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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth

Chapter 177
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Chapter 177 Matilda and Chloe had become roommates, navigating the tricky waters of job hunting while plotting their next moves.

Matilda hadn't reached out to Logan in what felt like ages. She missed him, no doubt about it, but she never expected to receive a call from him. Staring at the unfamiliar number on her phone, she hesitated for a long moment.

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“Mommy, it's me.” Logan whispered from his study, “Dad won't let me see you, so | got Violet's phone to call you.” “Is that her number?” Matilda was pleasantly surprised to hear from Logan, and his young voice came through the line, “Nope! They got me my own phone, so now you can call me anytime!” He sounded proud of himself.

Matilda's eyes welled up with tears, “You need to be good, okay? Mommy can’t see you for a while, so don’t make a fuss.” “I'll be good. Will you come back to see me?” Hope tinged Logan's voice. “Mommy, | really don’t want to stay with the Boyd family.” But what could she do? Matilda had entrusted him to Yvan.

The thought made her heart ache as if it were in a vice, “Logan, if you have to be apart from Mommy for a long time until you're all grown up, can you wait?” “lI can.” Logan's voice was firm. “When I'm a big guy, will you not recognize me?” “Never,” Matilda choked back tears, “When you're a big guy, Mommy will bring your home.” “Then I'll eat lots of burgers and grow up fast to protect you!” Logan declared with the earnestness of a little adult. “Mommy, you take care of yourself too. Uncle Gideon and | will be waiting.” The mention of Gideon brought fresh tears to Matilda's eyes. She covered her mouth, pulling the phone away before finally managing to say, “Yeah, Uncle Gideon would be so happy to see you all grown up.” “Brother, Logan still remembers you. You're not alone; we haven't forgotten...” she said inwardly.

Chapter 177 After hanging up, Matilda wiped her tears and composed herself to continue sending out resumes. Chloe, fiddling with her phone, muttered, “Your kid's brain is turbocharged.” Matilda felt a mix of pride and sorrow at Chloe's words. “It’s my fault he didn’t get a happy childhood.” “Hey, snap out of it. The kid's pretty resilient,” Chloe comforted her, “You're lucky to have such a son. Yvan’'s a piece of work, but thankfully, Logan didn’t take after him.” The little rascal even knew how to console an adult. Grown up, he'd probably be a heartbreaker.

Meanwhile, Logan ended the call, saved Matilda's nhqPesin his new phone and ran out to thank Violet.

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“THanks for the phone, Madam.”

Violet had returned from her international travels and had br0ught him a brand-new phone as a gift.

loved it now he had a way to keep in touch with his mommy!

Ella sat in the living room, seething as Violet showered Logan with attion and ignored her.The woman's face twisted with resentment. Damn that boy, why didn’t he just die earlier! She should've taken care of him when he was kidnapped! Now, he was nothing but trouble! As Logan passed by Ella, he glanced up at her.

Ella quickly put on a smile, trying to win him over, “Logan, need anything from me?” na