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Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 100 Cat Dad’s Temporary Crewmate
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Chapter 100 : Cat Dad’s Temporary Crewmate

Faction Quest: Pitiful Vampire

Fu De, the former vampire king, is suffering from the Curse of Pangu. Every time he drinks blood, the sunlight burns away his strength and his power. As the curse is torturing him for 300 years, Fu De is slowly losing his mind.

Now, Fu De is asking for your help. He has discovered that you’re under the protection of Cernun, who belongs to the opposing faction. He wishes to take shelter under your group and remove the Curse of Pangu.

Quest Objective: Bring Fu De to Cernun.

Quest Reward: Unknown

Failure Conditions: You refuse to take him to Cernun.

Failure Penalty: Fu De will hate you.


‘Enemy of Pangu?’

Xiaomao was surprised that the vampire was not a part of the Pangu Faction. He thought that Pangu was the type who collected shady people on their side, but this guy opposed the church.

Interested in Fu De’s backstory, Xiaomao accepted the quest. After all, the condition was easy..

“If you don’t mind that we will travel in the opposite direction before we bring you to Cernun, you can accompany us during our journey, munya. Let me warn you something. Don’t do that again!”

Fu De repeatedly nodded. The old man was on the verge of tears.


<Fu De is grateful for your help. Current Favorability: 2 Stars.>

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<Fu De has temporarily joined your party.>

Like Shepherd, Lucky, Magdalene, and Andrew, Fu De’s name appeared on Xiaomao’s party list. The crew got another member. However, different from Magdalene, whose level remained as (???), Fu De’s level was shown as a red number (666), hinting that the true level of the vampire was higher than the shown value.

Fu De’s name turned green, indicating that he wouldn’t harm Xiaomao and his party anymore.

<Magdalene doubts your decision for bringing a dangerous vampire along.>

Fu De glanced at Magdalene’s name and level. He clicked his tongue and pointed his finger at her.

“Listen here, little girl. Had I been in my prime, you would have been the one groveling and begging for your life! I’m a kind-hearted true blood vampire that doesn’t normally drink people’s blood. It was Nian and Pangu’s fault for sealing me here in this mortal world! You must show me respect I deserve!”

<Magdalene rolls her eyes and thinks that Fu De is a loser.>


Listening to the two super strong NPCs bickering at each other irritated Xiaomao’s eardrums. He flopped his ears to shield himself from the noise and patted Lucky’s head.

“A cultivator has taken the bait. Let’s finish our business in this town, munya.”

Lucky wagged her tail, “So, are we still going shopping?”

“Yes. Go buy some fish, snacks, dry lumber, dog food, and rolls of cloth munya. I’ll give you 2 million gold coins.”

Xiaomao shoved gold coins to Lucky, but he brought out a flying sword and rode on it. Then, he looked at Andrew and Shepherd, “You two do your own shopping. Meet me at the ship in two hours, munya.”

After entrusting his retainers with money, Xiaomao flew toward the next destination.


Magic Tower

Although Magic Tower was the name of the organization, this town’s branch chose a brick house as their operating office. Mage players, NPCs, and supporting characters filled the lobby area, minding their businesses.

A group of players formed a queue line, waiting to talk to mages behind the front counter. The weakest among them was level 70, and the strongest was level 110.

When Xiaomao arrived at the building, he changed his fur color to the default color, but he kept the skill on, hiding his gold name. He looked around and joined the queue to talk to the front desk counter lady.

The players glanced at the catopus. Some of them were surprised to see a strange creature riding on a hovering sword. However, when they didn’t see Xiaomao’s name and level, they looked disappointed and turned away, thinking that Xiaomao was a robotic NPC that came here to enrich the environment.

Several minutes later, Xiaomao finally got to talk to the receptionist. He hopped from the flying sword and landed on the counter.

The NPC widened her eyes, surprised by the cute appearance of the catopus. She laughed at Xiaomao’s rude behavior.

“What are you doing here, kitty? Are you lost?”

Xiaomao coughed, “I’m here to apply for basic and intermediate mage lessons, munya!”

“Oh, you’re a mage, too?”

The receptionist brought out a glass plate and put it in front of Xiaomao.

“Can you place your hand on the glass? I mean, put your… tentacle… on the glass, so we can check your qualifications and spiritual roots.”

“Okay, munya!”

Xiaomao put the tentacle without the cursed claw on the plate. It shone and sent a mild electric shock to him, but no damage was done.

The plate sent an electric signal to the receptionist’s device behind the counter. She read the system screen in front of her.

“Mister Xiaomao, Level 97. Your spiritual roots are… WOW!”

The receptionist pulled a paper from her desk and inserted it into a printer device. She printed Xiaomao’s detail and picked a gold card from her desk.

“Please take the queue card and go to the third floor. Your classroom number is 301.”

“Thanks, munya!”

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Xiaomao received the card and the paper. He jumped back on his flying sword and flew toward the stairs.

After Xiaomao left, the person behind Xiaomao walked toward the receptionist, and the latter resumed her job as if nothing had happened. The player behind Xiaomao also didn’t care about him.

Life went on, just like reality. Nobody noticed the unusual thing that the receptionist had given Xiaomao.

Basic classrooms for new awakening mages were on the second floor. The third floor was for the intermediate mages, whose spiritual roots surpassed 1,000.


On the way toward the third floor, Xiaomao glanced at the corridor, which separated the classrooms on the second floor. Each room had a symbol sign, which represented the element of the class.

Players walked in and out of the classes as some of them managed to learn their desired spells while some had recently arrived at the classrooms.

As Xiaomao wasn’t interested in these rooms, he looked away and proceeded to the third floor.

Upon arriving on the third floor, Xiaomao came across a similar collider with the same room layout. However, there was no player around here.

Xiaomao looked at the golden card in his hand, which contained his picture, name, and level. As for the paper, it told Xiaomao what class he could join.

For now, Xiaomao could attend the Light Element and Lightning Element classes. He proceeded to the Light Element Class first.

Entering the classroom, Xiaomao found ten bookshelves along the wall. An elderly woman in nun cloth sat at the center desk, smiling at him.

“Welcome, young catopus. Are you here to learn white magic?”

Xiaomao got closer to her, “Yes, munya.”

“Let me see your paper, please.”

Xiaomao passed the paper to her. She skimmed through the detail and looked up.

“Your class is an elemental mage, and you can use white magic. However, you cannot use a resurrection spell or a Grand Holy Spell like the priests. Your spiritual root is 1,000, which is enough to awaken your second class. Do you want to awaken your second class first?”

“No, I want to learn the basic spells first, munya!”

“Okay. However, an elemental mage with 3,000 INT can only learn a total of 6 intermediate spells or 12 basic spells. You must choose wisely.”

“Alright, munya.”

The old nun smiled, and a new window appeared. It was a shop menu.