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Chasing The Rejected

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24 -CLARA- Why was I feeling so warm yet compressed? wondered as I snuggled further into the warmth. It felt so nice. "Damn Clara, just get into my skin" Damon murmured with his early morning husky voice and I froze.

I was in Damon's arms and I had just snuggled him? Why was I in his arms in the first place? Why was I even on the bed? I immediately pulled away from him and let out a shriek as I fell to the floor, hitting my butt really hard. "Damnit!" I muttered as I turned back to Damon and found him still sleeping like nothing happened. Jerk! "Why was I on the bed and why were you holding on to me?" I questioned then hurriedly glanced down and breathed out a sigh of relief when I saw that I was still clothed.

"If I remember correctly, you were the one snuggling into me" He murmured without opening his eyes and I frowned.

"But how did I get on the bed?" I questioned as I stood up from the floor.

"Maybe you sleep walked? Now letsleep. Someone was huggingall night so I wasn't able to sleep properly" He murmured and gasped while my face turned red from embarrassment.

"I did not hug you! And I do not sleep walk!" I yelled and he turned his head to the other side.

"Keep telling yourself that" He murmured and I wanted to argue more but decided against it and just stood there.

"If you want to get back in bed to snuggle withthen you can, Little devil" He muttered and I gasped.

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"If I had known it was you, I would have never snuggled you. I'd rather snuggle a goat then snuggle you" i murmured and he chuckled before turning to me.

"Well last night I remember you vividly saying the opposite of what you just uttered" He murmured and I could have sworn I felt the color drain out of my face.

"What?" words you you kept "Oh Damon, holdtight. You feel so warm. I love being in your arms. Can we snuggle all night? That was exactly they tellinglast night. You even forced my arm around your waist" He uttered and I stared at him in horror.

"That has to be a lie. I would never say such things. What do you mean force?!" I shrieked and he chuckled.

"I have no reason to lie to you, Clara" He uttered and I was about to say something else when a knock sounded at the door.

"Alpha" Luca's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"Letout this instance" Damon muttered as he climbed out of the bed and walked towards the door, "Have you you both patched things up? I don't want you both to be awkward around each other anymore" Luca uttered.

"You were the one who planned this, weren't you? I'm going to kill you as soon as I get out of here" Damon threatened through clenched teeth.

"Now hold on, I did you a favor. You know how miserable you have been since you and Clara started beefing each other. You always talked about her and...

"Shut up this instance!" Damon hurriedly uttered while I stared at his back with an amused smile on my face.

"Sorry Alpha. I'm going to set you both free but the Alpha King is currently in the dining room with Queen Luna and your sister. He's requesting for your presence and wants to make sure you've both patched things up" Luca uttered and I groaned. After what Damon said i said, I didn't want to be close to him for now because truth be told, I did enjoy snuggling with him.

"Okay, open up the door first then" Damon muttered and Luca hesitated before he let out a sigh and opened the door. As soon as Luca did that, Damon pulled back his fist and punched him square in the face.

Luca fell to the floor with a loud groan and his nose began to bleed.

"Ow!" He winced and Damon rolled his eyes before turning to me...

"Change your clothes" He muttered and I frowned as I placed my hand on my waist.

"Into what? You refused to getnew clothes or my ones and all your clothes are finished in this room” I muttered and he rolled his eyes before walking towardswhile taking off his shirt.

"Wh... What are you doing?" I questioned with wide eyes then shrieked when his shirt coff. I had wanted to close my eyes but damn, Damon was ripped! His body was sculpted to perfection by the moon goddess herself. I almost reached out to touch if he was real but immediately got slapped back to reality when he threw his shirt at me.

"Put that on" He muttered and I hurriedly closed my eyes while clutching onto his shirt in my hand.

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"Why are you still standing there and why are your eyes closed?" Damon questioned.

"You are shirtless," I murmured.

"So?" "So I don't want to stare at your chest. Go so I can change" I murmured then gasped when Damon suddenly grabbed me, pullingto his chest.

I stared into his eyes and was very aware that my chest was pressed firmly against his bare chest. Even though I was fully clothed, I could still feel how hard his abs were. "We are married, Clara, Get used to seeingshirtless" He murmured and I scoffed while trying to get myself free from his hold.

"I don't have to get used to anything.

It's a fake marriage” I murmured and he placed his fingers under my chin heted it upwards so i was staring and at him.

*Fake or not, we will have to create an Heir so you have to get used to seeing every inch ofand I'll do the same. Now go dress up before I strip you of your clothes and dress you up myself" He muttered before lettinggo and I hurriedly ran away without looking back, locking myself in the closet while I breathed heavily.

|| I hated the fact that I was wet down there just from what he said. Was it bad I wanted him to go on with his threat? Any woman in their sane mind would feel the sway especially when it was coming from Damon.

Damon was right. We would have to create an Heir and that meant Damon and I would have to have sex.

Why did that thought excite me? I was losing my mind!...