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Chasing My Pregnant Wife by Night Rvelations

Chapter 329
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Rosalie woke up at the sound of the alarm at noon, just in tfor lunch.

She was still feeling woozy and very tired.

When she looked at the time, she knew she couldn't go on sleeping. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to sleep at night and end up having her day and night reserved. That would be terrible.

It would be fine if she weren't pregnant, but she was. She had to think for the baby.

After climbing out of bed, Rosalie walked into the bathroom, washed up, bathed, and changed into a clean set of clothes.

After leaving the bathroom, she felt a lot better and not so tired anymore.

Rosalie walked into the study and took out her notebook. Just then, Sydney returned hfrom the market. Rosalie walked out of the study with her notebook in hand. When she saw Sydney, she walked over to her and said, "Mom, I found many issues last night. Look, these are Regent Co.'s data from the previous quarter..." "I read them," Sydney cut her off as she put her groceries on the table. "I read through your notes while you were asleep. Coupled with the information, I know what you found. There are indeed problems with Regent Co. It looks glorious on the outside, but is in fact riddled with problems." "Mom, with such a high leverage raand clear signs of falsifying data, how in the world did they bypass the regulators and get listed?" Sydney smiled, but didn't say anything. She simply looked straight into Rosalie's eyes for a few seconds. Rosalie immediately understood what she meant.

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It was none other than a bribe. Such a thing wasn't uncommon.

"Regent Co. once tried to bribeto get a loan, but I didn't take it. Had I taken it and loaned money to that company, the consequences would have been dire. As the president of the bank, I'm responsible for my depositors." "It's rare to have someone like you with a conscience in the finance industry," Rosalie said admiringly.

"Don't be so sure. I'm not as good as you described me. I just know what's good for me, and that's something you must learn." "I hear you." Just then, Rosalie's phone rang in her room.

"Mom, I'll go take the call." She returned to her room with her notebook in hand. After a while, she ran out of the room with her phone and notebook.

"Mom, I'm sorry. Something urgent cup, and I need to leave right now." "What happened?" "Something happened to my friend. I need to go help out." "Is it very bad? Do you need my help?" "Well..." A thought suddenly cto Rosalie's mind. "I might need your help after all. I'll call you when I get a chance to, but right now, I need to go." "Aren't you having lunch?" "I can't, I don't have time. I need to leave right away." "Shall I send you there?" Sydney chased after her.

"No need, Mom. I can drive there myself." "Be careful on the road, and don't drive so fast. Take it slow and don't beat the red light. Don't panic." "Got it, Mom." Rosalie slammed the door shut and ran off. Sydney ran to the door, and sighed.

"That girl is so anxious...seriously." Suddenly, Sydney was stunned.

What was going on with her? She was behaving just like Rosalie's real mom, grumbling about and nagging at her daughter.

Rosalie got into the car and called Yvonne.

"Vonnie, what's the status right now?" "It's bad! My brother will probably get hit today. My dad is super fierce, and he goes all out in his beatings. He's been very strict withand my brother since we were young," Yvonne said with a trembling voice.

She feared her dad from the depths of her heart.

"Can't you drag things out?" Rosalie asked.

"I've tried my best to do that. Rose, you said just now that you have a way to help Sebastian. Is that true?" "Yes, yes. I'm rushing over right now. The address you sentis accurate, right?" "Yes, that's the address of my family's mansion." "Alright, I'm heading over right now. Wait forat the gate and bringin." "Okay!" Yvonne said. "I'll wait for you." Rosalie put her notebook and phone aside, and drove off.

After over half an hour, Rosalie stopped her car right outside a m luxurious mansion. With security standing guard at the gate, cars from outside weren't allowed in. Just then, Yvonne ran over to her and said with a wave of her hand, "Rose, I'm here!" She immediately instructed one of the security guards to open the gate.

Rosalie drove her car inside. After parking her car, she stepped out with her phone and notebook in hand.

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Yvonne ran toward her. "Rose, how are you going to help Sebastian? Tell me."

Her father told Sebastian to chtoday. Yvonne found out from the servants at hthat her father velx looked so fierce, it was as if he wanted to devour someone alive.

Apparently, Sebastian had lost a project.

Yvonne was so frightened and worried that something bad might happen to Sebastian She Called Rosalie, not so that she could save Sebastian, but to make her heart ache for him. She never expected Rosalie to cto her house in a bid to help Sebastian.

"I don't have tto explain things to you right now. Let's go to Sebastian right now! You'll know in time." "Okay," Yvonne said with a nod.

Rosalie took a few steps, and suddenly felt a discomfort in her stomach. She felt queasy and nauseous. "Rose, what's the matter?" Yvonne asked with worry in her voice.

"I'm fine. Let's hurry inside," Rosalie said.

She tried to suppress the nausea, and walked forward.

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