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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 1029  Guardian Formation on its Last Leg
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Chapter 1029  Guardian Formation on its Last Leg

"From the looks of it, it seems like the two Earth Immortals from the Blue Sea Empire are not intending to let the snake demon beast escape. Meaning, I won't have to worry about it showing up at the Star Shattering Sect, something that can't be said for the imperial capital…" Muttering this to himself as he gazed in the direction that the snake demon beast and the two Earth Immortals from the Blue Sea Empire had disappeared in, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a bit curious as to whether or not the imperial capital of the Sky Empire was strong enough to survive these three passing by.

After all, although the none of the three would deliberately target the capital city, the remnant power from their fight would be more than enough to destroy the guardian formation over time and that was not even mentioning how bad things would be if the snake demon beast ended up getting thrown into the capital city!

Considering that the snake demon beast had already been close to hitting him three times at this point in time, Xuan Hao didn't feel that this would be too unrealistic. Especially if the two Earth Immortals caught up to the snake demon beast close to the capital city itself.

Although the Sky Empire would weaken with the fall of the capital city, it was not realistic to think that the old ancestor was going to die because of something like that, as he would have more than enough time to escape before any of this happened. Not to mention, when the Sky Empire weakened enough, the surrounding empires, like the Onyx Empire, would undoubtedly jump at the opportunity to take some of the Sky Empire for themselves.

No matter what ends up happening to the capital city and the old ancestor of the imperial family, it can be considered a good thing for the Star Shattering Sect if this ends up weakening the Sky Empire as a whole…

Shaking his head as he thought this to himself, Xuan Hao glanced at the three Soul Ascension Realm Experts who were still busy trying to comprehend what had just happened before turning around to leave in the direction of the Star Shattering Sect.

"Hm? That person left as well… Did he follow the other two to chase down the snake demon beast?" Noticing Xuan Hao leaving, one of the three Soul Ascension Realm Experts from the Sky Empire recovered as he almost whispered this to himself while looking at the place where Xuan Hao had been just a few seconds earlier.

"Who knows where he went. The important thing is the direction that the two experts from the Blue Sea Empire and the snake demon beast were moving in! Haven't nay of you realized that this river runs directly past the capital city!?" Recovering from his daze following the words of his friend, another one of the three Soul Ascension Realm Expert exclaimed loudly as a panicked expression slowly made its way on to his face. ɴovel(F)ɪre


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Realizing the seriousness of the situation and just how dire the situation of the Sky Empire was after hearing what their friend said, the other two began to panic as well. Understanding very well that there would be no way for the capital city to survive if those three ended up fighting in front of it.

Even if the guardian formation was powerful and should be able to withstand someone at the Peak of the Soul Ascension Realm if the old ancestor of the imperial family was the one in control of it, there was no way for it resist when faced with someone above the Soul Ascension Realm!

At the end of the day, the difference between the Soul Ascension Realm and the Earth Immortal Realm was not something that could be overcome with the help of a simple defensive formation. At most it would allow the capital city to survive for a few minutes longer.




Knowing this, the three didn't waste any time before they shot into the sky and rushed back towards the capital city at the fastest speed possible. All of them hoping that they would be able to get back in time to evacuate their people out of the capital city in case the worst-case scenario really ended up happening.


At the same time, back at the capital city, the battle between the snake demon beast and the two Earth Immortals from the Blue Sea Empire had moved closer to the capital city. Inevitably causing the guardian formation protecting the capital city to show signs of cracking apart as it was put under more stress.

Even the fact that it had been able to hold up was a testament to just how strong the old ancestor of the Sky Empire's imperial family was. Especially when considering that the formation was not just protecting a single person, but the entire capital city, the area it covered was enormous and in turn, the remnant power crashing into it was also far more than what a single person standing close to the fight would ever experience…

"Why did these three appear here all of a sudden!? Is this perhaps something done by those three- No, they wouldn't do something like that, as the destruction of the capital would compromise their position in the Sky Empire and potential attract other religions to try their hand at entering the Sky Empire...

But if its not any of those three's fault, is it perhaps just a coincident that three Earth Immortals suddenly decided to have a life and death battle in front of my capital!?"

Standing at the center of the guardian formation as he used all of his strength to try and resist the terrifying power constantly bombarding it, the old ancestor of the imperial family could not help cursing to himself as he looked out at the battle that was slowly moving closer and closer to his city.

Deep in his soul, a profound sense of fear had already started to take root, as he realized just how helpless he was when faced with someone in the Earth Immortal Realm. Not to mention fighting back, he already had a difficult time resisting the remnant power from the battle taking place outside his city.


Just at this moment, a wave of energy far more powerful than before suddenly swept towards the capital city-


Catching the old ancestor off guard, as the formation began cracking in several locations for the first time since its construction.


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Although the guardian formation still managed to hold up, the old ancestor understood that it was not going to hold up for more than a minute. Meaning that, if the three fighting outside didn't stop before that, the capital city of the Sky Empire would have to face the terrifying power that was being released by these powerful experts without any kind of protection.

For everyone below the Soul Ascension Realm, this was essentially a death sentence!

"I really hope those three leave…" Not able to do anything other than silently pray for them to leave, the old ancestor prepared himself for the worst as he contacted his son, the current emperor of the Sky Empire, through his divine sense before having him leave the city together with a few of the more important members of the imperial family.

Managing to leave the capital through a secret teleportation formation that had been put in place for just such a situation. Allowing the weaker members of the imperial family to escape without having to worry about getting killed by the terrifying energy that was destroying everything outside the guardian formation that kept the capital city intact.

"Hey… Peng… I think we are accidentally in the process of destroying that… Ehm… What was the name of this empire again?"

Having managed to gain the upper hand in the now even more one-sided battle with the snake demon beast struggling to keep itself alive, the tall woman who was currently in the process of cutting off a large part of the snake demon beast casually called out to Senior Peng, who was holding the snake demon beast in place as it tried to free itself and escape back into the water.

"The Sky Empire."

"Yeah, that was it! Old Peng, we might be accidentally destroying the capital of this Sky Empire…" Nodding her head as she said this, she quickly motioned towards the capital city of the Sky Empire a short distance away from them.

"Hm? What do you mea- Ah… I see what you mean…" Turning around to see what she was motioning towards; Senior Peng could not help showing a somewhat awkward smile upon seeing the state of the guardian formation that looked like it was about to crack apart at any moment.

Only now realizing that they were actually fighting right next to the capital city of an empire, having been far too focused on getting rid of snake demon beast so he could return to the Blue Sea Empire and make his way to the capital before the auction of the Explorer Union began…