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Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 291 291
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Chapter 291 Chapter 291

Tom did not expect what happened after he opened the spell matrix. He looked into his soul and found chains were binding a black sphere.

He assumed it was the Darkness element that he had assimilated. Its essence was restricted but it clearly resided inside his soul.

"What are the chances of undergoing through that again, Alena." Tom planned to acquire all 7 elements. He was not afraid of the pain. But it was better to know beforehand to prepare himself of what was to come.

"1%, Sovereign Immovable. The spell matrix has already formed on your soul. Adding more elements will be easy." Alena answered Tom.

"Good to hear that." Tom said in relief. He then proceeded to get all elements. After 30 minutes, 7 different colored spheres could be seen inhabiting his soul. All of them were encased by golden chains. The system was correct on its calculation. The elements that followed into his soul were pain free for him.

Their colors were

Fire – red

Water – blue

Earth – brown

Air – yellow

Nature – green

Light – white

Darkness – black

He tried connecting with the black sphere in his soul. What he saw was the endless dark. A maw that wanted to consume everything and turn creation into nihility once more. He motioned his hands to summon the dark elements together in his palms.

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"Intriguing." He has only been able to produce dark bubbles so far. It was an insignificant accomplishment as it held no power whatsoever. He thought that he could control the darkness element because of his past life but found out that he was wrong in his assumption.

The element he held in his hands felt alien to him. Tom could not even recognize that this was a dark element if not for its color shown. He tried testing the other elements and found out the same result. Aside from their colors, there is no great disparity among the elements once summoned.

The fire element did not produce heat and an earth element was not particularly heavy. He deduced that maybe when he can form actual spells, the changes among the elements would be more evident then.

"Back to zero again." Tom whispered as he thought about his situation. Just a brief experiment on the elements provided him with valuable data to work with. He could not master an element in a short time. Time and repetitive practice needs to be done.

Thus, mastering all elements was out of the picture. Even with the system, he would need an unholy amount of shop points to reach the peak of mastery on every element. He had wanted to choose the dark element but sadly, his previous lifetime's expertise and experiences would not be put into use. Its advantage invalid.

Tom can only study and attain progress slowly. Like all others who came with him in this academy.

"What to choose." Tom muttered. He was hesitant about choosing the darkness element. Based on its introduction it appears the same with fire element. Its purpose is to destroy. An attacking element. He would have chosen that in his past life.

But his demise had shaken his conviction. He could not deny the truth that he had prioritized offence when he was still a dark mage. He had defense arts but it was paltry compared to what he can throw at his foes. Tom thought before that with enough strength, he can break even the sturdiest defenses.

He was partly right because he had indeed slain uncountable foes with his might. But still in the end, he was defeated. His death taught him a valuable lesson. Tom would not repeat the same mistake he had made in his past life.

"Can you help me advance my skills on manipulating the elements, Alena?" Tom asked the system.

"Affirmative, Sovereign Immovable." The system answered Tom.

"How much to master the Earth element?" Tom said to the system. He was going to prioritize defense this time around. If he reached its peak, then maybe he'd consider adding another element.

"To reach Disciple Mastery, you need 1,000 shop points. To reach Elite Mastery, you need 10,000 shop points. To reach Supreme Mastery, you need 50,000 shop points." Alena answered Tom.

"Upgrade my proficiency on Earth Element to Elite Mastery, Alena." Tom instructed the system.

"Affirmative, Sovereign Immovable." Alena replied to Tom. He then felt his familiarity with the earth element grew to exponential proportions. Brown colored elements were encircling him. They were as if showing allegiance to its newly found wielder.

"You are the rock of the earth. The foundation of creation. There is no strength that can make you kneel." Tom heard a mighty sound that he thought would crack his head open. He almost passed out but waded through it through sheer willpower alone.






100% complete

Earth Element: Disciple Mastery Achieved.

Congratulations, Sovereign Immovable. You have achieved Disciple Mastery on Earth Element.






100% complete

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Earth Element: Elite Mastery Achieved.

Congratulations, Sovereign Immovable. You have achieved Elite Mastery on Earth Element." Alena reported on Tom's successful upgrades.

"Eternal oblivion! Can you at least warn me beforehand if something like this is going to happen, Alena?!" Tom was surprised at the sudden pain. He was lying on the floor face first and weakly struggled to get up.

"Negative, Sovereign Immovable. I am only a system. I do not have data to access possible outcomes for upgrades and its consequences. You need to buy a ninja system for your request to be granted." Alena answered Tom.

"How much for the ninja system?" Tom queried to the system.

"100,000 shop points, Sovereign Immovable." Alena said to Tom.

"Too expensive. Show me my status." Tom sighed after he heard the exorbitant price and commanded Alena.

"Affirmative, Sovereign Immovable." Alena replied. A screen appeared before Tom.

Owner Name: Sovereign Immovable

Age: 10 years

Cultivation: Ninja Apprentice

Weapon: None

Armor: None

Origin Talent: None

Techniques: None

Shop Points: 49,124