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Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 328 328 Master Clark?
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Chapter 328 Chapter 328 Master Clark?

"Negative, host. The system has calculated according to the requirements of a bottleneck level up. There is no error at all in the system's computations." Nancy replied thereafter.

"I understand, Nancy." Our bored gamer could only sigh in the end. But deep inside he has another opinion on the matter entirely.


'I appears like my partner has upped the scales this time around. The requirements before this world was not this steep to fulfill.' Clark shook his head in silence.

He knew that the Heavenly Treasure Clay Brick may have begun to make it harder for him from this point onward.

"Show me my character status, Nancy." Our good gamer said.


Host: Clark Colter

Cultivation: Innate Realm 1st Stage

Erotic Points: 55,356

Erotic Skills: Lewd Hands

Erotic Shop


* * *

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

A new section called Inventory appeared. This was understandable enough but our bored gamer clicked it all the same in order to check his initial assumptions.

"Just as i expected." Clark nodded when he saw his weapon Titan Lance was stored inside.

The Shapeshifter's Shadow Plate was of course not there anymore because he was currently wearing the armors on his body in the form of a majestic looking blood-red robe.

"Now all I need to do now is spend 3 days in here and then follow Shi Ling back into her sect."

Our bored gamer smiled and began whistling anime songs as he went back into the marketplace in order to grind once more. This one he started with the song Unravel.

* * *

Three days later and Clark could be seen laying down on his hard bed. He checked his character sheet and could only sigh at what he found.


Host: Clark Colter

Cultivation: Innate Realm 1st Stage

Erotic Points: 150,341

Erotic Skills: Lewd Hands

Erotic Shop


"I did my best but i could only get more or less 40 thousand erotic points per day."

"Spending a night with a woman is really the best course of action for me." Clark concluded for the umpteenth time.

With his power right now, it would have been too easy to lure a girl to bed but he was not that heartless to just use someone and leave them behind afterwards.

It was always better to associate with cultivators like him since they would better understand the life that they would lead.

Unlike mortals who were bound to live only a few decades in time and nothing more.

"Well, I guess I could start getting more friends in the Wandering Wind Sect. Soon." Our avid gamer stood up from the bed and then went out before the break of dawn.

He has an appointment that he needed to keep after all.

* * *

"I will miss this place." A woman spoke into the wind. There was a sad smile on her face that colored her beautiful mien in a slight gloom.

She was overlooking an open community where no walls were present as far as the eyes could see.

This scene was very much unlike the life that she had before where not only were walls thick and tall, there was also a must need for defensive arrays and other intricate designs.

"Was it 5 years already? Time really comes and goes so fast." The woman said to no one in particular as she recalled the 5 memorable years that she hid and lived with these mortals.

She would have stayed there longer but hardened her heart in the next breath.

"This was a good home for me but... this is not where I belong." The words were uttered with an unbending will that supported it.

Another breath later and the woman quickly vanished from the scene. Only a single tear fell to commemorate a lonely soul that was called unto another direction in this life.

"A very willful woman. You surprise me yet again, Shi Ling." A man's voice echoed a minute after the woman had left the scene. The woman was of course none other than Shi Ling herself.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Our bored gamer heard her words in full due to the highly op system cheat in his body.

Although Nancy was limited in her capabilities but simple spying like this one was hands down easy to accomplish.

"Lead the way, Nancy." Clark instructed after nine breaths elapsed.

"Affirmative, host." The system replied and then a green arrow materialized into place.

"WHOOSH!" A strong wind blew that followed alongside the swift passage of our bored gamer.

The daylight slowly turned into dark and one day ended just like that. It would be inadvisable to travel at night since that was when the magical beasts and monsters strongest time.

Thus, a gentle fire was started and the smell of roasted meat wafted in the air a few minutes later. There was a lone occupant in the flames nearby. A woman. A very beautiful one at that.

This could only be Shi Ling who was on her journey back into her sect.

"RUSTLE!" A hard step arrived unexpectedly and its position was directly a few meters in front of the busy woman in the process of cooking her dinner.

"SLICE!" No word was unspoken before the woman attacked in the same manner.

Her form went on a traceless path, erratic and impossible to predict, as she flew bravely into her unwanted visitor. She was like the wind that was both agile and unseen.

Only that single initial sword light proceeded to find blood in this cold fateful eve.

"BANG!" The attack found nothing but poor falling trees on its path. But Shi Ling never relented her charge.

With the sharp senses of an Innate Cultivator, it was a minor matter to feel where her enemy was in her vicinity.

She found a static dark humanoid form in the dark and that was where she struck.

"TAP!" The blade of her sword glinted menacingly under the moonless night but alas, it missed again by a hair's breadth.

"Is this how you greet a good friend, Shi Ling?" Our bored gamer asked but there was no hurt in his voice at all.

Instead, warmth and familiarity rang in his words which completely stunned the woman who was bearing arms against him.

"Master Clark?"