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Chapter 533 The Chaos Within
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David continued his descent, no care in the world for Lee Seng's chaotic plan. Cosmic energy whipped out like lightning, exploding all around him as Lisa's screams filled his head. His eyes were fixated on the prison Lisa was in.

"Lisa!" David shouted. His bone arm swords extended, extending his bones to creat large hands at the end. He grasped onto the chain jail, the tension immediately swung him below the chain jail as explosions rocketed the floating chain jail.

"Something's wrong!" Lisa shouted. She slid across the jail cell trying to grab a hold of something as lights began to blink.

"What?!?" David asked as he held on for his dear life.

"Protocol X14ABG2 will commence due to destruction of property." An automated voice spoke.

"I think it's gonna– AHHH!" The cage released Lisa from underneath. Lisa flew straight past David, screams growing louder as cosmic energy chased after the new target.

"Lisa!!!" David screamed. He released his grip, extended arms going back to normal as he flipped himself to nosedive straight towards Lisa. "Hold on!"

"Come on, dammit!" Lee Seng strained. His hand shook as the ball of energy continued to fire in every direction. The energy has no intention of coming back to its owner. Lee Seng could feel the ground sliding away from him

"Alter, dammit! Give me energy!" Lee Seng shouted as the ground disappeared on him. Lee Seng dropped, screams echoing around him as he continued to focus on the ball of energy.

[58 Thieves were killed. 644/10,000 total souls.]

[Devouring has been achieved.]

Lee Seng could feel his body give way as golden light erupted from his entire body. His tails fluttered in the wind as David and Lisa's screams caught up to him. He spun himself around, nosediving straight down as he spotted David and Lisa.

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"I'm almost there!" David shouted. "Hold on!" A bolt of cosmic energy connected with David knocking him off his course as the other bolt continued to chase the screaming Lisa.

"David! No!" Lisa screamed. The bolt began to approach Lisa as she braced herself for it. "Please….! Please help me! Help me, please!!!"


Lisa came to a complete stop. The shimmering of something colorful in front of her made Lisa squeeze her eyes shut even more.

'Am I dead?' Lisa wondered. 'There's no wind from falling… Did I…' Her eyes opened, revealing the light in front of her. Gold, silver, red and blue covered the space around her in a strange, wavy film. The cosmic bolt of condensed energy hovered mere inches from her face.

Lee Seng held Lisa with one hand while he descended straight for David. The impact.of the cosmic energy had knocked him out, shattering most of his armor. Lee Seng's fingers wiggled as he tried to grab onto David.

Lee Seng's arm moved to point upwards as he continued to touch David with his free hand.

"Come on!" Lee Seng shouted. His finger flicked part.of the armor and a bubble of energy exploded from David's point, catching Lee Seng in it.

Lee Seng let out a sigh of relief as he looked up. The cosmic energy slammed and exploded in random places. The saving part was over. Now was finding a way to shut off his own creation.

"Uhhhh, he-hello? David? Are you okay?" Lisa shouted. Lee Seng waved his hand upwards like he was ushering someone to come to him. The colorful bubble started upwards. Sparks of cosmic energy flew by Lee Seng and the unconscious David.

Lee Seng paid them no mind. They would fly straight into the bubble and suspend themselves in air. Lee Seng would grab it, pulling the energy back into him while they ascended.

"David? Is that– Lee Seng?" Lisa looked at Lee Seng with a shocked face. Five tails casually swung behind him. His ears seemed like they were twitching to Lisa. "You– You really didn't die."

"Nope." Lee Seng shook his head. Another set of energy flew at them. Lisa helped as Lee Seng just plucked them out of the bubbles as they came. Lee Seng's hand that was pointed at Lisa's bubble moved to match his other hand.

Both of his hands intertwined, pulling the bubbles together. Lee Seng grabbed David and slowly lifted him up.

"What happened to him?" Lisa asked. Lee Seng moved over and set David next to Lisa.

"He got knocked out by my catastrophic energy." Lee Seng replied. He moved to the edge of the bubble and put his hands together and then pulled. The bubble ripped into two, covering the lost space as Lee Seng looked up.

"Isn't that yours?" Lisa pointed upwards.

"Unfortunately, yes." Lee Seng nodded.

"How are we gonna get out?"

"Once I deal with that, we can leave." Lee Seng pointed at the orb. "David's fine. He ain't dead. Don't worry about it. That's what he gets for hyper fixating on saving you without regard to himself."

"Huh?" Lisa turned to look at David. "What do you mean by that…?" Lisa looked back at Lee Seng who was already gone.

The energy slowly grew smaller as it continued to destroy everything in sight.

[24 Thieves were slain! 740/10,000 total souls]

The energy ball seemed to home in on whatever was closest. The ball of energy fire at Lee Seng as he neared. Small balls of energy pinned against the wall as Lee Seng pulled them into him.

Lee Seng came close to the orb, watching the energy stick to the bubble like paper and glue.

"Here goes nothing." Lee Seng plunged his hand into the orb, watching the energy spike. He bared his teeth as the energy began to pull into him.

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"Not so fast, Foxy…!" The announcer's voice shouted. It sounded quieter than what it was. Lee Seng looked around as a wave of energy knocked him away from the cosmic orb of energy.

"You thought you could get away with your little plan? Ha! You'll have to try harder than that, Foxy!" The announcer screeched, releasing another screech into the air. The sound waves pulsed through the air, sending Lee Seng straight back into the black abyss. Lee Seng gritted his teeth as he forced the gravity to attach himself onto the side of the wall.

The announcer continued to screech, hurting Lee Seng's ears as he tried to cover his ears. His feet dug into the wall as he squirmed and shouted.

"Hahahaha! How does it feel to finally witness my power, Foxy?!? You should've just played the game like you were told!" The announcer shouted. Lee Seng peeled his eyes open, fighting against the sound waves as he shot himself forward. His weapon reappeared in his hand as he pushed himself further. The announcer screeched as Lee Seng pushed through.

"I'll give you a reason to fear me! Gravitum: Light Speed Dash!" Lee Seng vanished into thin air as three strikes flew across the announcer's body. The announcer released a panicked scream, pushing Lee Seng away from him.

"Argh! You asshole! I've worked hard to be perfect!" The announcer screamed. Waves of sound energy billowed out of the bloodied announcer as his body swayed. "Fine. If I can't have my fun, neither can you!" The announcer threw himself forward, falling. Lee Seng moved to the edge, looking down as the announcer pulled something out. "I'll show you the real reason why we're here! Hahaha!" The announcer stabbed himself with something, pushing something into his body. In a matter of seconds, his body began to erupt in large fleshy bubbles as the announcer screamed.

It was like a horror game Lee Seng had played before. The bad guy resorted to some sort of serum to make themselves stronger. The announcer's body became unrecognizable. Large limbs fired out of the bubbly flesh. The announcer's screams turned to a deep and guttural scream. It's flesh went from tan to blood red and horns grew out of its head.

"A d-demon!" Lisa gasped.

"A demon?" Lee Seng whispered. His watch immediately started to buzz. He clicked it without looking. "What?"

"Lee Seng!" Cain's voice came over the watch. "Why did my servants tell me a large energy was just released on your spot?!? Did you disobey orders again?!?" The large and fat demon grabbed the wall, slowing its descent. It began to launch itself upwards like an ape climbing a wall.

"I may have broken a couple of rules, Lord Cain, but I didn't release that energy." Lee Seng replied.

"Then what was that?!? It registered like your little fake demon!"

"DIE!!" The demon announcer screamed. It launched itself up into the air, dragging Lee Seng's eyes followed it. He twirled the weapon in his hand as he lifted the scabbard towards his face.

"It seems the thieves here got a hold of a serum that changes their body into actual demons." Lee Seng explained. "It's my job to kill this, right? Or do I have to wait for someone more qualified than I?" Lee Seng could hear Cain baring his teeth.

"Fine! I'll allow your Light this one time! Do it without permission and I'll kill you!" Cain barked.

"Yes, sir." Lee Seng's body ignited in its full Twin Sun form. "I'll make sure there isn't a trace of this pseudo-demon."