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Chapter 507 Tragic Lovers, Part 13
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[Notice: Deimon Soul collected. You've leveled up!

Soul Bead Level 3 > 4!

You've gained the ability to Charm your opponents!

Echo Scout class has gained some levels!

Echo Scout Level 1 > 5!

Echo Manipulation has leveled up! 1 > 2

Passive Skill: Echoed Hits has leveled up! 1 > 3!

You've gain a new skill Illusionary Step!]

The notices popped up in front of him like they always did. As he knelt there, people watched as his form glowed and a fourth tail popped up. Lee Seng could feel his Soul Bead grow in power. His chest radiated more condensed energy as a small breeze whooshed around him. He stood up and began to turn when a voice called out to him.

"I'm dead, aren't I?" Teresa asked.

"You are." Lee Seng turned and looked at Teresa. She stood on the other side of her body. She looked at it with such sadness.

"Y-you… You came here to give me that pendant? My husband's…" Teresa's eyes watered. Lee Seng turned and nodded at her.

"I did, but I couldn't save you from him." Lee Seng pointed at himself. Teresa's face was distorted. She was confused, sad, angry with a hint of hope in her. Lee Seng lowered himself and grabbed the pendant and extended his arm out to her. "Take it. Your husband will want you to still have it." Teresa began to cry.

"What am I doing?" Teresa cried. "I came here to find him but found these people… I-If that… That monster comes back… He'll take all of them. He'll know what happened…"

"Don't say that." Lee Seng told her. "Don't focus on those who are alive. Focus on yourself. You're dead now. There isn't much you can do." He spouted out nonsense to her. He didn't know how to 'properly' do his job. Cain had tried to demonstrate it by killing the souls, but he didn't think he would be 'helping' an actual soul cross over.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"But I can't… They'll—"

Lee Seng's watched beep. He glanced down at it.

[New message from Lord Cain.]

He clicked on it and read it.

"I see she's died. Take her to her husband. If they wish to cross, they will do it." Cain wrote.

"And if she chooses to not do that?" Lee Seng asked.

"Then she'll stay behind because of the guilt she holds. You are my Debt Collector. You are to collect, nothing more. Do not reason with her. If she chooses to stay, we'll collect her debt when its time."

'What a nice way of saying "we'll let her live."' Lee Seng thought. He looked back up and noticed Teresa was gone. He spun around and noticed Teresa looking up at the people.

"Let them down. Let me talk to them. Let me do something for them." Teresa told Lee Seng. Lee Seng raised a finger up into the air and pointed at the ground. The people in the air landed on the ground as the colorful energy released them.

"You can't do anything. You're dead." Lee Seng told her, again.

"Who's he talking to?" A lackey asked.

"Hey! You think we're done with you Fox! What're you doing next to our Boss's body??" The lackeys began to move straight up to him. He could feel all eyes on him.

"Let me talk to them! Please!" Teresa pleaded with Lee Seng. Lee Seng bit his lip as swords, guns, magic and bows and arrows pointed at him. Lee Seng let out a sigh.

"I can't do that." Lee Seng replied.

"You can't move away from our boss?!?" A lackey asked.

"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to her." Lee Seng started to turn and point to Teresa when he was shoved away from her.

"Get the fuck away from her! We don't want you here! Just die!"

They all attacked him. Lee Seng stepped backwards, creating an Echo that took the brunt of the hit. He deliberately dodged the attacks without much effort. His mental and physical tiredness had somehow disappeared and it was all replaced with his instinct. Teresa screamed for him to let her talk to them. Lee Seng continued to dodge, raising his shields when it was only necessary.

'What do I do?' Lee Seng asked himself as he managed to slide out of the first crowd of people. He jumped up into the sky and watched as ranged attacks went for him.

[Cosmic Barrier has been activated.]

Their attacks bounced off of the Cosmic Barrier as he stared at Teresa. She tried to touch her allies, but fazed past them. Lee Seng let out another sigh and raised his watch.

"Can I allow her to talk to her people?" Lee Seng asked Cain. He sent the message and waited.

"Please! I don't want you all to fight him! Stop!" Teresa shouted. The leader watched as her people shouted at Lee Seng and flung attacks at him. They all tried to attack him but nothing worked. Not even her pleads to stop. Lee Seng's watch beeped and he raised it.

"No. Come back. Your job is done."

[Notice: Lord Cain has dictated the mission done. Return back.]

Lee Seng let out a sigh and turned his back to them.

"Help me! You're able to see me for a reason, right?!? To help not ignore!" Teresa shouted.

"I walk among the living. I wish to return to the Kingdom of the dead." Lee Seng chanted. The world around him began to distort and with the shattering of glass, he was back in Limbo. Lee Seng looked around and noticed he was next to the grave. It was dug up and no one was here.

"Did you do it?" A male voice asked. Lee Seng turned and noticed the spirit. "Did she get it?"

"She got it." Lee Seng told him.

"How… How is she?"

"You knew she was sad and she was. She's looking for you but I gave her the pendant and she's… Sad, still." Lee Seng truthfully told him. The spirit's distorted face frowned. He clearly didn't think she'd be sad. "She'll be okay after some time. Is that all holding you from moving on?"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Well… I thought this would be it but I still feel unsure about it all. I—"

"You should go while you have the chance. While you're given the chance by my Lord." Lee Seng told him. "If you don't take this chance, youll never have the chance to be at peace and eventually see her again."

"See her?!? I'll see her again?!?" The spirit asked, happy.

"One day. Your hope and your feelings can reach her, make sure she moves on. It's up to her when that day comes." Lee Seng partially lied to him. He didn't know if any of this was true, but he spoke from a place of understanding. He wanted to hear that for himself when Number 2 and his Mother died. He hoped his feelings got across.

"Y-you're right. I've stayed here too long. I will… I will…"

"Fox!" Teresa shouted.

'How did she find me so fast?' Lee Seng wondered. Tersa popped out of the forest as the Spirit and Lee Seng turned to look at her.

"They'll be lambs to the slaughter without me! I must—"

"Teresa?!?" The man spoke her name in shock. Teresa's face grew confused. She knew the voice and turned to look at the humanoid next to the Fox. "T-T-Teresa… W-w-what're you doing here?"

"John? W-w-what's going on here?" Teresa looked at her husband then to Lee Seng.

'Great. How did she even follow me?' Lee Seng wondered. His watch buzzed and he looked at it.

[You had a soul nearby. You drew it back with you without knowing.]

Lee Seng let out a sigh as Teresa and John stared at each other in disbelief.

"I thought you gave her the pendant!" John shouted at Lee Seng. "Why is she here? Why is she dead?!?"

"My husband actually told you to g-g-get the pendant and find me?!?" Teresa asked in disbelief. John marched right up to Lee Seng and grabbed his collar and shook him.

"Why is she dead?!?" John cried. "I thought she was alive this whole time! What happened!?!" It was in that moment Lee Seng could feel it. They both had malice growing on them. John's once pure soul had completely switched. Darkness ignited in their souls. John cried for an explanation as Lee Seng pulled himself away.

"She died fighting. Fighting for answers and fighting a Deimon." Lee Seng truthfully told John.

"She died to… To those Hell creatures?!? How could you let her do that?!?" John screeched.

"It's not like that, John." Teresa marched up to him and pulled him to look at her. "I willingly fought. I fought and things got out of control! I had no choice!"

"But he could've saved you!" John pointed. The malice grew brighter in John. Teresa's soul wavered between light and dark. She was confused on what she wanted to do the most.