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Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 254 Cat Dad Follows Mao Miaomiao’s Footsteps
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Chapter 254 – Cat Dad Follows Mao Miaomiao's Footsteps

Mir resumed the lecture.

"A cathulhu elite like me is capable of manipulating, spying, and tampering with someone else's pocket dantian, mew. Lord Mu-Nyang can do it. Meowmeow can do it. That's how I managed to show you how a pocket dantian can be used, mew."

Mir brought out a large whiteboard and nailed it on the wall. Jungwoo secretly shed another tear, witnessing how his room got another hole.

"Normally, every cultivator is born with a pocket dantian, but none of them knows how to use it. Kishin Douji and Devil managed to figure it out by chance and learned the power of Space and Time. Hongjun and the sages assassinated many Cathulhus and learned it from their corpses. Even Solomon can use it since he was once Mu-Nyang's disciple… *AHEM*"

Xiaomao raised his eyebrows when Mir mentioned that Mu-Nyang used to be Solomon's mentor. He took note and planned to question her after the lecture.

Mir also sensed Xiaomao's gaze. She got back to the topic.

"In a way, you two are born with it, and I know how to use them. I'm going to teach you how to sink your consciousness into your pocket dantian and summon training dummies to fight with your own Qi."

"Our Qi, munya?" Xiaomao was interested.

"That's right. The ones that you fought and killed were made from your own Qi. When you killed them, the dispersed Qi became one with your consciousness and sharpen your battle sense. This was how Mao Miaomiao got stronger when he was a mortal."


Xiaomao was excited about this new discovery. He wondered how strong he was at the moment.

Before Xiaomao could check his current status menu, Mir interrupted him.

"Xiaomao, stop looking at your status attributes until I say so."

"What, munya?! Why?!"

"I don't want you to rely on stats. That's a death trap that Pangu laid for players. In combat, levels, cultivation base, and stats are not matter. Mao Miaomiao singlehandedly killed several 8th-stage and 9th-stage cultivators when he was at 6th-stage or so without any ultimate skill or grand spell. Also, his total stats were a lot lower than yours when he did it."


Xiaomao checked his level. It was 460 after all the fights with the Valkyrie Guild. He couldn't gain more level after that.

Level 100 to 199 was considered 1st-stage mortal cultivator. Level 200 to 299 was the 2nd-stage, judging by a cultivator's standard.

A 6th-stage cultivator was level 600ish, which was definitely higher than Xiaomao. However, killing level 999 cultivators with lower stats seemed impossible. Xiaomao fought Jiang Wei and Joan, and he knew that those people couldn't be killed that easily even with the help of OP tribulation lightning.

"Just a reminder. REAL Cultivators in World Two are stronger than the people you fought in World Three. Your current game world is an easy mode. World Two is the true hardcore hell mode, and your father is there. And while you were partying in the tournament, he actually drove back all former sages and immortals by himself. Oh, his level is higher than yours, but his stats are mediocre. Do you know why your father's secret?"

"Tell me."

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"Your father is talentless in terms of cultivation, but his combat sense, flexibility, and trickeries are strongest in the universe. He rarely relied on his cultivation base in fights, but he always made up for the strength gap with his superior abilties, Daos, and unique techniques. He is known as the right-handed man of Mu-Nyang for a reason."


Somehow, Xiaomao was elated when he heard about the deeds and the achievements of his mysterious father.

"Aye, no more distraction. I'm going to teach you the basics. Close your eyes, meditate, and follow my instructions!"

"Okay, munya!"

While Xiaomao was enthusiastic, Jungwoo wanted to cry. He already knew how to use it, but he hated the torturous training there.



Xiaomao returned to the pocket dantian world again. This time, he didn't hallucinate or dream.

He stood in the same meadow. And once more, a faceless dummy warrior was summoned to fight Xiaomao.

He could also hear Mir's voice echoing in this enclosed world.

'Alright, here's another lecture. You see the potential percentage behind the doll's name?'

Xiaomao looked at the name. It was the same.

<strong>Nameless Combat Dummy, Level 199, 100% Potential Difficulty  </strong>

"Yes, I can see it."

'Good. The percentage dictates the strength of the doll. Ordinary cultivators averagely use about 50-60% of their potential during combat because of all the unstable emotions, adrenaline rush, muscle memory, and birdbrain syndrome. Top cultivators can exhibit 70-80% on average while the top geniuses use 90% or so. That dummy, however, can use everything that its physique allows it to do. In short, you will be sparring with the strongest fighter, stronger than genies of your generation!'

Xiaomao nodded, but he pouted when he looked at the dummy's level.

"It's naked, and its level is 199, though. If I had game skills, spells, or my equipment, I could have killed it in one hit."

'That's the mindset of an incompetent cultivator. If you want to be acknowledged by Mu-Nyang and other immortals, you must be able to kill immortals without any game skill or equipment bonus!'

"That's impossible, isn't it?"

'If your father can, why can't you?'


'Also, just in case you are discouraged, Mao Miaomiao started off fighting clones with 200% potential difficulty when he was only a 1st-stage cultivator. He fought so much that he learned his opponents' skills. If you don't want to lose to your father, pass the first stage and show me your talent.'

Xiaomao scratched his head and deeply sighed. Since this type of experience didn't come often, he clenched his teeth and got ready for another non-stop one-vs-army sparring session.

"Bring it! I'll defeat that middle boss this time!"



Speaking was easier than done - Xiaomao failed once again. His consciousness returned to the real world, and he collapsed on the bed.

As usual, Jungwoo had been lying like a corpse before Xiaomao ended his session. He was also holding a handheld white flag while his head emitted white smoke.

Mir shook her head in disappointment.

"You two are a disgrace of a feline race."

Although Jungwoo was out, a hoarse voice of an old man came from him.

<strong>[Byakko Instinct]:</strong> "Leave my boy alone! He doesn't have the monstrous stats like that cat, but he managed to reach the 8000-man army stage! You should know how hard it is to defeat those dolls without any skill or spell!"

"Meh, excuses. It doesn't matter how strong or weak his stats are. Any well-trained cultivator can easily wipe the floor with those fragile dolls without breaking a sweat! Your boy is being spoiled! Wake him up and do it again!"

<strong>[Byakko Instinct]:</strong> "At least, let him rest in his pocket dantian! He will go insane at this rate!"


Mir looked at Xiaomao and Jungwoo. Again, she shook her head in resignation.

"Fine. Break time. You two can take a long nap in your pocket dantian.

As soon as Mir snapped her fingers, both men fell unconscious. Their mind sank into the pocket dimension and they slept there.

Looking at how the boys slept, Mir slightly smiled. She walked toward Xiaomao and licked his face, reminiscing the time they spent together before the game started.

"Get stronger, Xiaomao. Once everything is over, we will live together in one house again. Good night."

Despite saying that, her shadow expanded and covered the entire room. A few seconds later, a shrilling screechs and screams came out from the shadow as if Mir's shadow had killed lurking monsters in there.

One of the ghosts ran away from the shadow and emerged in the room. It rushed to Xiaomao and Jungwoo.

A large orange cat's head with a wide mouth appeared from Xiaomao's shadow. Mir also came out and bite off the ghost's head. She chew it while the noises of captured ghosts echoed in the room.

"No one can touch my boys! Leave them alone, mew!"

While both men rested, the guardian slaughtered every ghost in the vicinity.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm



= Immortal Tournament Arena =

A scarlet dragonewt knelt on one knee, glaring at the victor in resentment. Xie Tian, whose level surpassed 2,000, was helpless against a young player from Japan, whose level was only 1020.

Narukami Hiiro's character and name looked the same as his appearance in real life. He wore a long sleeve black coat and wielded two katanas like a certain anime protagonist. In addition, his leather pants and armor were unscratched, and they shone as if they were brand new.

"Damn cheater!" Complained Xie Tian, "Without Pangu's blessings, you are nothing!"

Hiiro slightly shook his head, "I didn't even use a game skill or a spell. Hell, I didn't even move from this spot since the beginning. How could I be cheating?"

"It's your stats! How the hell did you ditch a hundred million damage when I completely blocked your attack?! How else?!"

"Haiz," Hiiro pursed his lips, "What if I say my total physical attack is only a million?"


"Power of stats? What a joke. What's the point of having high stats if you can't even touch your opponent?"

Without bickering with Xie Tian, Hiiro beheaded him and sheathed both his katanas. He slowly stepped down from the arena.

That was the Immortal Tournament's final match. Hiiro defeated all stronger immortal NPCs without using any game skill or spell.

He looked at the drone camera in the sky. Then, he shouted at it.

"Remember your promises, Pangu! Don't touch my world! Leave Earth alone!"

Instantly, Hiiro heard a reply in his mind. It was the voice of Pangu, aka Pan Xian himself.

'Don't worry. I will not harm the human. As the matter of fact, I will be protecting humans from Mu-Nyang, Mao Miaomiao, and their chaos demon gods.'

"If I find any human die because of the game again, I'll find you and kill you myself."

'A Bishop Piece shouldn't be rebelling against your owner.'


'Anyway, congratulations. I'll tell Solomon to add some bonuses to the reward pool. Enjoy gaming, gamer.'


Hiiro clicked his tongue. Whenever he thought of the deal he had with Pangu, he regretted it.

Unfortunately, Hiiro could barely remember the beta test and the last war between Mao Miaomiao, the Sage's Heaven, and the players. He could only vaguely remember that Mao Miaomiao, Xie Tian, Ma Moxi, and two other gods dominated the fight and defeated the other two factions.

"I picked the wrong side, didn't I. Pangu must have erased my memory, dammit!"