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Becoming Strangers Again by Lily

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59 RYAN Lady and the lays are set to leave for Canali today, and I've decided to go with them to see my new place and take care of smatters concerning Jake. However, before leaving. I needed to make a quick stop at the office to handle a few tasks, as I wouldn't be available tomorrow or the day after Thirty minutes after I arrived at my office, I heard a ruckus just outside At first, I tried to ignore it, but the noise grew louder until it becimpossible to ignore. With a sight. I pushed away from my desk, rubbing my temples to ease the growing tension, before making my way toward the door. Upon swinging the door open. I was met with the sight of Stephanie, her hand poised mid-air, ready to strike my secretary across the face. My features contorted with anger at the shocking scene unfolding before me. "What the hell do you think you're doing 1 erupted, my voice laced with fury, causing Stephanie to recoil instantly. "Do you believe you have the right to raise your hand and strike my staff? Her frustration evident, Stephanie licked her red lips before responding, "I wouldn't have even considered hitting her if she hadn't tried to preventfrom seeing you" Was she serious? I felt incredulous. "She's simply doing her job, Lemphasized, hoping to drive the point home. "Even if you were to lay a land on her, it wouldn't change a thing. You wouldn't he granted entry into my office regardless. Why? Because that was my directive, and my instructions supersede any pain you wish to inflict upon her" Stephanie's furious gaze darted across my face, her eyes shimmering with a hint of moisture. "What have I ever done to you to deserve this?" she demanded, her voice trembling with emotion. "You do realize that I am still the legal representative of this company!" I couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration at her words Digging my hands into my pockets, I hit down on my lower lip, contemplating her question. Slowly, my eyes swept over her figure before I responded, my tone firm "When was the last tyou actually set foot in She shota glare. "What does that have to do with anything? "Everything." I retorted, my expression deadpan. "Because if you bothered to show up at the office where you supposedly work, you would have realized that I submitted a request for a change of legal representation, and your firm approved it. As of last week, I no longer have any alliliation with you." Her gasp was audible as she placed a hand over her chest, her eyes widening in disbelief. Do you despiseso much that you now want to cutoff completely?" she questioned, her vace tinged with hurt, my Bone Tu Exhaling wearily. I held the door open wider, gesturing for her to enter "Cin," I relented, my exhaustion evident in my lend you a listening car today, for the sake of what we once shared" She stepped inside, and I closed the door behind her. Tm puzzled, I began, my voice softening slightly. "How is it that your father owns the firm, yet you were unaware of my request for a change of representation? Retrieving two bottles of water from the fridge, 1 handed one to her. "Is there something you're not telling me? I'm here to help" She twisted the cap off her water bottle, her expression guarded. "Help with what she inquired, a note of caution lacing her words. "Did you lose your job at the firm?" Hroached the topic delicately, hoping for honesty. "Did your father terminate your employment?" She stared atfor a moment, her laughter nervous and strained. "What nonsense are you talking about? Why would my father ever consider firing me?" she countered, her tone incredulous: Frouldn't help but agree silently. Why would her own father dismiss his only child from the company? Taking a gulp from my water bottle, I urged her to do the same. "So why are you here? What did you want to discuss that nearly led to my secretary getting slapped?" I pressed, curiosity mingled with apprehension. "I miss you," she confessed, her voice harely above a whisper, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears once more. "I miss us," she added softly, her gaze pleading forto reconsider our relationship. "I understand that you want to provide your triplets with a complete family, but you don't necessarily have to reconcile with Lily. There are people who co- parent, and their children are still happy. I'll be kind to them, I promise." "You and I both know that my decision to end our relationship had nothing to do with my kids, and deep down, you understand it," I calmly asserted, trying to case the tension between us. As I observed Stephanie before me, it was evident that she was hurting, and my heart ached for her. "Stephanie, I understand that you still harbor feelings for me, but the truth is, I don't reciprocate them anymore," I continued. my lone gentle yet firm. In fact, I'm starting to question if I ever truly loved you." Her frown deepened, her eyes searching mine for any sign of doubt. "You did love me, Ryan," she insisted, her voice tinged with desperation. I shook my head slowly, meeting her gaze with sincerity. I was infatuated with you," I admitted, and I mistakenly confused it with love But whatever emotions I had back then have faded away. You need to stop causing scenes like this in public." She sniffed, her composure faltering as she wiped away a stray tear. "You didn't have to make our breakup public," she protested, her voice trembling with emotion. "Now I'm being subjected to public scrutiny." She wouldn't succeed in makingfeel guilty for my actions that day. "I provided you with ample tto announce our separation to the public, yet you chose not to do so. Instead, you opted to announce your pregnancy, I reiterated firmly, refusing to let her shift the blonto me. "I am pregnant she declared, her voice echoing with a mix of pain, anger, and betrayal, her eyes flickering with emotion "What's wrong with sharing that news with the world?" she challenged, frustration evident in her tone. "Nothing." I conceded calmly, maintaining my composure as I met her gaze head-on. There's absolutely nothing wrong with announcing your pregnancy. Eventually, your baby bump will becvisible, so why not let people know? However, I added. gesturing toward her still-Dat stomach, "once the baby is born, I intend to have a DNA test done. If the baby is indeed mine, I will love and care for it with every fiber of my being. But it's crucial to understand that it won't change anything between us - not now, not ever Tears streamed down her cheeks, her voice barely above a whisper. "How can you be so cruel?" she uttered softly, the pain evident in h er words. "How can you discardlike this?" "I'm not discarding you," I replied, my frustration evident as I ran my fingers through my hour. "You've had exes, Stephanie. Is this how you reacted to your breakups with them?" Wiping away her tears, she rose from her seat, determination flickering in her eyes. "I never loved any of them the way I love you," she asserted. Grabbing her purse, she continued, Tm not giving up on you. Ryan. I'll fight for what I want, and mark my words, you'll regret treatinglike this." With that, she turned on her heel and stormed out of my office. I watched the door close behind her before finally turning my attention back to my work. Upon our arrival in Canada, darkness had already descended, necessitating an overnight stay at a hotel. There was no chance I would rest my head in that house without first ensuring that every detail aligned with my preferences The following day, after carefully inspecting the property and making necessary adjustments, I made my way to the location Angelo had disclosed as Jake's workplace. With any luck, the changes to the house would be well underway by the tI concluded my business there. As I arrived at AK Real-Estates. 1 approached the receptionist's desk. The woman behind it recognizedinstantly who in the world. of business wouldn't? After all, I had gained familiarity and title as a prominent collector of properties "Good morning. Mr. Williams," she greetedwarmly, her tone reflecting a familiarity born of professional acquaintance. "How may we assist you today?" Tmb "Tm here to meet Jake Willow," 1 informed the receptionist, who nodded in response. "His office is on the third floor, on the left, she directed me. With a hint of surprise, I noted that Jake indeed worked in this building. Making my way to the elevator, I ascended to the third floor and followed the receptionist's instructions. Upon reaching the door labeled "Jake Willow, I knocked once before entering. However, the person I encountered inside was not the Jake Willow I had expected to see. Instead, an unfamiliar face greetedwith a puzzled expression.