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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 402
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Natalie nodded and took a small bite of her pancake.

Shane's expression softened as he watched her eat. He took another pancake for himself.

After breakfast, Natalie secured the kids' school bags before pushing them towards Shane. “Mr. Shane, thank you

for your help again today.”

“Not a problem. We'll get going then.” Shane pulled the kids with him out the door.

Natalie followed them to the elevator.

Shane suddenly halted before the elevators as if he recalled something. He turned his head slightly and said, “Today

is the trial hearing for Jasmine's plagiarism case. Harrison is definitely going to be there so you need to be careful.

I'm worried he's going to take his anger out on you when the verdict is announced; just like Susan did last time.”

Natalie's heart warmed at his advice. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she replied, “Don't worry, Mr. Shane. I'll

be careful.”

Seeing that she'd taken his words to heart, Shane nodded and led the kids into the elevator.

Natalie didn't linger after they left. She headed back to her apartment and busied herself with work.

At twelve, she set down her shears and cooked herself a bowl of spaghetti for lunch. She quickly changed and left

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

for the courthouse.

Natalie slung her bag across her shoulder as she stepped out of the building. Suddenly, she thought she sensed

someone watching her with malice.

She slowed down instinctively, turning around to pinpoint where the stares were coming from. She saw a few

unsavory-looking thugs sitting on a nearby flower bed.

They seemed to notice that Natalie had discovered them. They exchanged glances with each other before standing

up and stubbing out their cigarettes. Cracking their fists, they began to approach Natalie menacingly.

Sensing imminent danger, Natalie's pupils contracted in fear as she took two steps backward before turning and

breaking into a run.

The thugs didn't expect her to suddenly make a run for it. Stunned, they stayed rooted for a moment before

chasing after her. “Quick! Don't let her get away!”

Hearing the thundering footsteps behind her, Natalie knew the thugs were definitely sent to get her. She dared not

turn her head back as she ran at full speed.

Terrified, she shouted for help. “Help! Someone's after me! Help!”

Some pedestrians stopped curiously to stare as they heard her calls for help.

But once they caught sight of the ferocious-looking thugs who were chasing after her, their sympathy was quickly

replaced with fear. Lowering their heads, they pretended not to see a thing as they hurried away from the scene.

Natalie felt disappointed when she saw all the pedestrians turning away from her. Though she could empathize with

them, the rejection was still a bitter pill to swallow.

Since she couldn't rely on the pedestrians to help her, she could only continue shouting for help as she reached into

her bag, trying to pull out her phone to call the police.

She'd just unlocked her phone when she came to a halting stop. She hadn't even managed to call the police yet.

She'd run into a dead-end. Faced with a towering wall, she couldn't get around or over it.

Sh*t, I've been cornered!

“Why'd you stop running, huh?” The thugs had caught up to her and were staring at the wall in front of her. Taking

in her tense outline, they laughed. “Why don't you keep running? You were running so fast just now.”

Hearing their mocking laughter, Natalie turned around to face them, her face pale with fear. She hid her phone

behind her as she navigated to the call log based on memory. She randomly tapped on one of the numbers and

dialed it.

She didn't know who she'd called, but she could only hope that the recipient would answer her call and contact the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


I can't call the police. I can't even see the keypad, and I might dial the wrong number. There's no more time to

waste. This is the best option I have.

Sinca sha couldn't raly on tha padastrians to halp har, sha could only continua shouting for halp as sha raachad into

har bag, trying to pull out har phona to call tha polica.

Sha'd just unlockad har phona whan sha cama to a halting stop. Sha hadn't avan managad to call tha polica yat.

Sha'd run into a daad-and. Facad with a towaring wall, sha couldn't gat around or ovar it.

Sh*t, I'va baan cornarad!

“Why'd you stop running, huh?” Tha thugs had caught up to har and wara staring at tha wall in front of har. Taking

in har tansa outlina, thay laughad. “Why don't you kaap running? You wara running so fast just now.”

Haaring thair mocking laughtar, Natalia turnad around to faca tham, har faca pala with faar. Sha hid har phona

bahind har as sha navigatad to tha call log basad on mamory. Sha randomly tappad on ona of tha numbars and

dialad it.

Sha didn't know who sha'd callad, but sha could only hopa that tha racipiant would answar har call and contact tha


I can't call tha polica. I can't avan saa tha kaypad, and I might dial tha wrong numbar. Thara's no mora tima to

wasta. This is tha bast option I hava.