mind is to not make too much noise or the demon beasts will notice."

Hearing what Chu Yang said, Huang Yongyu quickly reassured him. Not forgetting to point towards the weird blue material that covered the bottom of the small boat in front of them, a small part barely visible above the surface of the water.

"What about any disturbance that the boat causes in the water…?" Not convinced after hearing what Huang Yongyu said, Qing Yi came forward and asked Huang Yongyu with a sceptical expression on her face.

Even if the demon beasts couldn't see them, they would at least be able to feel the movement in the water from the boat's movement…

"… Hah… You two don't need to worry about it that much, if it didn't work and the boats got attacked by demon beasts constantly, do you really think they would still be used…?" Giving up on explaining anymore, Huang Yongyu knew very well that him answering Qing Yi's question would end up causing another question to appear. Followed by another question and then another…

Huang Yongyu did not really feel like explaining every little thing about how the boat worked, as that would at the very least take a few hours…

"You have a point…"

Unable to find anything wrong with what Huang Yongyu said, Qing Yi and Chu Yang no longer questioned the safety of the boat as the group soon made their way over and boarded the small boat about to take off towards the Pure Heart Lake.

With Huang Yongyu paying for the trip as Qing Yi and Chu Yang only brought a few spirit stones with them. Forgetting the fact that they would need normal coins for most transactions…


Like this, the boat soon left the small harbour of the Pure Heart City and made its way towards the Pure Heart Island located in the middle of the Pure Heart Lake.

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Letting out an exhausted sigh, Xuan Hao watched as the giant hole in the ground in front of him slowly began to mend itself before returning to its former state.

"Guess force will not be able to break the entrapment formation… Or at the very least, the attack is still far too weak to do something like that…"

Muttering this to himself with a curious look on his face, Xuan Hao had tried to come up with some kind of solution that would be able to get him out of his current predicament. However, all he could come up with was hitting the ground as hard as possible and hope for the best…

Not really the smartest idea, but at the very least he hoped that the formation would have grown weaker since it had been so long since it had been set up.

After all, his skill when it came to formations was not anywhere strong enough to be able to figure out a way to break through the formation…

"What about attacking a large area at once…?


Trying out his new plan of action, Xuan Hao began using both of his domains together, as the temperature around him began to reduce rapidly.

At the same time, several ice swords began to form mid-air before they began wildly destroying the surroundings environment. Almost instantly destroying the lush forest that covered every piece of land surrounding the ancient road.

"No use…?"

Seeing that the trees and the ground still able to keep up with this speed of destruction inflicted by both his domains, Xuan Hao decided to try something different…


With a wave of his hand, the ice sword currently in process of destroying everything around them in an attempt to beat the recovery rate of the formation, suddenly came to a stop before all of them flew back towards Xuan Hao.



Using both his domains to control the numerous ice swords in front of him, Xuan Hao directed them to attack a single point in ground just in front of him as they quickly broke through.


Looking up at the place that the ice sword should have appeared, Xuan Hao was confused for a moment as he saw nothing appear.

"It's not there? Maybe…"

Opening his eyes wide as a thought suddenly dawned on him, Xuan Hao jumped into the hole that his ice swords had created before appearing a few hundred meters in the sky with the rapidly closing hole behind him.


However, all of this was not something Xuan Hao was interested in watching. Instead, he continued downwards with his ice swords in front of him.


Piercing yet another hole in the ground, Xuan Hao soon found himself a few hundred meters in the air above the lush forest and the ancient road.

However, this did not stop him, as he soon reached the ground before making yet another hole. Like this, Xuan Hao continued straight down without showing any sign of stopping.


Having continued through an unknown number of ancient roads, Xuan Hao for the first time felt his ice swords bounce off as they hit the ground. Unable to pierce through.

"This should be at the edge of the formation, if I break through here, I should be able to escape…"

Staring at the ground that his ice swords had failed to break through, Xuan Hao smiled happily to himself as his idea had been correct.

The formation did indeed move him around through spatial manipulation, but the spatial manipulation was way more limited than he had first thought.

Instead of it covering everything, the spatial manipulation only covered the four different direction he moved in and didn't cover the sky and the ground. Like this, Xuan Hao could break through the ground or the sky and would appear in a new place that looked just the same as the last.

Having come to this conclusion, Xuan Hao easily deducted the fact that these similar environments had been stacked together. However, the number of these environments were limited. Most likely by the strength of the formation core itself...

After all, given the fact that the formation master could cover the four directions, he would likely also have been able to cover the ground and sky if the formation core was strong enough to handle it.

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"Guess I'm quite lucky…" Shivering at the thought of what would happen to him if the formation core had been strong enough to handle what he deemed the complete version of the entrapment formation, Xuan Hao could not help feeling happy at the creator of the entrapment formation's bad luck at finding a strong enough formation core.

"Now I just have to break it!"

Not wanting to stay for even a second longer inside the entrapment formation, Xuan Hao focused solely on his Sword Intent Domain as pure silver sword martialized in his right hand.


Standing still with the sword in his hand, a powerful air current surged up as the swords terrifying aura began overflowing, forming an invisible pressure as the ground beneath his feet began showing sign of cracking apart at any moment.

Raising his hand. The silver-coloured sword swung down towards the ground without making any noise. The violent air current and terrifying pressure seemed to have completely disappeared for a short moment before the blade of the sword began to gently cut into the ground beneath him

A short moment after the sword had cut into the ground, an endless sword aura instantly enveloped the entire space Xuan Hao was inside of.


Followed by that, Xuan Hao's silver sword began tearing into the wall making up the edge of the entrapment formation.


No matter how strong the formation was, the attack of Xuan Hao was simply too strong, as a small line first appeared before spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, Xuan Hao could look directly outside through as the entrapment formation slowly began disintegrating around him!

Wait… What happens to the formation core…?

Suddenly feeling like he had made a huge mistake by forcing his way out of the entrapment formation, Xuan Hao barely managed to turn around before the entire formation managed to disintegrate completely.


But this was more than enough time to see what had most likely been a Transcendent Grade material acting as the formation core disintegrate along with the rest of the entrapment formation.


I really wish I didn't see that…

Feeling a profound sadness watching the formation core disintegrate, Xuan Hao soon recovered the strength used in the attack before beginning to look around himself and inspect the place he had just appeared.