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Chapter 389 An Uncomfortable Lily
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The inside of the Tomb was probably half the size of the last design setup. The library took up most of the back. Keng and Lily peeked in and noticed it had retained all of its shape. All of the tomes, books, and scrolls were all in its place. The place looked tidier than what Keng remembered and assumed Lily must've went to town on cleaning. He nodded as they looked around more.

"A couple bedrooms back here." Lily observed aloud. "I guess these are bedrooms that probably won't be used too often?"

"I guess. Where's the shrine?" Keng asked. The two went back the way they came and noticed a door with a gold and silver plaque. "It moved to closer." He opened the door and checked inside. The chairs were set off to the side. There were mats in the middle of the room. The shrine looked exactly the same.

"I don't come into this room, often." Lily told Keng.

"You just come to clean?"

"I don't even like coming here when I have to clean it."


"It feels… Strange. Like someone's watching me." Lily shivers. "It's strange, but I can't decide if they're good or bad."

"If they're bad, wouldn't the Shrine be the worst place to spy on people?" Keng asked, looking at her.

"I thought this was the holiest room or something."

"It has the most condensed energy." Keng nodded. He could hear the pleasant chimes coming out of the room. "The other Saviors could be watching. Maybe that's why you feel so strange about this room?"

"They're watching us?" Lily looked at Keng. Keng nodded as he closed the door. "Why would they watch us? Aren't they gone?"

"Did I not tell you about the Saviors?" Keng brushed his chin as the two wandered back to the front of the Tomb. "They've ascended to another plane of existence. They can see us, but we can't see them. That's what the previous Leaders told me." Lily nodded as the two of them looked around. The side open room was replaced with a larger furnished room.

"Oh, the crystal kept this room?" Lily asked. "It wasn't in the specifications. It looks better, too."

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"We probably use this room more than the rest of the Tomb, so the crystal might've kept it." Keng guessed. They turned around and noticed a kitchen. It had fire crystals that allowed for cooking things. '

"Fire crystals. These things are used for everything now." Lily pointed out. "They're very common in the mines. At least that's what my dad told me." Keng nodded. The two started to turn when they noticed Jyu'so and Gorrum coming back inside. The two looked around like they had seen something they didn't expect to see.

"The Tomb has changed…" Jyu'so said in amazement. "How is this possible?"

"The Saviors did, supposedly, build on natural energy points. The architect magicians did well." Gorrum complimented.

"Oh, you're back?" Lily asked. She jogged over to them, Keng lagging behind. "And you've managed to find some wild boar. Do you need help with that?"

"Don't worry, Lily." Jyu'so waved his hand. "We'll handle it. It seems a lot has happened since we were gone."

"You were barely gone for more than half an hour." Keng told them. "You must've been really lucky on your hunt."

"Gorrum caught this one's trail in no time. I barely had to do anything."

"Elder didn't do anything. He simply watched." Gorrum told them. "You two wait awhile. We'll handle this."

A couple hours later…

Keng, Lily, Jyu'so and Gorrum sat around a table as they took in the large amount of dishes in front of them.

"Woah, Mr. Gorrum. I didn't think you could make all of these side dishes as well!" Lily complimented him. "I haven't had some of these in years! Mom and Dad doesn't make side dishes often."

"Please, dig in, you two. You must be ravenous after waiting so long." Gorrum motioned.

"Itadakimasu!" Lily put her hands together before she began to dig in. Keng looked over at her and realized he understood what she said. The four began to dig in and grab food.

"So," Keng started. "Your Mom's human, right, Lily?"

"Yeah, why?" Lily asked, looking at him.

"You said 'itadakimasu.' Your mom's Japanese?"

"Yeah." Lily nodded. She took a bite as she looked at Keng. "Yeah. How'd you know?" Lily asked a bit nervous. She didn't talk about her parents outside her village too much. Even though she was from a smaller village off of the small city of Revit, she still felt a bit uncomfortable that people openly asked questions like this to her.

"Lee Seng knows many languages." Keng replied. He noticed Lily was growing uncomfortable. "I won't ask anymore questions if you don't wanna talk about your family. We're practically strangers who've fought together once so I get it." They ate in silence for awhile. "So," Keng cleared his throat. "What're we gonna do for Sensory training?"

"We'll work on your Sight first since Gorrum is a pro at it." Jyu'so motioned. "You'll mainly be practicing Sight but do train your hearing if you can. If we have time, we'll do energy hearing training if we have time. If not, you're hearing will be passable. We'll get you some time to train your taste, but I think something will get our attention before that happens, I'm afraid."

"Something's gonna happen? What?"

"Don't worry about it for now." Jyu'so brushed him off. "Some matters with the village is on my mind and I'm trying to figure out what I'm gonna do with that. For now, put effort into training your Energy Sight Sensory and we'll go from there, alright?"

"Yes, Elder." Keng nodded. "Oh! I was wondering if you could help Lily with that as well." Keng looked at her. Lily looked up feeling a bit put on the spot.

"Huh?" Lily questioned Keng like she didn't know what he was doing.

"She didn't have too much sensory training with her father, so I was wondering if you could figure it out with her as well. We could learn together if she has some similar Energy Sensories too!"

"You don't have to… It was just a thought from earlier." Lily told them.

"Mmm, you are about that age where you would start learning about this sort of thing." Gorrum nodded. He patted his mouth with a napkin, setting it on his empty plate. "We could easily run some tests to figure out what your Energy Sensories are."

"What did your father teach you to do in particular?" Jyu'so asked.

"Well, he hunts for a living. He taught me to use my eyes, but I'm having trouble seeing what he see's. I can do it, but it's hard." Lily explained.

"Sight. Alright." Jyu'so nodded. He looked over at Gorrum. "Did you pack the stuff before we came here?"

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"It should be in the Void Storage. I can prepare it and we can go from there."

After dinner, the four sat around the dining table as Gorrum pulled out the same objects used on Keng. He set the bowl of water and wood piece down and looked at Lily.

"Close your eyes and touch it. Tell me what you feel." Gorrum instructed. Lily closed her eyes and slowly moved her hands towards the bowl. For every inch she came closer to the bowl, she could feel energy pulsing out of it. As soon as she touched the bowl, she understood exactly what it was. There wasn't water or the floating piece. It was fogged by something magical.

"The bowl's empty. I feel something magical in the bowl though." Lily told them. Gorrum and Jyu'so nodded as Keng watched.

'So is this how it's like to be on the receiving end of this?'

"Anything else?" Gorrum asked. Lily ran her fingers throughout the bowl and stopped. Her face tightened for a moment and she closed her fist. She pulled her hand out and opened her eyes. She opened her hand and showed the wooden piece.

"What? That's supposed to happen?" Keng asked.

"Rarely. Seems the Pink one has a strong ES in touch." Jyu'so nodded.

"That's really good. One of the more common ones to register like Keng, but seeing someone pull the actual wooden piece out of its illusion is rare." Gorrum nodded. "Alright, next one." Gorrum pulled the bowl and wooden piece and set it in the Void Storage. He started to pull out a wooden mandrake. The mandrake began to scream and Keng covered his ears.

"Ahh!" Keng shouted.

"Deafen." Jyu'so waved over Keng. Keng's hearing pulled into pure silence. He couldn't hear the screams. He looked at Jyu'so who covered his ears.

"I took your sense of hearing away for a moment. Wait." Jyu'so mouthed. Keng looked at Lily who was looking at him. Gorrum, Jyu'so and Lily talked for a bit before the wooden mandrake was put back.

"And there." Jyu'so's voice said. "Back to hearing."

"What the hell is that thing?" Keng asked.

"An enchanted sculpture of a wooden mandrake. It's enchanted to make noise. Only those with hearing can hear it."

"Did you hear it then?" Keng asked Lily. She shook her head.

"Alright let's finish with the others." Gorrum instructed pulling the next thing out.