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Banished to Another World

Chapter 441: Yi Fan the Master Bone-Sculptor
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Chapter 441: Yi Fan the Master Bone-Sculptor

When the tenth bone was also measured and found to have energy, the Horn-people, who are rich in money, started to quote price on the spot, not buying one, but all ten, it is like they were even waiting for the store to announce what the ten bones have the energy.

The 4th rank Bone-Sculptor came early, and was not far from Yan Mo. After hearing the offer, he squeezed himself down and reminded him: "Sell them separately, so the bones sold will bring higher. But if you are afraid of trouble, it is better to sell these to this bone objects store, their owner... is very good, the bid will be fair, not like the Hu-De Bone Objects Store, but also good for you."

4th rank Bone-Sculptor retired after saying this. He had made up his mind. If the Little Hornless man sold the bones separately, he would bid for one or two. If he could not buy it, he would watch the fun.

Yan Mo was a little surprised to see Bone-Sculptor offer a warning to him, nod to him, thinking that Bone-Sculptor was not a bad person, at least he was not the kind of Horn-people who completely despised and ignored the Hornless people.

Although it was not a few hours before they had been to Wuqian City, Yan Mo had discovered that the Horn-people’s attitude towards the Hornless people was like the attitude of whites towards blacks, it ranged from extreme contempt and disgust, and some ignore them, and some show a bit of sympathy. Of course, this sympathy is not based on equal status, but rather a kind of compassion for the lower status person.

The deeper the contact with the Westerners, Yan Mo even found that even some of the extreme Horn-people did not treat the Hornless people similar. For them, the Hornless people were like domestic animals.

This is for later, not to mention for the time being, let's talk about it now.

The first quotation came out, and other people were afraid that Yan Mo would not have heard of so many bone coins and sell them quickly, and so they all quickly quoted higher prices. action

At this time, the store has not only watched the lively people, but most of them were the bone objectsstores owners and the Bone-Sculptors.

Some low-end Bone-Sculptors are not as rich as the bone objects store owners. Some people now call it: "Don't rush to quote. Let the people in the A-Lan shop tell us what energy and energy content the ten bones contain. If there is any implied fire energy, I am willing to pay a high price!"

"Yes! I can't buy it for your shop. I just saw that one of the lights is like dark energy. I just need this kind of material, and I am willing to pay a high price!"

Bone-Sculptors shouted.

The manager of the bone objects store was uncomfortable, but they did not dare to offend the Bone-Sculptors. They could only rush to Yan Mo and let him decide whether to sell it alone or in package.

Yan Mo is considering which one can earn more. He is actually afraid of causing himself trouble and wants to sell all of them as a pack. But he is now short of bones, and if he doesn't want to come up with an eye-catching bone, it will be more cost-effective for him to sell them separately.

"Tell everyone about your test results." The old man at the counter suddenly opened his mouth.

Many people in the store noticed the elderly man, and all the people who recognized him were all strange, but they also did not casually expose the identity of the old man like the 4th rank Bone-Sculptor. Now, the old man is talking, and several people who have quoted before closed their mouth.

When the shop manager heard the old man’s instructions, he immediately acted as he said.

Everyone listened to the shop manager and announced the test results, and they were all quiet for a while. The Bone-Sculptors erected their ears and was afraid to not be able to hear the demon creature bones they needed.

Here, the shop manager carefully and enthusiastically introduces the characteristics of each demon creature bone. Every time one is introduced, there are people who can't help but shout out higher prices.

The high price of the 3,100-bone coin that was previously quoted by the 4th rank Bone-Sculptor was quickly overtaken. When the shop manager introduced a magical rabbit bone with healing power and 30% magical energy remaining, almost all financial resourceful people joined the auction, and soon this bone has been hyped and sold for 10,000 bone coins!

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Yan Mo really doesn't understand the enthusiasm and madness of these Westerners on the bones. If he is not afraid to take it out, he doesn't need to pay attention. He has a bunch of bones with energy in his pocket! No, it should be said that there is no energy in the bones in his pocket. Even if the creatures of the Eastern Continent do not show specific abilities, their bones also contain a certain amount of energy, it just a small difference.

What does the thirty demon energy mean? Can the Horn-people accurately quantify energy?

Yan Mo actually disguised his expression, but the old man of the Horn-people still looked at Yan Mo and looked at him a little bit weird and funny.

The old man raised his hand and yelled at Yan Mo. Yan Mo didn't know why, but out of the attention of the old man, he went over.

The two looked at each other across the counter. Yuan Zhan silently walked behind Yan Mo.

The old man suddenly laughed. "You don't know the value of the bones for us at all do you? Child, where are you from?"

Perhaps he is afraid that Yan Mo is worried about his identity, he added another sentence: "You can rest assured that our conversation will not be heard." The old man raised his finger and he wore several rings on his hand.

Yan Mo guessed that one of them probably had the effect of forming a shielded field or isolated space? Then he vaguely replied: "I am from a very distant place."

“Very far away from the Wuqian City, but the nearest deep forest is the Silver Fox Forest, where there are many villages, and there are some legends savages in the mountains. Are you from there?”

Yan Mo thought, the people here are called the demon creature bones for the bones with energy, and the creatures with abilities are simply rude called magical creatures? There is no such thing in the Eastern continent, there are some creatures with special energy, and they are even regarded as gods.

When the old man saw that he did not answer, he recognized him. The old man is wise, but he also thinks that someone can cross the ocean from another continent to come here.

"You are a witch?" the old man asked again.

This time Yan Mo nodded.

The old man laughed. "I see you too. Young witch, can you make bone objects?"

Yan Mo considered it and replied: "Yes." Then he curiously asked: "How do you know that I can make bone objects? Because of the bone necklace I wear?"

"This is a reason. Child, just like you don't understand the price of the bones to us. The same value, you may not know the true value of the bone object on your body.” The old man sighed.

"Ah? Is the bone necklace on my body expensive?"

"It’s expensive. You are fortunate enough to meet me. If you depended on your knowledge, you would probably be dead. I think some people think that your necklace is a bit like a bone object relic, but they certainly didn’t expect a bone object relic to be on the Hornless people to be the real thing from the relic legends."

Yan Mo made a surprised and slightly scared expression, sincerely said: "Then, Da-Ren, please tell me what is going on?"

The old man pointed on his bone necklace. "You are not wearing an ordinary bone object. It is an antique. It is a treasure that has been handed down from ancient times. Although I have not seen the usefulness of your bone necklace, even if no one knows the use of this bone object.As long as it is only the ancient bone objects, its value is immeasurable!"

Yan Mo really opened his mouth. He really didn't expect the Horn-people of the Western continent to have an antique saying, but he also wanted to come. When a nation's culture developed to a certain extent, especially after they left their homes and went to another land, they spread from their homeland thousands of years ago. It is not surprising that the items that come down will become treasures.

The necklace on his neck is still the inheritance of the Bone Sculpting people and is one of the rewards that bones have given him. Because the big bones on the necklace can increase his soul strength, he has been wearing it and has not taken it off. When the Tucheng-Earth City fire warrior attacked him, his body was burnt off, and the necklace was not damaged at all. Only this point was enough to for him to think that this bone necklace was priceless.

It seems that in the Western continent, he can no longer expose this necklace to the outside.

"Thank you for your advice." Yan Mo really said.

The old man huh, "You don't have to thank me. Actually, I want to ask you if this necklace is for sale or not. I really want to have it. If you keep it, it is also a stylish thing. It is better to sell it to me. I won't defraud you. You have not learned some bone objects making process, if you like, I can teach you until you get the intermediate level Bone-Sculptor qualification."

Yan Mo doesn't know how valuable the old man's promise is to most people on the Western continent, especially to the Hornless people. But he didn't want to sell this reward that was very useful to him. He had to deliberately open another topic: "You just said that you saw that I have learned to make bone objects. The necklace is one of the reasons, but why do you see the necklace? Think so? Maybe this is just what I got from the ancestors who passed it down to me?"

The old man pointed at his waist. "If you only had this necklace, maybe I will guess like that. But with the bone knife in your waist and your ability to recognize the bones, you are most likely able to sculpt the bone objects. The possibilities are far greater than you are a normal person who doesn’t know how to sculpt bones."

Looking at Yan Mo who is still incomprehensible. The old man simply said plainly: "The bones at your waist are the most recently refining items, but their refining techniques are much different from the current mainstream methods we use. If it was passed down from ancient times, but I can't see which one of the Horn-people's clan it is related to.”

“When the Bone Sculpting people came to this continent, some Tribesmen were scattered for various reasons. It was suspected that some of the Bone-Sculpting family entered the Silver Fox Forest. It is said that a long time ago, people in the Silver Fox Forest were very lucky. They made bones to fill cellar with bone objects. I think that your ancestors probably came into contact with this Bone-Sculpting family, and the sculpt techniques you learned are probably passed on from them.”

The old man said here, he sighed, and said: "If this bone is really your sculpting, you should already have the level of low-level Bone-Sculptor. Someone who can teach valuable knowledge to the Hornless people, I think that one Bone-Sculptor is probably from the White-Horn Clan, followed by the Black-Horn Clan, the Red-Horn Clan is the least likely to have teach you."

The old man has not yet confirmed his identity, but Yan Mo is now sure that the old man is 100% a very powerful Bone-Sculptor, and is likely to have reached 9th rank or above.

The old man continued: "Your identification is the most valuable. As the person who comes out of the Silver Fox forest. If I am not mistaken, is this warrior behind you a special Demon Warrior?"

The Demon warrior? Not a god blood warrior?

Now Yan Mo doesn't know that the Horn-people here call the people with abilities the Demons, so they can be distinguished from the legendary God Warrior in the Pan’a Gods mythology, but he will soon know that the Horn-people can't just let it a Hornless man became a warrior who could threaten their status.

"I suggest you, it is best not to let the warriors behind you casually expose his abilities, we the Horn-people can accept Demon Creatures as The War Beasts, but for the hornless demon warriors has always been to kill and if we cannot kill you, you wouldn't want to be surrounded by a large number of city warriors, it is best to settle in the city. If the city warriors can't beat your warrior, and the temple servant, no longer will stand by, and the priests and advanced level bone warriors will come, and wait until they that fighting you, you will not be able to escape!" The tone of the old man became a bit harsh.

Yuan Zhan saw that the old man didn't look right, but he still stood behind Yan Mo, just like was silent solid stone.

Yan Mo has never dared to sneak at the Bone Sculpting people since he inherited the sacred bones. The old man does not say that they will not expose their strength casually, but they will not be afraid of anything.

On the surface, Yan Mo nodded and said that he heard the old man's words.

The old man's look was relaxed. "You have such a high ability to recognize bones. You aren’t that weak. Don't reveal yourself so much in the future. It's not good for you. There is such a strong soul and foundation, plus my teaching, if you want to become intermediate level Bone-Sculptor, then it should not be difficult, even advanced level Bone-Sculptor..."

The old man did not finish this sentence, and his heart also has scruples. All the Hornless people who have studied sculpting have so far achieved the highest achievement of the low-level Bone-Sculptor, that is, the highest is only 3rd rank. He promised to let Yan Mo reach the intermediate level, which is below 6th rank, which is already a bold commitment.

It is not impossible for a Hornless people to become an advanced level Bone-Sculptor, but it is not allowed. He has a higher status and strong ability, and he does not dare to cause public anger, nor dare to violate the regulations jointly decided by the Bone Sculpting people.

The Hornless people can learn about sculpting bones and it has been the result of thousands of years of sacrifices. The Horn-people are not inseparable from the support of the Hornless people. After all, the Hornless people are very good at making things, slaves and consumables. They have already slaughtered the Hornless people, let alone integrated them into their lives.

But even so, the powerful the Hornless people are mostly controlled by The Enslavement Bone, so even if they want to turn over and not possible in this life!

The old man said that he really didn't want to accept such a troubled disciple, but he really wanted the boy's bone objects necklace. Although he couldn't see the role of the necklace, he could feel it. It must be useful to him. He desperately wanted to get it.

It’s just that the old man is different from the other Horn-people. Even if he wants it, he will be upfront and pay enough, and if the Little Hornless man disagree, he will be disappointed, but he will not force him.

The introduction of the shop manager over there is almost going on, and every time there is a bidding for the introduction, the owner of the bones and the owner of the bone objects store are talking. It seems that they don’t care about the bidding next to them.

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Seeing the eyes of the shop manager looking for help, the old man only said two words: "Continue."

The strange thing is that the bidders who had just been beaten up almost all became quiet. Some people did not recognize the identity of the old man, but they saw that others closed their mouths, and they cautiously shut up.

The shop manager can finally continue the introduction.

The old man began to popularize the importance of Bone-Sculptor mentorship to Yan Mo.

"Ordinary bone sculpting bone objects is OK. Most of the bone objects in our lives are also ordinary bone sculpting, but if you want to make bone objects with special abilities, or want to improve the quality of bone objects, the demon creature bone is the best choice."

The old man sighed, "But there is a big problem here, that is, the Demon creature compared to a large number of ordinary beasts, their number is simply low. And these Demon creatures, mostly live in magical places, rarely ran outside Come, if you want to get magical bones, you can only go deep into these places. But these places are often inaccessible, swamp, suffocating, harsh climate, complex terrain, poisonous snakes, etc., plus those Demon creature are not good to deal with.Those who are skilled in hunting Demon creature often have to pay a great price to get some return. So this also creates a situation where a demon creature bones, even a million coins are hard to find."

As it turned out, Yan Mo fully understood the value of the demon creature bones to the people of the West.

"What does that demon mean? What is the demon power? Can test bone objects measure the energy of a Demon creature?"

The old man patiently replied: "The magic or demon energy is the quantified unit of energy. A demon energy is very low, and most people can't even feel it. The bone objects can measure the demon energy of a Demon creature, but it can't be precise, because the energy of the living thing has always been changing, only when the creature is dead and the demon creature bone can be more accurately measured the detailed magical energy. Generally, the demon creature bone below one hundred demon energy is less magical, more than one hundred is considered intermediate level, and one thousand demon is considered advanced level.”

The patience of the old man gave Yan Mo a good impression of the old man. Although he did not intend to sell the bone necklace, he received more than one reward from the place where the Bone Sculpting people passed down. He could find one he would not need and give it to him and make a deal for the elderly, just as he is very interested in the current methodology of the Bone Sculpting people. If he can systematically study it, it will definitely be of great benefit to him. Maybe he can also find the bones that break through the barrier now.

Hu Guan Shi entered the A-Lan Bone Objects Store at this time.

And the A-Lan shop manager just introduced the characteristics of the last bone object at this time.

As a Hu-De store in the Wuqian City, Hu Guan Shi has a deep understanding of the Wuqian City situation, especially several peer shops. The backers of the A-Lan Bone Objects Store are not very powerful, but it is the only store under the name of the Wuqian City Bone-Sculpting Master Yi Fan.

But the Horn-people who knows something will know to not offend the Bone-Sculptor. Because the Bone-Sculpting Master is almost the highest Bone-Sculptor teacher under the various geniuses, the people who can be called the master of Bone-Sculpting are all great respected people who have learnt and reached more than 10th rank.

It can be said that as long as you become a Bone-Sculpting Master, then you can have everything. No matter how low your original identity is, as long as you become a Bone-Sculpting Master, the three royal families will hold you as a guest and give you an aristocratic status. Even the people in the temple will look at you with respect, and the bone warriors will be more enthusiastic about you. So, just to ask you to help him refine the right demon creature bone weapon.

When Hu Guan Shi entered the store, he first looked at the counter. When he saw that the usual Bone-Sculpting Master Yi Fan was not present, he was in the middle of the space outside, and he was talking to the Little Hornless man, and he took a breath of air..

He wanted to be close to the two to hear what they are saying, but the voice over there has not been heard. It is obvious that Master Yi Fan has moved his hands and feet. Master Yi Fan is so cautious that it can only show that their conversation must be important.

Broken! It seems that Master Yi Fan has discovered the special features of The Little Hornless man, and he may not be able to force the Little Hornless man to something he wants again.

Yes, for Hu Guan Shi if it was not for the ten demon creature bones, not for the Little Hornless man he wouldn’t come here. He came to try to get the man first before everyone realized the abilities of the Little Hornless man. He also speculated that Yan Mo's soul is not weak, and at least he has the ability to identify the bones.

Hey, as long as he can get man to get his hands, what is a loss of ten demon creature bones? With this Little Hornless man, will he be afraid of not finding that there are no more bones?

Hu Guan Shi thought very well, he was going to find a reason to take the Little Hornless man away, and then put the Enslavement Bone on him, so that the little Hornless man with great bone recognition ability could only be used by him.

But he is dreaming, and thinks that the Little Hornless man will work together. If Master Yi Fan first asks for him, he is afraid that The Little Hornless man will stay in the A-Lan Bone Objects Store.

Hu Guan Shi is desperatetrying to use his brains to see if there is any way to rob the Hornless man from Master Yi Fan.

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