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Chapter 379 Mixed Feelings
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"Leave." Lee Seng motioned. Sara's fists balled so tightly, Lee Seng could hear her fists squeezing tightly. "I have some personal stuff I gotta deal with."

"So two weeks was nothing to you?" Sara asked. Lee Seng gave her a weird look.

'Did people really fall hard like this?' Lee Seng thought. 'I hope I don't get like this when I'm actually in love.'

"We've known each other since we were young. I know you have feelings for me!" Sara grabbed into his arm. Lee Seng let out another sigh which made Manny stand.

"What?" Liz whispered at Manny. Manny could only hear the conversation like the rest of the group. They were all being nosey and listening into the ex-couple's argument.

"He sighed way too many times." Manny answered, quietly. "Even Sara should know not to piss him off. If you think Sara's tantrum is bad, you don't want to see his."

"Shouldn't we do something then?" Evan asked. The team looked at him. He hadn't spoken very much ever since yesterday.

"Let go and get lost or else I will use force." Lee Seng threatened very loudly.

"Someone be ready to call the cops." Manny motioned. Rituska pulled his phone out.

"Is it gonna get that bad?" Ritsuka asked.

"Trust me. You don't wanna see him pissed.* Manny turned to look at Ritsuka. The two had a moment of realization that they were both concerned and immediately turned away.

"These two…" Olivia shook her head. Lee Seng entered the kitchen and headed into the living room. The group could tell he was pissed off of his face and body language alone.

,m "It was a mistake and it won't happen ever again! I swear! I swear on my life!"

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"She shouldn't have said that." Manny commented. Lee Seng turned and grabbed her arm. He yanked her along to the front of the door as Sara screamed and clawed at him. Lee Seng swung the door wide open and tossed her into the front. Gravity pulled her shoes from the ground and Lee Seng launched them into the street.

"My shoes! You're such a stuck up prick! Why can you be civil!" Sara shouted.

"Next time you come here, I'm using my powers in defense to get you out and into a police station jail." Lee Seng slammed the door shut, shaking the house as he locked the doors. He immediately made his way downstairs. An awkward silence fell upon the rest of the household. They heard Sara scream curses followed by Lee Seng screaming very loudly in the basement.

4 Hours Later

Lee Seng lounged on the couch as he went through his history homework. He was reading about the Biohuman Rise and had to do a write up on it.

The Biohuman Rise technically started far before 1995. Dr. Vang Chang had started his research shortly after he got his PH. D at one of the Wisconsin colleges near the small growing city of Capitol City that was known as Randolph, Wisconsin.

Dr. Chang remembers the start of the Biohuman serum as "a hard time that was filled with a bright idea to empower the human race forward but resulted in many failures and dark times."

Lee Seng sighed as he scrolled. He had basically known the whole history of the Biohuman Rise. They were currently still in the same Era of the Biohuman Rise but most historians went back and forth on whether or not they were changing Eras.

"We're still struggling to reclaim the lands that once were ours." Lee Seng sighed. He set the tablet in the coffee table he had dragged closer and flipped himself to bury his face in the pillow. "I can't concentrate today."

Lee Seng found it hard to do his homework today. His mind was elsewhere. He was thinking about Keng even though, logically, his mind should've been plagued with Sara. He rolled over and adjusted himself. He didn't really care much about Sara.

'I know it was a lie anyways. Those feelings aren't of love, they're just feelings I forgot about.' He told himself. He hadn't really felt those comfortable feelings in a long time. He didn't even know it was possible but here he was, wondering if he really missed it.

'Ugh, stop thinking about it. I need to figure out where Keng is.' He lifted himself up and set his feet on the floor. His friends and Manny were doing their own things in other parts of the house.

Liz and Manny decided to study together while Olivia was in the kitchen attempting a cookie recipe. Ritsuka decided to get his workout in since he didn't, yet and Evan was supposedly in his room.

Lee Seng stood up with a finishing stand like he finished a gymnastics routine and started to turn towards the kitchen when his tablet buzzed. He reached for it and noticed an email.

"Your phone orders have arrived from the expedited teleportation shipping you've chosen… Please come to 3rd District Mail Delivery to pick it up." The email read. If listed off a button that could give him directions and some useless stuff the mail system always tagged at the end.

"Did I really pay for expedited teleportation shipping…?" Lee Seng asked. He started to wander over to the kitchen where Olivia was playing some piano music and humming along as she stirred some stuff together. Lee Seng tapped the order and closely looked at it. His eyes widened.

"Shit, I did pay for the 50K cred shipping!" Lee Seng shouted.

"What? What did you get?" Olivia asked. Her laptop was open with a couple different tabs. She was making chocolate chip cookies.

"Our phone replacements." Lee Seng set the tablet in the island counter-top down. He sat on the barstool and sighed. "I thought I clicked on regular shipping… But I clicked the 50K one!" He fake cried as he tilted his head backwards and groaned.

"Where's it at? Is it here at the house?" Olivia asked.

"No. I technically put it down at the Mail/Delivery center near the campus. Now I have to go all the way there." Lee Seng groaned.

"Well, I would go with you but I'm busy making cookies. You should see if Ritsuka and Evan's available. Y'all could go out for a bit. Get some fresh air. Get your new phones… Wait." Olivia stopped what she was doing and looked at him. "You bought me a new phone?"

"Didn't your phone get crushed?" Lee Seng asked. She nodded and threw some more chocolate chips into the batter. "I'll cover costs and such. We can split the phone line however you want."

"You didn't have to go that far… It was an accident."

"We both need phones to stay updated with the group and school anyways." Lee Seng stood up from the bar stool. "I'll go hunt for Evan. His room is upstairs?"

"Yup left side."

Lee Seng grabbed his tablet and huffed it upstairs. Manny and Liz were chilling in the living room space on the second floor. The two talked about math as Manny and Liz looked up at him.

"What's up?" Manny asked.

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"I gotta go get a package from the center." Lee Seng told them.

"Ahh, I wanna go."

"You can't." Liz smacked him. "We gotta get through this and history!"  Manny whined as Lee Seng continued towards the closed room. He heard Evan talking as he knocked.

"Who is it?" Evan asked.

"Lee Seng. Can I come in?" Lee Seng asked.

"Sure." He opened the door and noticed Evan was playing games and had his headset half on.  "What's up?" Evan looked at him.

"Wanna come to the mail center with me? Maybe grab lunch somewhere?" Lee Seng asked. Evan thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I'm good. Thanks for the offer though. I'm just getting to the good part " Evan looked back at his large computer screen.

"Alright, see ya. If you want something from KBBQ, ping me online. I'm getting my new phone so I don't have my old number." Lee Seng told him.

"Alright. Have fun."

Lee Seng wandered down two flights of stairs and found Ritsuka in his room. The door was cracked as Ritsuka slipped on dark blue boxer briefs.

'Hm, he likes the same brand as me. He has good taste..' Lee Seng noticed. He knocked on the door as Ritsuka turned.

"What's up? I'm changing." Ritsuka spoke. Lee Seng opened the door and nodded at him. "Oh, what's up, Lee?"

"Wanna come with me to the mail center? Gonna grab Olivia and her new phones and maybe eat some Korean BBQ if you're up for it."  Lee Seng asked. Ritsuka pulled some sweats on and grabbed a black baggy shirt.

"Sure. Anyone else wanna go?" Ritsuka asked.

"Olivia's in the middle of making a loaded chocolate chip cookie batch. Evan's gaming. Liz and Manny are doing homework. Just you and I."

"You and me only? That's no fun. We should spend some quality time together." Ritsuka said as he pulled his shirt down and reached for the black hoodie.

"Okay, Mr. Pouting cause Manny ruined the mission. I'll see you upstairs." Lee Seng turned and waved.