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Chapter 285 A New Age Of Saviors
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'This is awkward. Especially after all that happened in the med bay…' Keng sighed.

"Thanks for helping us." Lee Seng stepped up. Keng looked at Lee Seng. He looked even more determined to address the crowd and get all of this over with. "Keng and I are grateful you would help two new Saviors with the last Saviors problem. We couldn't have fought both of the remaining Conqueror pieces without you." The crowd was silent. They didn't know if they should clap or not. Lee Seng sighed and took another step up.

"We'll be outta your hair after today." Lee Seng told them. This seemed to garner some actual whispers. "Also, I stand by everything I said earlier in the med bay." The whispering died down. Tension immediately grew, again. Keng glanced at Lee Seng. He wanted to tell Lee Seng to not do anything too rash, but Lee Seng was always already speaking. "Don't judge someone based on their race. Just because I'm human and Keng didn't do his 'job' and take over, doesn't mean he's a failure either. Just because Lily's a half-Foxling doesn't mean she's not a Fox Spirit.

"We all have our own views, but try not to be disrespectful to me or Lily or anyone who isn't 100% a Fox Spirit. We should spend less time fighting amongst each other and tearing each other apart and actually use that energy to build a strong community. I know I'm an outsider and I shouldn't have a say in this, but let's get along and grow together. Even if some of us don't have the luxury to live long lives and/or gain immortality.

"Today, you helped Keng and I, the new generation of Saviors, out. You aided not only us, but the other Saviors. They may not be on the same plane of existence as us anymore, but they've transcended into a place where they can very much still see you and watch over you all." Lee Seng smiled.

"So, thanks, again, everyone." Keng bowed. Lee Seng followed Keng's example and the two gave a long bow. "I hope this forest can flourish and become what it once was just like how I also wish for the Saviors to grow, once again. Like Lee Seng said, we're going back to Earth, but don't be afraid to reach out to us. You know where we are." Keng looked over at Halys and Chimera. They both gave a small nod.

"If that's it," General Halys spoke up. "Let's wrap this up and figure out what we're going to do tonight."

"It's only slightly past high noon," Chimera spoke up after Halys. "So we can all prepare to head back to the Village. We'll finish up here and those who wish to say goodbye to the Savior leaders, you can. We leave in thirty minutes." With that, the group broke away. Ritsuka and Lily moved over to Lee Seng and Keng while others started to disperse.

"So I guess that's it?" Ritsuka asked. "Are we really gonna spend another night here?"

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"We can head back after this. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I miss AC." Lee Seng fanned himself.

"Awh, you guys are gonna leave so quickly?" Lily pursed her lips together. She looked like she was about to pout about their leave just as quickly as she met them.

"After we finish up the conversation with you and I think them." Keng motioned over at Chimera, Lady Vix'i and Halys.

Chimera, Halys, Lady Vix'i, Lily, Lee Seng, Keng, and Ritsuka all went back into the base and sat in the 'War Room' next to the library. Lee Seng let out a yawn. His stomach grumbled, loudly, breaking the awkward silence that had filled the room.

"We should've did lunch together before heading out." Halys looked over at Chimera.

"Vix'i and I have things to attend to at the Village, so we must make this quick." Chimera answered. He looked over at Lee Seng and Keng. "I'm sorry we can't stay with you for lunch, but there is one thing we'd like to talk about before you go."

"What's that?" Keng asked, waving away the lunch affair to the side.

"If you leave this place unattended, who will look after it?" Lady Vix'i asked. "You two are technically the only two Saviors. You came with the signs of the prophecy coming true and now that we've helped you cleanse the curse on this land, I was wondering what you're going to do."

'I hadn't thought about that, yet.' Lee Seng tapped his lips. He glanced off to the ceiling, running through some answers as Keng shifted in his seat.

"We really haven't had time to think about any of this." Keng answered. "My original intention was only to come here and answer the God King's call. We got thrown into more than I thought we would. And I think Lee Seng really does want to leave." Keng turned to look at Lee Seng.

"I have school still and would really like to finish that part of my life before I think about anything else." Lee Seng cleared his throat. "This place might've been taken care of by Krystofer, but I think it'll be fine if it sits for a bit unattended to. We can always lock it up like it was before."

"It would be nice if we had someone come by and clean it once in awhile…" Keng had a good point. This place would fall into ruins if somebody didn't keep up with it.

"I could come by." Lily raised her hand.

"Don't you live a couple days away from this place?" Keng turned his attention to her. He propped his head up with his arm on the table. "Wouldn't that be dangerous?"

"There's people younger than me who's already going out and hunting. My brothers were already out on their own by my age."

"Still, I don't like the idea of you coming by yourself here. Especially since we don't know when  the curse will pull away from all of the monsters in the area."

"Well, if you feel bad about having someone like me coming here," Lily raised her eyebrows. "Then you'll just have to come back once in a while and check for yourselves. I don't mind coming here. It's only a full-day's journey."

"Well, someone from the Village a couple hours away from here could come by." Lee Seng pointed out.

"The Village is already as thin as it is." Lady Vix'i pointed out. "I can't afford somebody to come 4-hours this way to clean."

"But you'd let a recent teenager travel a whole day to come clean?" LEe Seng narrowed his eyes at her. "That doesn't make sense."

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"The children start helping out around here when they manifest their abilities. She's proven herself useful." General Halys added another point in favor to Lily. "If she wants to do this then she can. I'm not sure anyone in the Village would want to come all this way."

Lee Seng sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. He wiped his face with his hands and shook his head. 'There really isn't another option, huh?'

"It's the best option we have." Keng answered Lee Seng's thoughts. "If what they say is true, then we should allow her to come by once in awhile and clean. It's not like she has to make a trip every week. It's every couple of months. Maybe we'll get to see her when we stop by."

"Yeah, it's just…" Lee Seng didn't like the idea.

"It's better than no one." Ritsuka told Lee Seng. Lee Seng sighed and nodded.

"Fine." He looked straight at Lily. "You can come clean the place. We just need to figure out a way for you to come in and out, then."

"Then you can follow me." Lady Vix'i stood up. She lead them out of the room and to the left. She led them down the intersecting hallway and stopped by a cracked door. "I was only able to get into this place because I visited it a couple of times in the past. My energy is registered to the catalyst that's inside this room. If you register all of your energies into the catalyst, you can open and close the base whenever you need to."

She opened the door and revealed a pulsing diamond crystal hovering in the middle of the room. The catalyst hovered and easily towered over them. Lily moved over to the catalyst, admiring the strange magical crystal.

"Just put your hand on the catalyst and let it take some of your energy. It'll register you in it." Lady Vix'i told them. Lily put her hand onto the crystal and watched as it continued to pulse.

"Nothing's happening." Lily looked at Lady Vix'i. Lady Vix'i gave a confused look and turned to touch the crystal. The crystal didn't react to her.

"Hmm, is something wrong with this?" Lady Vix'i muttered. Keng stepped into the room, watching the room and catalyst respond to his presence. Silver and gold light poured out of the crystal and into the floor and walls.

< Hello, Savior. I have been waiting for your arrival after Krystofer left the base. I have been instructed to run through the process with you. If you would like to start, please put your hand onto the crystal. >