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Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 672 To The Front Lines.
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Chapter 672 To The Front Lines.

Shi Lang flew through the void, and he was heading east. He had sent a letter to Amelia telling her that he was heading to a battle. The terran was worried, but he did not tell her. He did not know what the situation would be like, but he spotted many cultivators rushing to the east, and his heart calmed down slightly. 

He knew that he was not alone while facing this storm. The terran did not take many breaks and rushed ahead at full speed. It took him seven days to reach the front after he hitched a ride on a spirit vessel. This was the first time he realized the central plains' vastness. 

Shi Lang was standing on the vessel's bow when an old man approached him and asked, "What makes you sigh, young friend?" 

The terran smiled and said, "The vastness of the central plain." 

The old man nodded and replied, "Yes, indeed. This is a place where dream comes true."

Shi Lang smiled and asked, "Elder, are you also heading to the front?" 

The old man nodded and said, "Every five years, this night of doom haunts us. My family has sworn that we will always answer the call of the dragon banner. When the dragon army called for us this time, I was asked to lead the youngsters to the front. This is their chance to face the tribulation of the cultivation world and grow stronger." 

Shi Lang nodded and said, "I am heading to the dragon army front. We will be comrades at the edge of life and death." 

The old man chuckled and said, "Hahaha, well said. I am Qin Shan. What about you, young friend?" 

Shi Lang smiled and said, "Ace." 

Qin Shan nodded and said, "Nice to meet you, Young Friend Ace. I hope that you can guide these youngsters." 

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Shi Lang turned to look behind and found a group of young men and women gathered together. He could not pick up any sign of hesitation or worry from their faces. They all looked like newly promoted Immortal Lords. He said, "They have not yet gained control of their Lord Aura. Why did your family send them here, elder Qin?" 

The old man sighed and said, "They are the only ones left to answer the call of the dragon flag." 

Shi Lang frowned and asked, "Why do you have to answer the call of the flag? This is not the feudal time. Your family does not have new blood to throw in the fire of the fronts, yet you bring them here? Is it because you fear Immortal Sovereign, or are you just eager to seek the doom of your lineage?"

Qin Shan sighed and said, "The benefits of surviving a night of terror outweigh living a long, happy life." 

Shi Lang raised his brow in surprise and asked, "Can you tell me what this benefit is?" 

Qin Shan replied while gazing at the faces of the youngsters, "The survivor's family will be given a share from the demonic beasts and demonic cultivators killed. Even if one survives, the amount of resources will ensure the family survives for the next decade." 

Shi Lang was surprised and remarked, "If you say it like that, I cannot comment if the situation is bad or good. However, as long as I can help it, the people with me will not die." 

Qin Shan was surprised and nodded subtly as they gazed at the gradually changing horizon. After traveling for one more day, Shi Lang found himself gazing at a lonely place. The landscape seemed to have died. Shi Lang asked, "Elder Qin, is this the front?" 

Qin Shan nodded and said, "This is the outer periphery and the region's last line of human civilization. Usually, the various armies guard here, but due to the night of the blood moon, they must have moved ahead to get some time with the evacuations." 

Shi Lang nodded and said, "I suggest we all get down here. The spirit vessel can help the people below." 

Before Qin Shan could say anything, one of the young men asked, "Why must we give up our ship for them? We are not obligated to do anything like that. It would be best if you were thankful that we let you hitch a ride with us. Hmph, what gives you the right to dictate what to do?" 

Shi Lang turned to look at Qin Shan and asked, "Elder Qin, can I have it my way? They need some quick lesson." 

The old man looked at the youngsters and nodded solemnly. Shi Lang's figure flashed from his place, and he appeared before the youth. He did not say anything but buried his fist in the young man's guts. He said coldly, "Do you think this is still the Qin family house, and you are some entitled young master? This is the frontline, where life and death are decided in a blink of an eye. Did you not hear how the predecessors of your family gave away their lives here?" 

The punch stunned everyone, but the young man who suffered the impact was breathless. Shi Lang had hit him directly in the guts and knocked out all and any air in his lungs. It was a painful process to inhale after a gut punch. Shi Lang was cruel to the bone, and after finishing his lecture, he walked around the people and patted the young man on his back, helping him heal from the trauma. 

Shi Lang said, "You are here to earn honor for the name and legacy of your family. If you act like this at the front, you will die sooner than a blink of an eye because the soldiers who are posted here all year long will not tolerate your actions, and they will throw you to the demonic beasts and use you as meat shields. Is that what you came here for?" 

The youngsters sensed their blood boiling and replied, "No!" 

Shi Lang nodded and asked, "What did you come here for?" 

The young people of the Qin family were immediately schooled and replied, "We came here to fight." 

Shi Lang nodded and said, "What are you fighting for?" 

The youngsters fell silent, and Shi Lang said, "You are fighting to protect the humanity in the world. You are fighting so that the people back home can sleep in peace. You are not here for vanity or to earn glory. You are here to protect the people you care about and love from those mindless killing creatures. Do you hear me?" 

The youngsters nodded, and Shi Lang narrowed his gaze as he said, "I did not hear a response." 

They all replied loudly, "Yes, we know!" 

Shi Lang nodded slightly and said, "You all are barely passable as canon fodder. Later, when the fight begins, do not try to act brave. Stay together and cover for each other. You might survive a bit longer." 

The people nodded, and Shi Lang said, "Old Qin, we will get off right here. Have the captain and the crew help with the evacuations." 

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Qin Shan nodded and said, "Yes, right away." 

That said, the old man went to talk to the captain while the youngsters prepared to get off the spirit vessel. They were all very disciplined now after Shi Lang taught them chivalry and code of conduct. 


The group of people flew off the spirit vessel and traversed the barren lands for half an hour before they spotted a high flagpost. On the flag, a golden dragon was intricately embroidered. They descended to the ground and walked up to the camp gates. 

Shi Lang was stopped by a guard who asked, "Are you here to volunteer?" 

The terran nodded and said, "Yes, sir." 

The guard smiled faintly and said, "Welcome to the dragon army. You can enroll over there." 

Shi Lang followed the direction mentioned by the guard and came to a tent where another soldier was filling in the details on a scroll. Shi Lang reported his name, and the soldier asked him to scan his spiritual energy on a spirit-checking stone. His cultivation realm was also confirmed with this stone. 

The soldier said, "You have to report to Lord Doulo." 

Shi Lang nodded and found his way to some of the officer's tent houses. He asked, "Sir, may I come in?" 

He was new to them. Shi Lang asked, "Ace, reporting for duty, sir." 

Surprised, the lord inside the tent said, "Come in." 

Shi Lang walked in and found a middle-aged man sitting beside a scroll, and he was writing on it. The man gazed at Shi Lang and said, "You have a great deposition, young man."

Shi Lang smiled in response and asked, "Can I ask to lead a team to the front?" 

The older man was surprised and shook his head. He denied it and said, "That is something Lord Tian Long will decide. However, you need to show that you can do that." 

Shi Lang smiled and said, "Then what are we waiting for?"