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A Saint Who Was Adopted by the Grand Duke

Chapter ss22: Side Story 22: Debutante (V)
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“Well. I don’t know.”

“Look closely.”

“…Your Majesty, I am a very objective and fair person.”

Wanting to say something, the emperor’s right eyebrow twitched up.

“In my opinion, my daughter is much more precious.”

…How could it be objective and fair.

The emperor was astounded by Deheen’s cold remarks, but he did not express his thoughts and agreed.

“Of course, I think so too. She’s such a lovely daughter, and no matter who she takes, you won’t be able to accept.”

“Yes. I’m not saying this because she’s my daughter, but she’s different from kids these days. Not to mention her good character, isn’t her ability outstanding?”

“Of course. I will never forget the fact that the empire is still alive thanks to that child’s hard work.”

As the emperor lifted Esther up, the cold expression on Deheen’s expression eased little by little.

“I’m not saying this because he is my son, but Noah isn’t a person who fell out of nowhere either.”


“Aren’t you curious how adorable the grandchildren born by those children will be?”

Deheen shook his head in astonishment at the word ‘grandchildren’, which cout as naturally as flowing water.

“You’re getting ahead of yourself in front of kids who have just reached adulthood.”

“I heard that the two are officially dating. It’s not strange for them to have marriage in mind.”

“What I gave permission for is dating, not marriage.”

“How can parents block the will of children who have already reached adulthood?”

Recognizing the emperor’s intention to subtly promote the marriage, Deheen gripped the glass tightly.

“Esther probably doesn’t want to get married yet. So grandchildren…”

As he was speaking bluntly, he suddenly thought of a granddaughter who looked just like Esther, and his mouth blankly remained open.

“What about grandchildren?”


After a few seconds…

Unconsciously, he covered his lips, of which the corners were already stretched to his ears, and forced the smile away, but the emperor had already seen it.

The emperor lightly bumped the wine glass he was holding against Dehen’s glass and calmly proposed.

“How about having a meal together after this debutante? Let’s talk with the whole family.”

Then, in a blunt tone, Deheen dropped a bomb.

“Your Majesty, I want to have a son-in-law.”


Since it was impossible to send the crown prince to the grand duchy’s son-in-law, the emperor was conflicted for the first tand mindlessly touched his chin.

“That’s difficult, but how about having the Grand Duke’s family cinto the imperial palace and live together?”


Deheen was seriously contemplating the emperor’s proposal, but suddenly cto his senses as to why he was thinking about this.

“This discussion is too early. Just because they are dating doesn’t mean they are getting married. Kids these days are different from our time.”

“Well, perhaps. I just said it because I liked seeing them together.”

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When the emperor quietly withdrew, the empress cto his aid.

“She is a very lovely child. Our Noah must have fallen in love with her because she resembles the Grand Duke, being wise, clever, and even dignified.”

It’s fun to brag about one’s own children, but praising another’s children was even more enjoyable.

As the empress continued to praise Esther, Deheen’s eyes becmore proud.

Noticing the change, the emperor joined in the praising, refilling Deheen’s empty cup.

Before he knew it, Deheen’s heart opened. While observing Esther, who seemed to be enjoying herself, Deheen slowly said,

“I think a meal will be fine. Set a date for next week…”

Just then, the music stopped.

And Deheen could clearly see Noah kissing the back of Esther’s hand just before they were about to step off the stage.

Enraged, Deheen poured the wine he was holding into his mouth.

“…No, I can’t.”

Seeing that figure, the emperor and empress exchanged glances and shrugged.

‘I guess we were in too much of a hurry.’

‘I heard that the grand duke’s love for his daughter is tremendous. It’s going to be hard to push.’

The emperor changed his plans, to slowly take twith the empress.

Then he poured wine into the half-empty glasses.

Deheen, the emperor, and the empress each raised their glasses.

“Today, let’s just celebrate our children, who have cof age safely.”

“…All right, Your Majesty.”

“Then I’ll do the toast. For the love of both families.”

Choked up again by the empress’ declaration, Deheen downed his wine.

It appeared there was still a long way to go, but the harmony between the two families would naturally resolve over time.


At the back of the Blue Sapphire Hall where the debutante was being held…

In a corner of this place where only tables were set and no one was there, a large man crouched down and rubbed his nose, sniffing.

“Do it, don’t do it, do it, don’t do it…”

The way he was muttering strange things to himself made him look like a madman.

“What are you talking about?”

Dennis, who chere to quietly read a book, was startled by a strange noise coming from the corner.

Sneaking up to investigate, it turned out it was a person he knew well.


Surprised, he ran off and returned with Judy.

“Sebastian is over there.”

“What? No way. You must have seen something wrong.”

“Really. Check it out for yourself.”

Judy, who didn’t believe Dennis’ words, couldn’t hide his embarrassment when he saw the actual Sebastian.

“…What. Why is he here? And why is he like this?”

“His condition is a bit strange.”

“I will go and find out.”

With narrowed eyes, Judy walked straight to Sebastian’s front.



“Why are you not answering? It’s me, Judy.”


“Why are you here? There is no one in your family who can participate in the debutante.”

“Don’t talk to me. I’m serious.”

Judy sat down beside Sebastian, who exuded a gloomy vibe.

“How strange. Somehow I’m not unfamiliar with this. I have a feeling of déjà vu, like I had been through the ssituation one day…”

As a result of Judy’s barrage of questions, Sebastian finally managed to open his mouth.

“I cto see Esther. I really want to see her debut.”

“Do you still like my sister?”

“I don’t want to like her either, but I can’t find someone better than her?”

“Oh my.”

Judy gave Sebastian a look of sympathy and put his arm around Sebastian’s neck as if to force him to cto his senses.

“That’s why you should have been nice when you two first met.”

“Haha, I was thinking of confessing, but I’m just going to fold neatly. I think I should stop my unrequited love now.”

“Good idea. Esther is going out with the crown prince.”

“I knew it when I saw them today.”

With wounded eyes, Sebastian asked in a somber voice.

“Are you okay? You are the ones who cherished Esther the most.”


Judy jumped up and took a can of beer from the table.

He swallowed half in one gulp and said bitterly.

“As long as Esther is happy.”

“Wow, did you grow up?”

“Sebastian, are you messing with me?”

Judy and Sebastian, who threw empty sharp remarks, clashed their beer cans with melancholic faces.

Dennis joined in as well.

“What brings you here? You’re not reading?”

“I’ve stopped reading today. See, I’ve closed the book.”

“You only drink water. This is alcohol, is it okay?”

“Today I want to drink too.”

The twins accepted Noah, but their upset feelings did not disappear even after tpassed.

“…You too, cheer up.”

That’s how Judy, Dennis, and Sebastian’s gloomy drinking party began in a corner of the hall that was hard to spot.


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The debutante party was getting hotter and hotter.

Esther, who was having a good time, suddenly felt a strong divine power.

‘This should be an elder’s level. Who is it?’

Just in case there was any unexpected issue, she wandered around the hall looking for the owner of that divine power.

Then she noticed someone watching her from the window by the balcony.

The person, who had the hood tightly pulled, ran out of the hall as if escaping when their eyes met Esther’s.

Esther put down the plate she was holding and quickly followed.

The person was surprisingly fast. They were no longer in the hallway, but luckily, Esther found them in the garden.

“Wait! Stop there.”

The person paused when they heard Esther’s voice.

“…Right? Sharon.”


“Don’t even think about lying.”

Sharon sighed and turned around, knowing that she had already been caught.

“Long tno see.”

“When are you back?”

“This morning. It’s this old woman’s desire to see you cof age.”

Sharon’s calm voice trembled slightly before finding its usual tone.

“Congratulations on coming of age. It’s very nice to see you happy. I have no regrets now.”

Esther let out a sigh and moved closer to Sharon, pulling off the hood.

The face of Sharon she saw after four years did not change. On the contrary, her eyes becclearer and she did not feel her age.

“Then why did you run away from me? I almost didn’t even know you came.”

“Because I don’t deserve it.”

Sharon said that she would live with a heart of atonement for the rest of her life, and she kept it unchanged.

“…Won’t you go back to the temple? Everyone is waiting for you, Sharon.”

“They are waiting for the saint, not me. There are still many who believe that the temple can make a comeback. If I go back, they will have false hopes.”

“Which is why, even more so, we have to deal with it. It seems that you are the only one who can change such a temple.”

After the elders, high priests, and other priests who had followed Rabienne were all cut off, the temple barely survived.

As she watched such a temple for the past four years, Esther thought a lot.

It didn’t matter if the authority of the temple was reduced, but as long as there was a barrier, the temple was needed for the safety of the empire.

Esther had no intention of returning to the temple, so someone was needed to properly look after it.

Sharon, who was an elder from the previous generation and knew everything, was the most suitable person.

“I think four years is enough tfor atonement. Sharon, you didn’t know about the corruption either. From now on, please look after the temple and find a successor.”

“…All right. If you wish, I will go back and use the tI have left for the temple.”

“You have to make the people of the temple aware of the fact that I will never go back. They have to give it up.”

“Ah, don’t worry. Even if I don’t say anything, after today, the story of the saint’s return to the temple will naturally disappear.”

Esther and Sharon chatted and filled the gap of four years little by little.

“Oh, aren’t you curious about how Rabienne’s is doing?”

Esther gasped in surprise at the long-forgotten name.

“Did you hear something?”

Esther didn’t look for Rabienne after the public trial to avoid further entanglement, but when she heard her name, she beccurious about her current situation.

Ame: oh… Rabienne…